Needed - positive, motivated, determined friends to share my



  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    I'd love to be your friend! :bigsmile:
  • nileighttig
    nileighttig Posts: 147 Member
    I love your attitude! Feel free to add me as i'm always up for trying new recipes. Good luck!
  • sweetcheeks27
    sweetcheeks27 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm not new to the site, but I'm back on the bandwagon after being off for almost three months. So far this site is the only thing that has helped me and I'm determined to stick with it this time. Feel free to add me if you want :) I love friends.
  • smketchum
    smketchum Posts: 94 Member
    Feel free to add me :). I think that the motivation from others really helps to stay on track! We are all here for a, weight loss, whatever the case may be we don't have to do it alone!
  • Diggy2011
    Diggy2011 Posts: 198 Member
    add me too :)
  • I need motivation too. Go ahead and add me to your friends list.
  • feel free to add me
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    oooooh ooooh. *raises hand*

    add me! add me!
  • xsimplytwistedx
    xsimplytwistedx Posts: 39 Member
    awesome ! we are here for you . definitely add me .
  • edisonswifey
    edisonswifey Posts: 459 Member
    MFP's have been so great to have. Its happened a couple times when I'm craving something horrible; I log on and read/see pics of before and afters and than I don't crave anymore. Its such a blessing to be surrounded by people who are going through the same things that you are. I am surrounded by all variety of people. The skinny's that can eat whatever they want, the chubbys who aren't really doing much to change it, and the mediocar people who are taking diet pills or have gotten the gastric by pass. I count on MFP so I can follow those that are doing it the same way I am; with diet & exercise. God has always hinted to me that losing weight will get me pregnant so I am very motivated and can motivate you as well. Feel free to add me. Sorry about the loooooong response lol.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Dont give in. Add me too.
  • Hi,

    I am still new with this... so feel free to add me too. I need as much motivation as
  • anyone can add me as well :) I need more friends with positive motivation!
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    Now this is what I call positive feedback!!!! You guys are great :)) I'm adding everyone but MFP keeps telling me I have to wait A WHOLE 10 MINUTES :) So I am adding progressively :)

    Well I just took my five year old to burger king gasp! Oh NO! I hear you all say. ........................................Well I didn't eat a thing! YAY ME! Although admittedly my daughter asked me why If I didn't want to eat a burger, why was I sniffing hers :) hehehe I guess some habits will take longer to break . But here's to Day 1 success. whoop! whoop!!

    What's the one thing you would all eat if you could without putting on a single pound??? Mines cheese and bread, although I am partial to a dessert occasionally :))
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Feel free to add me too! The best thing about this place is all the support we all give each other. I'm a low-carber, so all low-carbers are welcome too!
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    You can add me! :bigsmile:
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    feel free, you can do it :)
  • ladybug051438
    ladybug051438 Posts: 5 Member
    you can add me as well :)
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    Everyone's Been Added :)) hope everyone is doing well today.
  • feel free to add me too :D