This has realllyyyy been working for me!!!

Hey everyone,

Just thought I'd share something that has really been working well for me- Lately, I have realized that my hungriest time during the day is when I am coming home from a long day of school for dinner. Since my days are usually pretty jam-packed, I have realized that most of my calories come from breakfast in the morning and then usually at dinner time. I'd be sooo hungry by the time I'd get home I'd make a meal and have seconds, sometimes even third-helpings of it, no problem....

What I've started to do, that has worked fantastically is portion out my dinners very well. I make sure to use smaller plates and serve myself only one helping of whatever I have made. But then, I also sit down to dinner with a large bottle of water and another beverage (my personal preference is green tea) Over the course of my meal, I make sure that I have drank all my water and my tea before my last bite of food! By the end of dinner I am actually full and satsified, and have avoided over-eating while getting a few servings of water!

I've been doing this for almost a week now and its been keeping me content pretty much until bed! Just thought I'd share! Hope it helps someone!


  • incubusaddict
    Hey everyone,

    Just thought I'd share something that has really been working well for me- Lately, I have realized that my hungriest time during the day is when I am coming home from a long day of school for dinner. Since my days are usually pretty jam-packed, I have realized that most of my calories come from breakfast in the morning and then usually at dinner time. I'd be sooo hungry by the time I'd get home I'd make a meal and have seconds, sometimes even third-helpings of it, no problem....

    What I've started to do, that has worked fantastically is portion out my dinners very well. I make sure to use smaller plates and serve myself only one helping of whatever I have made. But then, I also sit down to dinner with a large bottle of water and another beverage (my personal preference is green tea) Over the course of my meal, I make sure that I have drank all my water and my tea before my last bite of food! By the end of dinner I am actually full and satsified, and have avoided over-eating while getting a few servings of water!

    I've been doing this for almost a week now and its been keeping me content pretty much until bed! Just thought I'd share! Hope it helps someone!
  • BritCom Fan
    Great idea!

    Whenever I have my allotment of water, it seems to fill me up and helps me lose the weight plus the added benefit of flushing toxins out.
  • ashleyjea1985
    haha i am a big incubus and green tea fan! lol
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    One thing you might do on your way home from work is to have some baby carrots or another cold veggie with you in the car to snack on. It will help to curb your appetite until you get home and get dinner on the table.
  • kimd983
    kimd983 Posts: 39
    afternoons are my hardest and most challenging time.

    i can eat anything in my face, until dinner!

    so i think i will try your trick and the carrots /cold veggie thing !

    I love this site.

    good for you that this is working, thanks for the advice. i want this to work for me too! thanks again
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Thanks for sharing:flowerforyou: My hardest time is in the last hours from supper to bedtime. I think I need to snak on something while watching TV.:embarassed: Last night I over done it on animal crackers.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Anything you can find that works is great! I drink a lot of water in the course of the day, which helps keep me full. I also try and eat the foods that will keep me satisfied longer.

    Sometimes, I don't even eat breakfast until 9 or 10 just because when I get up (usually 7ish, maybe a tad later when my toddler decides to sleep in a bit), the first thing I do is drink a full 24 ounces of water(I have a big cup that holds this), then I drink my one mug of coffee for the day and between the two, I am just FULL for awhile. Eating around 9:30 or so and making sure to get fiber, etc...helps to sustain me awhile so often I am not hungry for lunch until after 1:00, maybe even closer to 2:00 sometimes. (every so often I will throw a little snack in there if need be). My goal is to feed my son between 6 and 7 and that is when I eat too. So the way my day has been spread out, I don't find myself super hungry very often. I do feel it, but it doesn't usually get to that naggy, uncomfortable feeling.

    And, I usually do have a dessert of some sort. My little treat. Maybe a serving of Edy's Light Slow Churned Ice Cream or a 100 cal pack...but if I am feeling a little hungrier at the end of the day, I will have a cup of herbal tea OR some Swiss Miss Diet Cocoa (give it at least 2 hours before bed). That will keep me feeling content all night.
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    My most challenging time is the dinner prep hour also. We've started putting out a couple of pieces of sliced fruit and some vegetables for snacks while I cook. Whatever is left I put on a salad. This has helped a lot.
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    I agree with rheston. I eat something right before I leave work so that by dinner time I'm not famished. I stick fairly religously to the eating every 2 - 3 hours philosophy. I've found that doing this keeps me from having any "tired" times during the day and that I get full very quickly. I couldn't eat a second helping of dinner if I wanted to! :laugh:
  • Mtscruffy
    Mtscruffy Posts: 28
    That is a great idea! Like AuntKaren I tend to want to eat watching TV and at night. I'm going to give your idea a try during dinner tonite.