Ladies 250-260 now or was this weight

To my MFP that are or was on the heavy end of about 250 -260, what did you use to ease your way into working out with out going over board trying to kiil yourself, I thought of still walking my 30- 45 min aday, and doing walking dvd's, with a few of this book that I made of different home exercises in collage, what are your ideas thanks... I am looking to lose 100 to 110 pounds with in the year or more.


  • akgrl1020
    I started out walking! I walked for 30 minutes, and then increased my distance, in that 30 minutes. Eventually bumped up to 45, then an hour. Then I couldn't help myself, and started running, but that was after I had lost 30 pounds. I started out at 250, and have lost close to 60. I didn't expect to lose it in a year, though. I wanted to do it slow, so my body would have time to adjust, and to allow my skin to shrink with me. So far, so good! Good Luck!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    30 DS was good for me. You can follow the moderated moves and even moderate them further until you're able to do them. Pilates is great, as well.
  • amarneu
    amarneu Posts: 164 Member
    Dancing, I've worked my way up and now use more energy using the just dance game, but you can get some good cardio in just dancing around generally
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    I bought Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred when I was probably 285 or so... I modified the lower impact to what I could do, without overdoing it. That along with 30 mins or more on the elliptical and some strength training have been my routine. I started May 10th at 302lbs and am at 237 now...that's what has worked for me. Best of luck on your journey!!
  • mwoneis
    I started at 280 but I got stuck at the 250 mark for some time so I know it all too well!

    At first, I started doing daily walks during my lunch hour of 20-25 mins with my coworkers. It really helped having the support of my coworkers and getting fresh air was good too.

    I also went to the gym and would take a dance class to help jumpstart. I agree that you don't want to overdo it and just make sure to drink enough water!!
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Dancing, I've worked my way up and now use more energy using the just dance game, but you can get some good cardio in just dancing around generally
    This ^^! Salsa is quite good and best, you can do it in your own place without anyone seeing you. But originally I started with walking, then later on hit the gym. This time around I hit the gym straigfht away - as I am already used to walking and due to time of year and surrounding area, walking is not the wisest choice ^^

    Swimming is always good as well
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    the more I workout the easier it becomes, I started at 297 and am now 265ish..

    Also try cycling, it's low impact on your knees and uses all the important parts of your body, if I recall I think you have PCOS right? ... I just read an article that it's good for insulin levels too... better than walking!
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    I started MFP in February 2010, I was 240 @ 5'4". I have always been overweight. I cut out all sodas and began logging my foods and trying to stay within my goals. I sit at a desk all day and have very little time for exercise afterwards.

    Once the weight started coming off from eating properly, I find I have a lot more stamina and energy to try and exercise some.

    I would suggest getting the eating in order, then add small increments of exercise in as you can. I lost 55lbs since February with very little exercise, and I haven't given up my favorites, I just eat them in moderation and in accurate portions now!

    You can do this! Good Luck!!!
  • pocomama
    pocomama Posts: 93 Member
    I started out at 282, I am 5'11". The best thing for me was to start walking. In the beginning it was maybe a mile at a time and I have worked my way up to going out for 5-7 mile walks a few times a week. I also did/do the shred. However, I dont care what Jillian says, not everyone can do jumping jacks, lol. Even without the fact that they make me pee my pants they hurt my knees. So I run in place or do buttkicks when she does the jumping jacks. I also struggle with the plank work. And some of the lunges are so hard on my knees as well. So I improvise when I have to, but do as much as I can the way they do it on the DVD. I do a DVD of some sort at least 3 days a week. I also do the C25k a few times a week. I am just taking it slow and steady. If I dont want to move up a level on something, I don't. I know what I can handle and I am not going to push myself too hard. So far I have lost 58 pounds since April. I am at somewhat of a plateau right now and it is driving me crazy, but don't give up! We need to not give up on ourselves!
  • crb1988
    crb1988 Posts: 134 Member
    Leslie Sansone...Walk Away the Pounds was my lifesaver...15-90 minutes a day.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I'm starting at 240, and I do Zumba a few times a week, and the 30 Day Shred. I also started the healthy eating about a week before starting on exercise to get my body used to it. I've already noticed a difference in my endurance after only doing it for a week. Good luck!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I started with walking... it started small, as in - go get the mail without driving the car. :-)

    Then I upped it to down the block, then around the block, then to the end of the street - and finally up to 2-5 miles, depending on the day. Then I added gentle hills... and kept increasing until I was actually hiking up steeper grades.

    Then I fell off the wagon and had to start all over.

    That time, I started with the elliptical. I had to find a heavy elliptical that could support my weight. Began with 2 minutes... on level 1, slow. Added a minute every few days... until I was at about 45 minutes on a level 5 with random settings.

    I've done a few DVDs, but I get bored of those pretty easily. The key is to find something you don't hate... and just keep plugging away. Good luck!
  • Supercatie80
    Supercatie80 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I started at 210 about a month ago and I have lost 5 lbs by just trying to make better eating choices and being more aware of portion sizes. I wanted to start out small so that I could be successful. For me it's about lifestyle change more than just losing the weight. I'm doing the same on the exercise route. Starting small, I've been parking in the back of the parking lot when I go out places so I have to walk that much further. I'm also planning to start walking with my boyfriend. Just around the neighborhood. As I get more motivated and gain endurance, I'll up the activity level. I did a workout on the Wii two weeks ago and practically killed myself because I tried to do too much too soon. Just take it slow at first, start walking, or grab a chair and do some stand-up/sit-downs. (It's sort of like a beginner's squat) Eventually, take it up notches until you reach the activity level you want.

    Good Luck!
  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    I started out at 270 and I jumped right in - I started weight training and doing the elliptical everyday and slowly added more time and weight as I felt the need to.

    Your body can do more than you think - good luck!
  • courtgosvener
    courtgosvener Posts: 66 Member
    My starting weight is 285 and I have lost about 13 pounds in since October. I didn't start exercising until a couple weeks back. I struggled to get motivated to do anything. I have the wii fit and found that starting with that helped me get my foot in the door. My favorite on there is the step or the hula hoop. I pulled out my turbo jam dvds I bought years ago and started doing that 3-4x a week. I have now found Just dance 2-3 (both i had but never used) and have found them pretty fun and burn decent calories in lower time. I wear a polar FT7 heart rate monitor and can burn about 300 calories doing 45 min of Turbo Jam and burn about 120 calories doing 3-4 songs on Just Dance 3.
  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    I work out to a Jillian Michaels DVD. But it's been killer on my knees and back. I've changed some things up to do lower-impact things, but my knees still give me trouble. Especially with the weather getting colder here. But I know I am getting a Kinect with the Just Dance 3 game, and I am SUPER excited to see how it works into my daily routine! I love music, but I'm not creative enough to come up with my own dances and not feel like a total nerd. Even though no one else can see. ;p I have found that on, there have been a lot of good exercise routines posted. A ton of websites to look through, and very helpful health information. I hope some of this helps! Good luck!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    I was 262 and I started out by trying to eat healthier and then I started the C25K program. You can jog/run as slow as you want to and that was what I wanted to do because I want to run a race at the end of January. But...anything that gets your heart rate up.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    I started at over 240 lbs and am now at about 178( it fluctuates a pound or three, so not sure). The first year- I've been here a year and a half- I walked. I started with a short stroll after supper with my husband, 15 minutes turned into half an hour then to an hour etc... Walking was the only thing I did along with really careful logging on here. I log every bite, this is so very important. After a year I stalled out at 50 pounds lost. Then one of my MFP friend suggested the 'Couch to 5k programme'. I started it this summer and completed it a few weeks ago. I went from gasping for air and fearing for my life after 60 seconds to running for 30 minutes straight. I stalled out again at 62 pounds lost, but I am now doing the 'Bridge to 10K' programme'. My fitness level is miles ahead of where it was, and I realize that the last 30 or so pounds will take a little longer, but, that's ok as I want to not only lose the weight, but also keep it off. My point is, just start doing something simple you enjoy, and keep at it. Consistency is key. Good luck on your journey.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I started with Leslie Sansone's WALK DVDs... they have some that are 15 minute miles and you are doing more than just walking in place. She gets you moving and you don't have to hurt yourself. After a few months of various Leslie Sansone DVDs I moved to Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred... that was one day and then not touched for months. I am just now getting back into that.

    As I was doing the Leslie Sansone I realized that I was aching to DO MORE! So I started C25K in my house... (because running outside would be too embarassing!). I tried to run outside after I got my stamina up but it was too cold and it hurt my lungs. I will try that again in the Spring.

    I say, get a couple of DVDs that you can switch around and you will soon find that your stamina and strength will be right there for you!
  • morethanlilies
    I bought Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred when I was probably 285 or so... I modified the lower impact to what I could do, without overdoing it. That along with 30 mins or more on the elliptical and some strength training have been my routine. I started May 10th at 302lbs and am at 237 now...that's what has worked for me. Best of luck on your journey!!

    I started at 280lbs and focused on my diet quite a bit initially, dropped about 30 lbs then did The Shred also. I had to modify Level 1 quite a bit for awhile but stuck with it and can do Level 1 fairly well now. Walking/jogging for about 20-30 minutes 3-5 days a week is also really helpful.