Hello to everyone

Hello, I'm fairly new to this site, I've been a member now for approximately two weeks. I read about this application and thought I would try it. My fustration, over the past year and a half I've lost about 65lbs. I need to shed 30 more and I can't seem to get off of 185, any suggestions?


  • Lexymom
    Hi, and welcome! :) I've only been a member for a few days... I haven't gotten past the plateau point myself yet, and sadly, I'm almost back up to my heaviest again after getting pregnant and using that as an excuse to eat EVERYTHING lol... my daughter is 18months old though, so WAY past time to get back on the right track! I wish you lots of luck though!

  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    I've noticed the common answer to this question is mix it up a bit to confuse your body. Layman terms of course.
    Do different exercise than usual, up your calories for a few days then down again and it should kick start it again.
    I've just upped my calories last week and it started dropping off again. Sounds weird but ti seems to work.
    Add me if you like.
  • melgillis
    melgillis Posts: 75 Member
    Hey girl, I joined in July. It was extremely difficult for me to get started and get used to the regimen of logging everything in. Now, it's like second nature, I look forward to it. Go figure.

    Anyway, it took me 4 or 5 weeks before I lost a pound. At that point I started really kicking it at the gym, doing elliptical, etc 4 days a week. The calorie restriction just wasn't doing it for me. I had to add exercise. Which you're probably doing anyway as you've already lost so much weight.

    But good luck to you. I love this site - the tools are great. Friend me if you like. :smile: