Hi all - wondering if I should join now or in New Year



  • I just joined as well. No time like the present!!! I can't believe i haven't discovered this tool before.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Start NOW, then by January you will be knowledgeable, understand what you need to do and be at full speed.
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    Join NOW! if you can make it through Christmas the rest of the journey will be a piece of cake! Never wait, procrastination might turn January into March. And if you plan on joining a gym you can get into a routine before the January rush at the gym :-)
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    Start NOW, then by January you will be knowledgeable, understand what you need to do and be at full speed.
    This is another perfect reason... it takes a bit to get into the grove of things while you are learning what needs to be done :-)
  • NOW is the best time why put it off if you put it off now whats to say something wont come up to put it off later. I have found that MFP is awesome for support and motivation and this is my 3rd day being a member, trust me join you wont regret it!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Agreed! I thought about putting it off until after the holidays, until I read my brother's blog post which was very inspirational which basically tells you there is no time like the present (http://www.businessoflosingweight.com/). Plus, starting now is great practice to choosing healthier foods while at parties, etc. I mean, if you can make it through the holidays, you can make it through anything!!! Seriously, read the post. It will help answer your question!
    Hey thanks for posting your brother's blog. It was inspiring.
  • David8676
    David8676 Posts: 5 Member
    I started dieting mid November of last month and I haven't looked back yet and don't plan on it. I was the same way last month. I was thinking should i start dieting now or wait till next year with all these holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up. But you know what, starting now will make you that much stronger. I have only been dieting for a little over two weeks and am very proud of myself and progress so far. The most important change for me so far however has not been the weight I'm losing as much as the fact that I am just feeling healthier and fuller after every meal. I find myself craving Salads, whole grain bread, generic healthier cereals, soups, and other healthier foods I could never have imagined myself eating. Start now and I promise you in a month you will feel prouder for it.
  • Start now....so that way you are already practicing healthier habits for the new year!!!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    another vote for now, if you put off till jan and then might put off again you will never get started!
    You know you are going to be eating more over Xmas you will only feel worse in Jan when you have 20lb to lose instead of 15. If you start tracking now, you can include some lower cal days and exercise to cancel out all the xmas treats, still have a good time over the holidays and then aim to lose properly from Jan :)
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    I've never understood waiting for the new year, the first or the month, Monday, whatever. If you are truely committed, then you are committed today.
    I quit smoking on 12/28/98 because that was the day I decided I didn't want to smoke anymore. Plus, four days later I was able to say "I quit last year."
  • Hi all!

    My name is Crys and I joined yestereday!!! And I think you should join 2! If you join now, you would have learned healthier habits so you could enjoy your new years without getting off track. And even if you did get off track, you would have gained a support group that would help you dust yourself off and help you get back on the "WeightLoss" Wagon.

    Have a good day,
    Sincerely Everyone Add Me As A Friend...LOL
  • Start now! You can still have your goodies- you just have to measure and record them. I started the day after Thanksgiving
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Definitely now! Even just being aware by logging your calories and exercise is helpful. If it isn't Christmas or New Year's Eve, it will be a wedding, a birthday party, etc. Life happens! Start now. No need to be ashamed of blowing it a day or two, we all do. But it is how we handle our food and exercise after the fact that will get us through. If you are looking at this as a diet, you might not have the success that you are looking for. But handling this as a learning process for a lifestyle change with ups and downs with real life situations getting in the way and learning from them is what will see you through to your goal. There is no shame in going up a pound or two after a special event. The only shame is if you expect steady big losses week after week and decide to quit because it "isn't worth it".

    Good luck to you! I've been working on my last 10 pounds since August. I don't try to "kill myself" to get there, but realize that staying the course through various ups and downs will take me there. Today I was shocked to lose1.2 pounds over night! I am down to the last 3.8 pounds to go......and might end up aiming for lower, too!
  • You should join now, so you can be accountable for what you eat. Just enter the foods you eat daily, you will see the calories consumed and all you have to do is exercise to burn more than you consumed. You can still eat, just have to exercise more, you will be more in control of yourself and how much you eat.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Welcome! I'm new too and had the same thought as you but decided that it was just an excuse and what better time than now to learn to practice moderation. Even if I have a few bad days this season at least most of them will be a lot better than they would have been and I won't be adding to the weight I need to lose later.

    On a side note... you are the second person I've heard that actually eats Mince pie! My Dad loves it and I make it for him every Thanksgiving but he winds up taking the only piece. :) I love desserts but that isn't one of them... lol
  • Start NOW, then by January you will be knowledgeable, understand what you need to do and be at full speed.
    This is another perfect reason... it takes a bit to get into the grove of things while you are learning what needs to be done :-)

    I agree Join now..Have a splurge day for your mince pie :o)
  • Now is the time and welcome to MFP!
  • Now for sure. Roll into the new year with a running start.
  • eknight78
    eknight78 Posts: 1 Member
    Join NOW. There is not better time than now get your mind right for the new year. If you join now then you can add somethings else on the list of things to do for the new year. Once you get started will be come like second nature to you. I have found that I being accountale for how much I eat and not what I eat has made it easier for me. I sill eat the things I enjoy but in moderation. I wish you the best of luck and happy tracking!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    This is a learning experience more than anything else. Even if you fail miserably through the holiday, you can start the new year with all the knowledge you need to succeed. I think pretty much everbody is planning on blowing it for Christmas anyway.