Just out of Curiosity



  • pornstarzombie
    oops...duplicate post.
  • bmusic86
    every morning first thing
  • startrekkermd
    startrekkermd Posts: 37 Member
    first thing every morning. and no, I don't freak if today says 3lbs more than yesterday, I know that's impossible.
    But NOT weighing & NOT even owning a scale is how I got over 200 lbs. It's been going down steadily (if slowly) and I intend to keep it that way.
    Besides, seeing that number every day reminds me how great I am, how hard I work & how far I've come

    and (this is kind of mean) since my daughter just had a baby, I weigh less than her WHICH FEELS AWESOME, even if it is only temporary

    No offense intended but I Never weighed myself. When the jeans got tight and I could zip my skirts, I knew. When you went up in size didn't you think you were gaining. I don't understand.

    You'd be surprised how much jeans stretch when you wear them everyday. I cycle between 2 pairs of jeans (Levi's if anyone is interested lol) and they are a size 32. I didn't realize how much weight I had put on till I went to get a new pair, and not only were the 32's impossible, the 34's were a bit too snug as well ...

    I weight everyday in the morning, but only record Tuesday - for no particular reason that I can determine :)
  • tcmay72
    tcmay72 Posts: 82 Member
    Every morning I agree! It makes it easier to see and fix bad habits. I also have a blank calendar and pensil handy to write it down. That way you can see your progress. When your dieting 178.2 is so much nicer than 178.8 :0) Every bit of progress is a motivation for me.
  • MayaNelson
    Every morning for the recordable weight and every night just for fun!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    First thing every morning and usually every night when I get changed for bed (but I never hold much stock in that number since I'm full of food... it just helps me turn down more food when I go back downstairs).
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    Friday mornings. Since weekends are tough, it Allows me to relax a bit on the weekend, get on track on Monday, and redeem myself by Friday.

    Same reasons, but Thurs is my fri at work so I weigh myself on Thurs
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    Sunday mornings. My weight seems to be so different depending on the time of day I wake up--I usually wake up at the same time on Sundays so it stays consistent and keeps my accountable on Friday night and Saturday--my typical worst days!
  • runwithmike
    Every morning.
  • kemeko
    kemeko Posts: 161 Member
    Every morning... in the nude, right after I get out of bed and use the restroom. I try to record the most accurate weight before it fluctuates with food/drink consumption.
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    Friday mornings.
  • skinnnybride
    I usually weigh myself 2 times a week. The days vary but it is always in the morning right when I wake up.