I hate to exercise!!!!

I know exercise should be more about losing weight/building muscle/toning... it should be about feeling better, having more energy, being healthier and reducing risks for certain diseases but I just can't stand to sweat! I hate to exercise literally. It's a hassle to bundle my son up and go to the gym, it's too cold to go outside and walk. I have plenty of time in my day but I really just get disappointed when I exercise really hard and I only burn like 200 calories. It really sucks! what motivates you to exercise? what do you do when you get burn out? please help me love to exercise!


  • Have you ever tried www.bodyrock.tv ? free at home workouts...you don't really need any equipment. I've started them last week, I really like them, and hope to get great results. And they are short, I add a little walk on my treadmill or some running up and down my stairs, and call it a day!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    When you realise the excersize is about becoming stronger better faster better, and not weightloss... It will be so much easier. Good luck!
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    Look at your son and think how much you want to be around to see him grow old... that should be enough motivation to get thru until you start to see and feel the changes in your own body. Once that happens it will be all the motivation you need. JUST DO IT :wink:
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    My suggestion is to find something that you love. I did a bunch of workouts at home and found I really enjoyed the ones that encorporated kickboxing moves - so I found a kickboxing class to take 2x's per week.

    Think of outside the box ideas to encorporate exercise - one of the things I do about once a week is do Just Dance on Wii with my daughters for 1/2 hour - I have worn my heart rate monitor and I get as much calorie burn doing that as I do doing a session on the ellipitcal.

    Basically anything that raises your heart rate is exercise
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I honestly hated exercising when I first started. I mean hated it. I could think of ten thousand things I'd rather be doing, and every reason in the world not to exercise. When I first joined this site, I would take short walks...every now and then. I finally broke down and joined my YMCA. I must say, that I wish I had done this years ago. I actually look forward to exercising now! I feel better, I feel stronger, and each time I can go a little bit longer, just makes me feel great! I sleep better at night, and being able to lose weight without starving myself is a huge plus! Try to find something that you enjoy doing. If you have access to a pool for water aerobics, its lots of fun, and you don't sweat (much)! Good luck to you!
  • ellekay22
    ellekay22 Posts: 147 Member
    Me too.

    I have no advice. I just wanted to chime in.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I hear you. I have been working out for almost 7 months now and I still hate it with a passion. No matter what kind of workout I do, I hate it, and for some reason it doesn't seem to get easier for me like so many others say it does for them. I would almost rather lick a public toilet seat than work out, it's that bad to me. LOL I just keep plugging along though, even if I hate it, I guess it's just something I have to do.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    oh thank god! I can do the diet bit, and lose weight. I can bare swimming, but it doesn't excite me. I'd love to love running, but I feel my head is going to explode. I would love to learn how to run and not have my heart feel like it's about to explode.
    so yeah I'm interested in any hints or tips?
  • lrucks1952
    lrucks1952 Posts: 10 Member
    If you really want to make a change in your life, you must take on a mental lifestyle change and do it!! It killed me when I started excercising but I knew I had to do better!!! I hated it too! at first and as the time went on and the weight started coming off, I got into it and the rewards for me was the way I felt and how my clothes were fitting. I am now into it and it's a part of me and who I am. I think it will happen for you as well..

    Exercising also puts me in a mindset of being the best I can be!! with a renewed energy!!!...You must first get your mind right on what you really want to do and ask "Do you really want to be in better shape"? If your mind is not right then it will continue to be difficult for you....If you get the mindset on point, the working out will follow!! You will feel and look great!!!
  • ldalbello
    ldalbello Posts: 207 Member
    Weight Loss is 80 % diet and 20 % exercise and I believe it. I hurt my knee and could not exercise for a few weeks. I kept to my 1200 calories a day and still lost the same one and a half lbs per week
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Find a workout or workouts that you love doing. When you love a workout or workouts you will be looking forward to doing it and you will always have fun doing it.
  • I just love your comment about exercising thanks for the laugh.
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    Who doesn't ? But it gets results.

    When you see the love handles disappear, the back fat melt into oblivion and way less fat on your body, you learn to love to sweat because the end result is worth it !
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Exercise should also be something you enjoy.. if you don't enjoy it, then don't do it. It's not worth it. Being fit and active is suppose to be fun. I went through these moments of boredom. Find something else that interest you. For me, I started running then I started joining races. Wow, that's a rush like you wouldn't believe!

    If I didn't find running, I'd be bored too. What about aerobic classes? You can do this on diet alone, but you would probably have a healthier and long lasting return with exercise. Good Luck :)
  • I honestly hated exercising when I first started. I mean hated it. I could think of ten thousand things I'd rather be doing, and every reason in the world not to exercise. When I first joined this site, I would take short walks...every now and then. I finally broke down and joined my YMCA. I must say, that I wish I had done this years ago. I actually look forward to exercising now! I feel better, I feel stronger, and each time I can go a little bit longer, just makes me feel great! I sleep better at night, and being able to lose weight without starving myself is a huge plus! Try to find something that you enjoy doing. If you have access to a pool for water aerobics, its lots of fun, and you don't sweat (much)! Good luck to you!

    that means bunches to me! thanks for sharing and I do have a ymca membership, I need to just use it!
  • Who doesn't ? But it gets results.

    When you see the love handles disappear, the back fat melt into oblivion and way less fat on your body, you learn to love to sweat because the end result is worth it !

    Well since you put it that way.. I want to learn to love it!!!
  • Have you ever tried www.bodyrock.tv ? free at home workouts...you don't really need any equipment. I've started them last week, I really like them, and hope to get great results. And they are short, I add a little walk on my treadmill or some running up and down my stairs, and call it a day!

    I've never heard of it, I am going to look for it! thanks for the advice
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Exercise should be a habit, regardless of whether or not it is a hobby.

    You don't have to like it. You just have to do it. It's like brushing your teeth. It doesn't have to be fun, but if you do it regularly, you'll be glad you did. If you don't, you'll feel gross. That's all the motivation I need. I don't enjoy exercising either, but once I've made it a habit, I hate it less.
  • lobbylobster
    lobbylobster Posts: 33 Member
    I found that I hated exercise at first, but once you get into a routine, and get a bit fitter, it's enjoyable!
    Exercise shouldn't be a chore, you need to do what others have suggested, and find something you love.
    For me, that's longboarding. It doesn't burn a heap of calories, but it gets me outside, and moving. I also like yoga.
    I plan on doing one day of 'fun' exercise, followed by a day of exercise I don't enjoy so much.
    Stick with it, over time you will grow to love it! Just remember, your body is designed to move, even if your mind doesn't enjoy the exercise, your body will :D
  • I hate exercise too and barely do any. I don't mind riding my exercise bike that much as long as there is something good on Tv. I do like the way that chic on bodyrocktv looks though and I may actually try that, I want that body, I probably will never have it, but I want it and when I want something I go after it. Make something your goal and be damn determined to reach it no matter what.