Runner Must Have's



  • gatorgirl7
    gatorgirl7 Posts: 103 Member
    good shoes are an absolute must. make sure you go to a running store that will fit you. they'll most likely cost $100. once you find a pair you like, you can order them online cheaper ;-). i good sports bra! (sorry)--haha, but it's true!! Reflective gear if you're going to run at night...and personally, I only run in tech gear. I live in Florida and it's too dang hot to run in cotton! Oh also--a good pair of socks you get higher up in your mileage, you may start to get blisters. The socks I get are expensive ($12/pair!) but they're worth it!! I don't remember the name off hand or I'd tell you ;-) And definitely join a running group--I love mine :) i met one of my best friends training for a 15K three years ago...we still meet 3x a week to run on our own...and work out at a gym together when we're not running!