Need to vent

Sooo, to put it bluntly. Worked my a** off at the gym the last week, really pushed myself. Stayed below my calories on all but one day and went to get on scales today and have gained!!

As you can imagine i was a bit upset, just wondering has anyone got any ideas to help me :(

P.s I am on the last half a stone.

Very much appreciated!



  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    Sometimes the scale lies. Weigh yourself again in a couple of days, those extra pounds will be gone and then some. For example, I weighed myself 2 days ago, it said I'd gained back 2 pounds. Weighed in today, those 2 pounds were gone, plus 2 more.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    Have you measured yourself rather than just looking at the scale? If you really are pushing yourself that hard, you may be gaining muscle mass, which would make the scale go up.
    I know it can get frustrating at times and you just want to grab the scale and toss it out the window! Just hang in there and know your efforts aren't being wasted!
  • MMAsac
    MMAsac Posts: 191
    your weight can fluctuate quiet a bit, just by the intake of water, try again tomorrow morning when you first wake up, after you pee!
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 177 Member
    I agree measuring instead of just paying attention to the scale. A lot of factors come in to play with the scale. Also, how much below are you eating under your calories? If you are eating too little, then your body could go into a starvation mode, which will make you gain weight because your body will hold on to every thing you eat because it will think it's going into a famine.
  • timtamslam
    timtamslam Posts: 86 Member
    Have you measured yourself rather than just looking at the scale? If you really are pushing yourself that hard, you may be gaining muscle mass, which would make the scale go up.
    I know it can get frustrating at times and you just want to grab the scale and toss it out the window! Just hang in there and know your efforts aren't being wasted!

    This, going by measurements is sometimes better than the scale.
  • Weighing yourself isn't always accurate - if you worked really hard at the gym this week, chances are you've built up a bit of muscle mass, and that's made your scale number go up.

    And your weight fluctuates so much, even within one day. The best time to weigh yourself is after you wake up, after you pee, before eating or doing anything else. That'll be the truest measure of your body weight. Just this weekend I seemed to have dropped FOUR POUNDS from one day to the next just because I went from weighing myself at the end of the day to the next morning.

    Don't be too discouraged! Weigh yourself again tomorrow morning and see what the scale says.
  • SamHughes15
    SamHughes15 Posts: 149 Member
    Wow thanks everyone for the quick replies!

    I did get measured and lost 2 inches off my arms but no where else but I will get measured again next week and see how i get on.

    I always try and eat the majority of my excercise cals back, i worry sometimes that this may be causing it?

    Should i try eating less excercise cals back? maybe just half?
  • Sometimes the scale lies. Weigh yourself again in a couple of days, those extra pounds will be gone and then some. For example, I weighed myself 2 days ago, it said I'd gained back 2 pounds. Weighed in today, those 2 pounds were gone, plus 2 more.

    I agree, make sure you weighing yourself on the same scale every time! I actually use 2 scales one at home and the gym they both are off, but the gym scale is my official one. I just want to make sure I am loosing and there has been times were the one at the gym stayed the same but the one at home told another story!
  • The big questoin is how do you feel? Don't pay so much attention to the scale, muscle weighs more than fat! Try measuring yourself.
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 177 Member
    When it comes to the exercise cals, I say eat them if you are hungry, but if you aren't hungry then there's no reason to really.

    Don't let it get you down! LIke the past few weeks I hadn't lost any inches, and then out of nowhere this week I finally lost an inch. Sometimes it just takes a little time and patience until it starts coming off.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Sore muscles retain water!
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    "Stayed below my calories on all but one day and went to get on scales today and have gained!! "

    I think the above is where the issue may be. You have to ''fuel the fire''. If you aren't eating ALL the necessary calories/nutrients to fuel what your body is doing, it won't burn/build (accordingly) like you are working it to do.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    I stayed within my calories two days ago, and I lost 1 1/2 lb in one day.
    I stayed within my calories yesterday, and I gained 2 lb.

    Neither one accurately measures my real weight loss, only fluctuations in water weight.

    If I only weighed myself once a week, depending which day I had chosen, I would have come to completely different conclusions about whether my program is succeeding. You can't draw conclusions from one data point.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    There have been times that I will weigh myself everyday just to see what my weight does and it can fluctuated several pounds. So it just might be that you are up a bit today do to normal fluctuations. Maybe weigh youself again over the the next few days and see what your weight is.
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    Wow thanks everyone for the quick replies!

    I did get measured and lost 2 inches off my arms but no where else but I will get measured again next week and see how i get on.

    I always try and eat the majority of my excercise cals back, i worry sometimes that this may be causing it?

    Should i try eating less excercise cals back? maybe just half?

    I found that I had to eat all my exercise calories all the time, hungry or not, in order to lose weight. I was working on losing the last 20lbs. And this became more and more true the closer I got to my goal weight. If I didn't eat didn't lose. I used to call it feeding my diet.

    Good luck I hope you find something that works for you and next week is better.
  • lupa01
    lupa01 Posts: 162 Member
    My advice: stay off the scale. I weigh myself just once a month, at the end, and that way all the fluctuations have worked themselves out. I sometimes eat back my exercise calories, usually no more than half, because I'm not sure how accurate my calories burned are and I don't want to eat them all back in case they are wrong. I figure I burned at least half if not all. Sometimes its all about finding that right balance. Good luck to you!:-)
  • SamHughes15
    SamHughes15 Posts: 149 Member
    I might start weighing myself monthly instead, I'm not in any rush to lose the last bit of weight, so i think i will try that. Also i will only eat half of my excercise calories back instead of all of them and i think aswell because i do the excercise in the evening after work i tend to have to eat back the calories in the evening.

    I didn't know if your muscles were sore they would hold the water?! my muscles have really hurt this week so maybe it is a little bit of that?

    I do feel a bit better in myself except for yesterday when i did get really down and ate quite a bit of peanut butter to help *slaps wrist*
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    I didn't know if your muscles were sore they would hold the water?! my muscles have really hurt this week so maybe it is a little bit of that?

    That's why they feel stiff when you first get up, and loosen up a little later in the day after using them works some of that swelling out. They swell as they heal, because your body sends extra blood in to bring nourishment/disease fighting cells and to remove waste from damaged tissue.