Hello everyone

My Name is Eva, i'm 23 years old and i live in Germany. English is not my first language but i hope you'll understand me anyway^^
I love to read (mostly urban fantasy like the mortal instruments, harry potter, the hunger games) and i have a dog who is my personal trainer^^

I decided to lose weight because i want to buy all the great clothes i don't fit in yet.

I guess this website is very helpfull because i never realized how many caloriens the food i consume has. Knowing that helped me to change the things i eat and forced me to eat more fruits and vegetables. And cleaning is much more fun since i know how many caloriens i burn by doing the regular cleaning. It's much more fun now^^

I'm so excited that i finally made the decision to lose weight and i'm glad that my friend Maxi brought me to this website full of people who have the same goal.


  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    *throws confetti and hugs*

  • bornforthis1
    bornforthis1 Posts: 37 Member
    Congratulations and welcome! First thing I'm going to do is buy a ton of cute clothes to wear too. If you want an online friend here, please feel free to add me ^^/
  • Yunari
    Yunari Posts: 10
    Yeah. I won't buy any clothes until i reach my goal. And then i can spen all the money i saved! Can't wait!!!
  • bornforthis1
    bornforthis1 Posts: 37 Member
    It's going to be great! We're going to be skinny and look fabulous =)
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    We will most definitely go together :)
  • northstar56055
    hi to you too. my name is Crystal; it's nice to "meet" you. I never knew this existed until yesterday when I signed up. I'm new on here too, it's at a suggestion of a fitness instructor at my gym though.

    Your English is better than my German is, I took German in high school and I probably forgot a lot of it.