I am huuuungryyyyy :(

Hey Pals,

Since I started my diet and watch what I eat I am constantly hungry! I try to fill up un fruits and vegetables as snacks but it sucks...

Anyone dealing with the same issue? Does my body maybe just need some time to adjust?

Happy dieting!



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    More protein!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    We can't really help you if we can't see what you've been eating. Do you feel comfortable opening your diary?
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Did you expect to be in a calorie deficit and not experience hunger?
  • hamton
    hamton Posts: 245
    eat mo fat. Nuts.
  • klkopa
    klkopa Posts: 35 Member
    i did when i started and was eating the wrong things, once you figure out what your body needs its hard to eat enough
  • perty09
    try to make sure that the healthy foods you are eating are high in fiber. Foods high in fiber help make you feel fuller longer. Foods like - Oatmeal, & Brown whole grain rice are good for helping you feel full.

    also Ive personally found that a teaspoon of peanut butter helps me with hunger pains. BUT only a scoop or two because peanut butter is already fattening & too much of a good thing is never good. I like to eat my peanut butter with an apple - its delicious!

    also maybe youre just hungry because well... Youre dieting now and trying to lose weight, your body isnt used to the lower amount of calories and foods its now getting so look at the hunger as a fact that your diet plan is working :) & fill up on unlimited supplies of water & ice haha
  • drea0703
    drea0703 Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks for your input, I just opened my diary for public. But I only have two days tracked yet.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    More protein!

    This^^^^ MFP protein guidelines are way too low. You should be getting at least 100 grams a day of protein.
  • drea0703
    drea0703 Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks everybody for your suggestions and your help. I think you are right: I am in a calorie deficit and my body might not like that!

    It really is a little naive not to expect hunger. It´s just a very uncomfortable feeling.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Thanks for your input, I just opened my diary for public. But I only have two days tracked yet.

    You definitely should increase your protein. Don't be bothered by going over. I try to start the day off with a lot of protein. It helps me feel full through the day. Fiber is good for filling you up to. I usually get around 35 g of fiber a day.
  • drea0703
    drea0703 Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you soooo much! I´ll follow your advice and see how it works out for me.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    More protein!

    This but less carbs. too!
    Pepperidge Farm - Light Style 7 Grain Bread, 1 slice
    Egg - Egg Whites (Raw), 1/4 Cup (2 egg whites raw)
    Egg - Whole, 1 egg (50 g)
    1 Tbsp Smart Balance Light W/ Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Buttery Spread, 1 tablespoon
    Calories 195, Carbs 9 , Fat10, Protein 15, Salt 315

    You can make an omelet for under 200 cal.
    Add veggies for only a few calories more. ( Tomatoes, peppers, spinach, onions)
  • GinNouveau
    GinNouveau Posts: 143 Member
    Yes. your body needs time to adjust. Whether it's detoxing or just not used to having extra room in your stomach. Fiber will help fill you up. Try oatmeal or a fiber bar with a glass (or two) of water. Protein never really worked for me because those are hard for me to stop eating but try it. Every day doesn't have to be perfect, and sometimes you have to experiement to see what will work for you the next time.

    If it is mental or emotional "hunger", get away from the food. Walk outside, take the trash out, make a motivational collage of pictures and quotes that inspire you, wash your car, anything that keeps your mind and hands busy helps. I like to imagine (I'm not a doctor, idk if this is true) that my hunger means my metabolism is in high gear. That slight hunger is the feeling of fat burning and if I feed it, it will stop to burn the food instead.

    When I'm really physically hungry. I eat.
  • grace1611
    Are you a vegeterian ? I looked at your dairy. If I ate like that I would be hungary . I agree not enough protein ,I think need to ditch the peanut butter ,or save it for a treat .Dont know if it will be any use to you but feel free to look at my dairy.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    Yes, more fiber and protein. I have a lot of repeating snacks/meals in my days, but I do it because it works for me as far as keeping me full. Oatmeal for breakfast, banana for morning snack, Greek yogurt for afternoon snack, toasted wheat bread and peanut butter for post-workout snack. It's usually just my lunches and dinners that vary.

    Also, it took me a while before I was able to distinguish between "hungry" and "not stuffed to the brim so much that it's painful and cannot possibily get more food in." I'm a boredom eater and it took a long time to learn what my body was REALLY telling me.
  • drea0703
    drea0703 Posts: 83 Member
    @ grainne161: yes, i am a vegetarian :) I still try to figure out what works for me. I am used to put a looot of carbs in my body to be satisfied. If I try to go low carb it also meant low energy and bad mood in the past.

    I looked at your diary and it really was helpful to see how you manage to stay in your calorie range and still eat enough.

    Also being able to communicate with all of you is a huuuge motivation. It feels like dieting with your personal team of experts.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Can't see your diary, but...
    1. Try eating smaller meals more frequently
    2. Make sure you have a bit of protein with every meal/snack. Nuts are a good source. Look for yogurts that have more protein grams than sugar grams.
    3. Whenever you're hungry, try drinking a glass of water and waiting 20 minutes. Could be you're just thirsty.

    Good luck!