I'm a little sick but i don't want to miss a day at the gym.

So I'm a little sick. i have a bit of a cold. it's not too bad, really.

however, i don't have energy to full out do cardio. BUT i also don't want to NOT go to the gym today because today is a scheduled 'gym day' for me and i just would feel terrible if i didn't go.

is it that ridiculous to just go and do something like the stair master or the elliptical for a little? even if i just burn 100 calories i'll feel so much better. this sitting inside is driving me crazy, i need to work out!!! :(

what should i do.

my cold only consists of a bit of a stuffy nose and a little cough. that's it really. i'll take a tylenol...


  • gtwin
    gtwin Posts: 290 Member
    I'd do low intensity cardio. If you absolutely have to do something...I'd go with elliptical, that's probably the easiest. Maybe 30-45 minutes.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    I always go unless I'm bed ridden.

    Pound some green tea and tamaflu and ranger up! ;D
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Are you that much of a self-centered jerk that you'd spread your germs to other people, just so you can workout?

    Yeah, me too.
  • AnaBackwards

    YES I AM!! :)

    But really, I'm not one of those rude people. I thoroughly clean anything i use at the gym, and if cough i cough into my arm. also hand sanitizer. i'm very clean.