Jeg er lei av og bli usunt!

Or...I'm really tired of being unhealthy. Since starting here and getting to grips with a new exercise and eating regime, I've felt tons better. I just hope I don't undo all my work over the Christmas period! Anyone else starting the get The Fear?


  • sandomac
    I'm just starting today so I do hope I stay motivated through the holidays.
  • CaliSweden
    I live in Sweden, and I can tell you the cold weather has made me hungrier and there are temptations from every corner here with the holidays coming. I will be very happy if I loose a couple of pounds this month, or just make it out alive without gaining any weight. :)
  • byoml2013
    We made a really nice gingerbread house (like you do over here)..and I had to spray it with kitchen cleaner to make sure I didn't eat all the "smågodt" (godis?) off it! The shame...
  • CaliSweden
    I don't dare have one in the house, and very good thinking to spray it down with kitchen cleaner. Just give heads up to your man to not steal a piece from the house now.
  • byoml2013
    Haha, I forgot to do that actually. He's got much better willpower than me though, I don't think he would have thought twice about it..wee lamb.