Fast Food Junkie


My name is Nicole. I am 24 and really trying to get back into a healthier lifestyle I once lived.. (college has ruined me! haha) My BIG problem? Fast food. I can't get enough of it.. even though after I eat it I feel gross and wish I hadn't wasted my money (which i don't have much of!) on it. BOO. So I am trying to get in shape with exercise ( I am really wanting to get back to my flexible ways when I did gymnastics and cheerleading, so A LOT of stretching too) .

I wish there was a fast food anonymous though!

I do hope to make some new inspiring, motivational friends here!


  • I'm adding you! Lol, I swear I'm addicted to fast food.. its so yummy but so incrediably bad for me. I haven't had any in over a week now.. and I feel great! I will still eat it.. but in moderation.
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    i'm in college too, so i know how ya feel.... feel free to add me =)
  • I am definitely on the same boat i love most fast food but i need to get off that ha. Even though i havent had ot in a week or two i still have a major craving.
  • zahidmahfooz
    zahidmahfooz Posts: 6 Member
    i feel the same...junkie food lover
  • Hi. I am new here. I am trying to find my way around. For the most part I try my best to stay away from processed foods.
  • luvbugsmom
    luvbugsmom Posts: 40 Member
    Fast food is my worse enemy....That is my main trouble with my weight loss too...Its fast and convenient. I will add you, and we can fight fast food together...but I agree...there should be a Fast Food Anonymous.
  • Ditto! The worse for me it is, the more I seem to want it!

    Something fried and smothered in cheese is my weakness.
  • Ditto! The worse for me it is, the more I seem to want it!

    Something fried and smothered in cheese is my weakness.

    Oh man, few things are tastier than fried stuff covered with cheese. So tough to resist!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I with ya. I will tell you, though, that I have lost 60 lbs and still frequent the dreaded Fast Food Restaurants. Find heathy switches and that will help.

    Good luck!
  • I finally had a moment today... I was all "OMG! I want McD's, Chipotle, Subway... SO. BAD!11!!!11!11!" I took a moment, got all zen like, walked down to the break room, and heated up my vegetable soup. I ate it. I even got full. And get this... I DIDN'T FEEL GROSS AND UBER GUILTY!!! Maybe the next time I have a crazy craving (which is like, an everyday occurrence for yours truly), I will remember this day and beat that little voice in my head. Yeeehaw!
  • I used to tell people I was addicted to fast food... and they'd laugh because they thought I was kidding. Sadly, I wasn't. I worked a very stressful job and it was very quick, convenient and comforting to grab some McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's or wherever. I did it for breakfast, for lunch and dinner, too. Some days it'd be all three. But I am happy to say as of January 1st, 2012 - I will be fast food-free for one whole year! Talk about a difficult cycle to break! It wasn't until the last few months that I finally stopped craving it. I couldn't believe it took that long!

    But... hang in there. It is possible to give it up! :-)

    By the way, this is my first post... saw this topic and figured it was a good place to "jump in"! So... hello! :-)
  • I with ya. I will tell you, though, that I have lost 60 lbs and still frequent the dreaded Fast Food Restaurants. Find heathy switches and that will help.

    Good luck!

    It's nearly impossible for me to go somewhere and decide to get a salad or some fruit type thingy instead of a greasy burger and fries. Mmmmm... I'm salivating just thinking about it... ::wipes drool from keyboard:: :grumble:
  • vitahill
    vitahill Posts: 37 Member
    I have a love of french fries! But I know I need to make changes, so I say to myself just because you can't eat french fries now doesn't mean you will never be able to. There will be plenty of opportunities to eat my favorite foods (in moderation) in the future, which is exactly how I got to this weight in the first place. So, maybe instead of thinking "I can never eat fast food again!" think "I can't eat it this time but I can eat it some other time!" will help curb some of the cravings.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Good luck I too was a fast food addict.. I simply told myself 5 months ago no more. I still enjoy pizza Mexican and sandwich places but it's all about moderation.. two slices instead of 4 half the burrito no soda no sides etc.. you get use to it and get full quicker
  • Karamonster
    Karamonster Posts: 40 Member
    Just started on here too. Fast food is my best friend and worst enemy! I am (almost) 23 and have SO many health problems. I need to get serious about getting healthy!