What to do about all that extra skin?


I'm new to the forums here and I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me. Since may 2010 I've lost over 90lbs. Because of this I have a lot of extra baggy skin on my body. Does anyone have any tips of how to minimize it, get rid of it or stories about how you personally dealt with it? I still feel like I have a bit of weight to lose but I am having trouble figuring out how much because of this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)


  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Grab a handful of it. If it's thicker than the skin on the back of your hand there is still plenty of fat cells left to burn. Most people think they have loose skin is in reality just more fat.

    When you are really obese you have to get thinner to tighten up your skin.
  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    i have no idea if this actually works but i heard it from a fellow mfp friend:

    she said to keep a strong exercise routine but do it while wearing a spanx that is a size too small. she said that really helped her with her excess skin. i don't have that problem yet, but i'm thinking about getting a couple of off brand for exercising in now to try to prevent it. if you try it let me know if it works!
  • Lexymom
    I'm an RN, and though this isn't my specialty I'll have to respectfully disagree with some information already here. Excess skin is going to vary greatly from person to person depending especially on genetics and age, as well as how quickly weight was gained and how long it stayed on. I'll link you to a web page that has some great information that's simple and clear. You'll read specifically about abdominal anatomy because the site is instructing patients or possible patients about abdominoplasty, but you can imagine the layers of fat described are not the same as the back of your hand, so what you pinch can absolutely be much thicker than the the skin there. Just like a healthy fit person could pinch more over the belly than over the hand... trust me... I give subcutaneous injections all the time... I guarantee there's a big reason they're very often given in the belly, especially in a very underweight person or someone with limited body fat... and absolutely never on the back of the hand no matter how overweight you may be! :)

    Anyway, my personal advice would be to continue eating a healthy diet (low in fat and watch your high glycemic index foods, they mention this briefly) and make sure your exercise routine includes strength training that includes your core. And if you're still seeing the "flab", talk to your primary care provider. They can help you determine if your flab is excess skin or extra fat that can be burned or a lack of toned muscle, or some combination of those... or they may refer you to someone else with more information. 90lbs is a lot! You've done an AMAZING job!!! Don't give up and don't get caught up in getting "stuck" and give up! Knowing for sure what kind of tissue you've got there will guide your next steps, whether they be adjusting diet, exercise, learning how to cope, or some other intervention. :) Also, the tummy isn't the only place where excess skin will linger... arms, legs, buttocks, can all be problem areas... and in women the rear and & thighs tend to hold more fat than we like to see, and that's true even when it's actually a very healthy amount!


    Definitely consider doing some research of your own if you want! :) There's lots of information available, but consider the sources when you consider the validity of the info. If there aren't cited, reputable sources, be careful!!! If it's a fitness guru type of site, be very very careful... People with a great abundance of personal experience (often no personal experience with excess fat or skin) may be prone to passing on information that sits well with them but that isn't at all evidence based.

    Best of luck to you!! When I get down to my ultimate goal weight I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a big issue with this myself. Time will tell how big the issue is... :)

  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Hi. Did you lose the first 90 some other way (other than myfitnesspal ?). I know some that have come over to MFP from WW, just to finish the job.

    You have done amazing and are already looking fantastic.

    I've lost over 80lb and I am hopeful that within 2 years of maintaining my weight, that a bit more fat will go along with the skin (remember skin cells die and replenish over time) - small weights and other 'toning' exercises (not spot reduction, but muscle building) will bring about a bit of weight gain. As you build this muscle make sure you are not trying to lose too much more weight, as you will need protein and energy sources to sustain and strengthen.

    I know someone over 60 who lost more and 'toned' over 2 years.

    So there is hope for me, I am certain that when you friend others here you will find keys that work for you.

    Someone your age can probably do this quicker than us 'older folks' lol as your bodies are just getting out of that growth phase.

    Trust me, dress to 'hide', keep going forward until you get there, and never be content with just 'arriving and surviving' but aim for a fit lifetime. YOU GOT THIS !!

    [edit] I would not consider surgery, in my opinion those scars take longer to heal than the time taken to 'sculpt' - such surgery should be just for extreme cases where it is near necessity rather than just cosmetic - save the money for a home gym, membership, holiday AND nice clothes !
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Oh, and feel free to FR me - I always like to have friends at all points on their journey, and I love encouraging folks to get to their goals. I have many friends who have released more pounds and look amazing !

  • kristenn1989
    kristenn1989 Posts: 223 Member

    to answer your question, I lost my weight mostly through calorie counting and in watching what I was eating. I also started added in some exercise. I didn't use any formal programs or systems. I did it the old fashioned way.
  • Lexymom
    Sounds like you've done very well, and you look fantastic!!! You're very young, so your skin has a much higher chance for "shrinking" than many. :) Give it some time... You want to see how it reacts over a good long period of time while maintaining your diet & exercise routines. But if it stabilizes for many months and your weight isn't changing, I'd still talk to your doc about it. There can be risks with the extra skin depending on how much there is, including frequent yeast infections, but if it's not enough to sag over that much consistently it's probably not going to cause you medical problems. What can cause you problems is dieting too severely trying to lose it when that particular area of your body isn't going to get any smaller... that's a big part of why I suggest talking with your doc... if you find out you've got more to lose, great! You have a plan! But if you find out you're at a healthy weight and that excess tissue isn't going to "burn" off, you can also make a plan. Either way you should be eating well and exercising, so for now, I'd just keep up the great work you've done! :) Gazz is right, surgery is extreme in many cases and can carry great risk, but it all depends on your particular situation and preferences. :) And I completely agree with him, at least for now, spend some money on nice flattering clothes! You've more than earned it!! :D
  • gemini2267
    gemini2267 Posts: 74 Member
    i just want to congratulate you on your weight loss and i wish you the best with your present solution.