Can't lose the weight!

Help me please!

I have been using this site for almost two months. I am a little over 120Ibs and 27yrs old. I am only aiming to lose 11 Ibs more but I can't seem to shift the weight.

I am keeping under my 1200 calories a day, mostly averaging around 1000, and I am drinking a litre and a half of water a day. I stick to fairly healthy meals and have my main meal at lunch, generally eating soup or sandwiches for dinner in the evening.

I exercise by gardening and cycling and am a teacher so have a fairly active job...


any suggestions?


  • amdavies
    amdavies Posts: 24 Member
    Help me please!

    I have been using this site for almost two months. I am a little over 120Ibs and 27yrs old. I am only aiming to lose 11 Ibs more but I can't seem to shift the weight.

    I am keeping under my 1200 calories a day, mostly averaging around 1000, and I am drinking a litre and a half of water a day. I stick to fairly healthy meals and have my main meal at lunch, generally eating soup or sandwiches for dinner in the evening.

    I exercise by gardening and cycling and am a teacher so have a fairly active job...


    any suggestions?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    good luck on your journey:flowerforyou:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    Help me please!

    I have been using this site for almost two months. I am a little over 120Ibs and 27yrs old. I am only aiming to lose 11 Ibs more but I can't seem to shift the weight.

    I am keeping under my 1200 calories a day, mostly averaging around 1000, and I am drinking a litre and a half of water a day. I stick to fairly healthy meals and have my main meal at lunch, generally eating soup or sandwiches for dinner in the evening.

    I exercise by gardening and cycling and am a teacher so have a fairly active job...


    any suggestions?

    my suggestion: because you eat less then 1200 calories a day.
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    You are not eating enough. You need to up your calories 1200 is the bare minimum you should be eating.
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    can i just ask how tall you are? 120lbs seems quite light for a 27yr old?
  • amdavies
    amdavies Posts: 24 Member
    i'm just shy of 5ft so a little on the small size! just trying to lose the last roll off my waist!
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    i'm just shy of 5ft so a little on the small size! just trying to lose the last roll off my waist!

    Why not focus on exercisng and toning instead of the number on the scale?

    Your body may like the weight it is. Toning up will burn fat and build muscle.
  • The_BoSS
    The_BoSS Posts: 32
    maybe your metabolism is quite slow, it needs time until your organism start functioning properly again... don't worry just drink about 2 lt of water and eat enough green vegetables like lettuce (green vegetables help ur metabolism to start) and try to avoid alcoholic drinks cuz they force your metabolism to slow down... i know it's hard but we all trying here... be patient..
  • amdavies
    amdavies Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks guys!

    guess i should just up the exercise and keep at it!

    you are all awesome x
  • soxygirl
    soxygirl Posts: 173
    It definitely doesn't appear that you are eating enough . . . you should eat a MINIMUM of 1200 calories a day, and if you are exercising you should consider adding in additional calories for exercise. Your body is holding onto the weight because you aren't feeding it enough. I would up your calories and up your exercise, and you should see results soon.
  • korenac
    korenac Posts: 4
    One of the biggest lessons I've learned from my two month adventure of trying to lose my excess fat and gain more muscle is that food & calories are NOT the enemy! When my trainer advised me that I needed to consume 1370 calories per day (0nly 30 grams of fat per day), I kept trying to keep my calories just barely over 1200 per day for fear of eating and going over my allotted caloric intake of 1370. Keep in mind, I was working out 4+ hours a week and my body decided to stop losing the weight.

    After three weeks of keeping my caloric intake lower than what my trainer advised, he finally emailed me and said, "Eat more!" I thought he was crazy. But, since he is a professional, I took his advice and bumped my caloric intake up to the recommended 1370 per day, still keeping my fat at a low 30 grams. Sure enough, I've lost 5 lbs in a two week period.

    I'm 5'10, 34 years old, and work a sedentary job. My goal weight, per my doctor's instructions in an effort to maintain healthy bones into my older years, is 150 lbs. At the time that my trainer told me to eat more, I was at 162 lbs. (only 12lbs to go to meet my goal) The 2nd biggest lesson I've learned from my two month adventure is that the last 10 or so lbs to go is the hardest to loose. However, IT CAN BE DONE!

    Everyone’s body is different and different methods can be effective for different people. The lesson I’m hoping you take from my rambling is this, though: Food and calories are NOT the enemy. Nourish your body. Food and calories are fuel like gasoline or diesel are to your automobile. Treat it that way! You can exercise yourself until you are blue in the face every single day, but if you are not giving your body the caloric intake it needs, all of that exercise will not give you the full benefit that it can.

    Best of luck to you! You can do it!!

    <a href=""><img border="0" src="; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>
  • swiftyoung
    swiftyoung Posts: 298 Member
    In addition to exercise for cardio and weight loss, I think that you will find that strength training will help you tone up. Also, watch your sodium, if your soups are not homemade they probably loaded with sodium which can lead to water weight gain. Much Success