New Years Resolution

Hi everyone!!! My name is Kira! My New Years resolution for the past 3 years has ALWAYS been to lose weight. I was a big time slacker though!! Now that I am getting married next June I have kicked it in the butt though and dropped 18 pounds! I still have a goal I would like to hit though but instead of setting a number I am just gonna try to lose as much as I can by January 1st and my New Years Resolution will be to be happy with myself and body because I have worked my butt off to get to where I am now! Nice to meet you all, excited to see where this takes me!


  • Candicem07
    Nice to meet you! Congrats on the 18 pounds!! I'm kind of in the same boat. I have lots more to go, but my new goal in general is to be happy with me. I understand the feeling! Good luck with everything congrats on the weight loss and getting married!
  • KiraLake
    KiraLake Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you so much and good luck to you also!! :)
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I'm also in the same boat as you ladies.. I'm down 19lbs and hoping to make that 25 by New Years. After that I hope to lose 30 more. Congrats on getting married! I love your attitude to be happy with yourself. That's so important and it will also make for a happier marriage! Good Luck to you. :)
  • KiraLake
    KiraLake Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you so much!! I used to put myself down so much but trying to have a more positive outlook on things!! I know you can meet your goal too good luck!! :)
  • rosalee87
    rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
    Nice to meet you and good luck - I'm sure you will do great; we're all here to support you!

    I remeber how I used to always say my new years resolution every year was to lose weight so and so...never did - up until June 28 I decided it was time - I didn't have to wait on no New Years Resolutions or fresh start - I just had to go in there and do it...and I did.

    You're going to do great - feel free to add me if you need an extra cheerleader! :D