No more free for all weekends!

I hate that I work out all week and then go crazy for bad foods on the weekends. That can't be normal. What the heck makes my will power go on vaction on sat and sun?:angry:

I need a sponser for the weekends. Any takers?:flowerforyou:
They could be like, "put the milk down and back away from the ds oreos!"


  • MommyWilson
    MommyWilson Posts: 58
    I hate that I work out all week and then go crazy for bad foods on the weekends. That can't be normal. What the heck makes my will power go on vaction on sat and sun?:angry:

    I need a sponser for the weekends. Any takers?:flowerforyou:
    They could be like, "put the milk down and back away from the ds oreos!"
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'd be glad to help you through the weekend. I don't let myself even think that I can indulge on the weekend. :smile: It would be so easy to ruin all my hard work I did over the week. You need to just stay focused and stay away from the oreos! Cindy :heart:
  • blum0133
    blum0133 Posts: 88
    Oh gosh, I totally have the same problem. I get so frustrated too because I work so hard all week and then ruin everything on the weekends! so not cool
  • lgolden
    lgolden Posts: 164
    I found what works for me is to weigh myself on Fridays. If I've had a "good" week then it encourages me to not go food crazy on the weekend. If I've had a "bad" week then it helps me to not make things worse by eating too much on the weekend.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I can only tell you my experience, and that was the weekends are included:wink:

    Sorry, no gives
    no do overs...

    Just plain hard work.

    I can also tell you it is worth every moment of hard work to look in the mirror and know it is all because of the choices you made, 7 days a week.

    Good luck to ya!:flowerforyou:
  • cab2424
    cab2424 Posts: 122 Member
    I found that if I have a full cheat day I end up falling off the wagon. It's like once my body gets a taste my midset goes out the window!
  • car34jojo
    car34jojo Posts: 29
    :devil: The weekends are so hard. If you need someone to help you through it when that urge comes...I'm here for you!!!
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I had a bad weekend this weekend too. It was, however, my son's birthday. I'm not normally surrounded by cake, ice cream, pizza, etc. No excuse though! I'm so thankful for this site, b/c it kicks my butt right back into gear!!
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    I take a kickboxing class on Saturday, and let me tell you - that really helps. Burns 700 calories (so I can eat pretty much anything - even go out to dinner) so I stay under for that day, and Sunday I'm still in recovery mode and really need to rest, so I just have to try to stay under on that one day. One day of good behavior works much better than having two days to be on good behavior.
  • meaganrh
    meaganrh Posts: 24
    My clients have a hard time on weekends too,
    I usually recommend that they get a weekend routine going!
    Seems to help them keep on track.
  • zgolub
    zgolub Posts: 90 Member
    I find that I am under a great deal of stress most of the week..dieting and excersizing included. I allow for a small "splash" on one weekend day. But always incorporate my "cheating" into my net calories per day plan. So if we will be going out for BBQ dinner that night, I keep super low caoric intake all day and work out extra hard that day and the next to make sure I burn whatever I ate/drank.
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    I don't know if this is the way it is for you, but I'm busier on the weekends. This is why I tend to gravitate to those kinds of foods...convenience. Because I'm busier, I do a lot of mindless eating too. So I have a pantry full of protein bars. Instead of worrying about making a meal, I grab a bar. It fixes two problems....the meal and a sweet craving because usually the bars are sweeter.

    It would be hard to only have 1 or 2 oreos, so they just are not allowed in the house yet. Not until I have a bit more self-control. Out of sight, out of mind right?:smile:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I would be willing to help ya out on the weekends..personallly I dont do cheat days ..I feel I am really cheating myself out of feeling good and healthy living if over eat and indulge aimlessly over the weekend....if I want something I account for it...:drinker: