Best Home Exercise Program??? I need suggestions!



  • SwindonJogger
    SwindonJogger Posts: 325 Member
    Cheap and effective.
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    I like Jillian Michaels' DVDs - have done 30 Day Shred and now using No More Trouble Zones and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism which I really like. Not so keen on 6 Week 6 Pack though.
  • sgha
    sgha Posts: 225
  • Andylee63
    Andylee63 Posts: 154 Member
    You could try The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout....
    Or Yourshape Fitness Evolved...
    Dance Central..

    All for the XBOX and all good motivators...
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    I would suggest a program that mimics what you would do in a other words, you should get one that incorporates cardio AND weights. That's why I like P90X, ChaLEAN Extreme, and the basic Power 90 set.

    I think things like Insanity are great, too, but I have seen people (myself included) lose muscle mass along with fat mass doing that program, so even though I lost weight, I wasn't as strong because the weight lifting wasn't there like before.

    I am not a big fan of cardio sculpting type programs that make it appear like weight lifting when in reality it is just cardio with light weights. Anyone that tells you that 10 pounds is a great weight for an advanced exerciser...well, that's cardio with light weights in disguise as a weight training program. Just my .02 cents.

    Thanks for the info hun! I would really love to start lifting weights but I have never done this in my life and I'm not really sure how to start. My strength training only included power yoga or cardio with really light weights.
  • chrissyKar
    chrissyKar Posts: 98 Member
    I really like Leslie Sansones walk aerobics videos. ( I also like going swimming and walking too :smile:
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    I :heart: Slim in 6 and it's perfect for beginners.
  • ritzl
    ritzl Posts: 51 Member
  • captainkjblack
    I've used P90X, and now have Insanity. It helps keep you motivated. Plus the support you get from the beachbody website is amazing.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    I would suggest a program that mimics what you would do in a other words, you should get one that incorporates cardio AND weights. That's why I like P90X, ChaLEAN Extreme, and the basic Power 90 set.

    I think things like Insanity are great, too, but I have seen people (myself included) lose muscle mass along with fat mass doing that program, so even though I lost weight, I wasn't as strong because the weight lifting wasn't there like before.

    I am not a big fan of cardio sculpting type programs that make it appear like weight lifting when in reality it is just cardio with light weights. Anyone that tells you that 10 pounds is a great weight for an advanced exerciser...well, that's cardio with light weights in disguise as a weight training program. Just my .02 cents.

    agree with above.

    Cardio only, I loose the lean muscle I have worked so hard to gain. :)

    I love P90x, done it many times. Lost 20 lbs last round. Getting great muscle improvement (I lift heavy, and eat high protein, and watch diet) Chalenes Great also, though I personally like P90x better. Both are good though.

    I have seen my best body changes using heavy weight routine, mixed with cardio, high protein, and good diet (not to low cals though). Thats when I see the best bodyfat drop, and the best sculpted/cut look. See pic in my profile.

    Still working on bring down my bodyfat, to better see those abs, but pretty nice results so far, for me. (lost 60 lbs total)

    I personally don't want to just lose weight (which is muscle and fat) rather I want to lose bodyfat, keep, and improve, and eventually build on muscle. Thats what gives the tight look, that gives smaller size, no jiggle, and leaness. I also want longterm metabolism boost.

    So doing resistance training with a weight range that stresses your muscles, is the best route for that option.

    The best program, for you, will all come back to your needs, and personal preferences of what you enjoy best.
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 535 Member
    I have both Slim in 6 and Jillian Michaels - Ripped in 30. I would definitely suggest Ripped in 30! I just started working out again and my fitness level is not all that great. Jillian offers you a modification for almost every move. The work-outs are only 30 minutes too, so they are easy to fit into any schedule! She is also really motivational to me. When she stands there and tells you that 400 and 500 lb people are doing these workouts, it really makes you want to be able to get through the whole thing! I liked the workouts in Slim in 6, but she didn't keep me as motivated as Jillian does. Hope this helps!
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I loved turbojam, I lost a lot of weight with it last time, nearly 50lbs before life took over and I gained it back. They have a turbo sculpt video that comes with it, it is strength training and uses weights but they go slow and it still kicks your butt. I wish I could find my videos now, I lost them when I moved. Now i'm eyeing chalean extreme because I really want to get stronger. May have to buy it for myself as a way early bday present >:-)
  • Manysongs
  • jujunnaichi
    Since you mentioned that you find it easier to stick to your goals when you have a schedule, I would highly recommend P90X and P90X hybrid workout schedules found at <;

    Cathe Friedrich also has a monthly rotation schedule that is similar to the P90X hybrid concept: <;

    Of course both sites requires that you buy the exercise DVDs which may be costly. Your other option that has been mentioned in this thread is to be a Body Rocker. I believe she provides daily exercise challenges.
  • ahs85
    ahs85 Posts: 6 Member
    I've done both P90X and Insanity. P90X is great, but I'm a big fan of Insanity. Don't worry about the intensity level at the start. It's more about the improvement that you can achieve. Yes, it's almost impossible to workout at the video's intensity level for the duration of the dvd, so you just do as much as you can. It's amazing how you'll improve just in the first two weeks. Another thing I really enjoy about Insanity is that at least in month one, the dvds are fairly short - hovering around 40 minutes usually. Month two exercises are a bit longer. It's also nice that you don't use any extra equipment during Insanity; it's just the resistance from your body.

    Good luck with whatever you choose!
  • AmandaJoi25
    Anything made by Denise Austin. I started doing her workouts in 8th grade because my aunt was constantly battling to lose weight but she never stuck with anything very long. She gave my mom a bunch of vhs workout tapes back when vhs was all anyone had lol and she gave her a stepper. My mom has never exercised so I asked if I could use them and I fell in love with working out and Denise Austin. I used her video more than any other and even though I was already super skinny I did put on muscle and it helped keep me in shape for years until I started drinking and stopped working out until after high school. I have done several other workouts including insanity and p90x but honestly I get better results faster from Denise and they are way easier. It's like she always says "workout smarter not harder". Some people find her peppy voice annoying but I like it because it keeps me motivated and most of her new dvds let you do the workout without her instructions so no talking at all. I also have been doing Tiffany Anderson workouts which are free on youtube just to mix things up and she has all the new hit music on her videos I dont know why other workout dvds dont use hit music it makes working out way more fun.
  • TwinMumCork
    TwinMumCork Posts: 125 Member
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    Wow, so many replies, thank you guys! I am browsing now, seems really interesting.

    For my part I decided I will start easy with turbo jam and I am starting today. I will include some weekly Zumba and Power/Ashtanga Yoga as I cannot live without them! After I complete this one and if I feel stronger I willgo for P90x or Turbo fire. I want to slowly start incorporating weight and resistance training without burning myself out. :)
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    For me would have to be any pilates for beginners.. there are some good easy ones too doo :) LOVE IT KEEPS ME RELAXED but for hardout workout at home and good no equipments needed would have to be

    30 DAY SHRED workout with Jillian Michaels!

    well actually you do need equipments like dumbbells and rope to skip.. but i just used a water bottle either with filled with rice or water.. and for the rope i just pretended i had one and just made the motion like as if i was skipping :)