Best Home Exercise Program??? I need suggestions!



  • hogwartshoney
    hogwartshoney Posts: 2 Member
    I have a really old workout from The Firm. It's the classic Volume 1. I hate all the other firm vids, but that one is wonderful. I do it 2x a week using the heaviest weights I can, and I do other aerobic vids 3x a week. Tae Bo, flex is a fav and power walks from the biggest loser and Leslie Sansone. I'm recovering from a 10 day coma, followed by 2 surgeries and 7 months in the hospital. The physical therapy team got me walking, balancing and using stairs again. But now I'm on my own, My fitness level is pretty low, but these videos work for me. If you can stand the cheesey music and pastel leotards from the 80's The Firm Classics volume 1 (aerobic weight training led by Susan Harris) will change your body. Check out some previews on youtube. has it for $19.99. You need dumbells and they use a 2x4 under their shoulders for chest flys. But I don't have one so I just do them laying flat on the floor. I guess the best program is one that you actually like and will stick with, good luck finding something that works for you.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I am doing circuit training with Jillian Michaels. Go to It is a 30 day free trial for online circuit training programs that kick *kitten*! I have been doing it for 50 days and have lost 2 inches off my waist and 1 off my hips. Getting great muscle tone all over. Good luck.......
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  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    You can burn calories cleaning,cooking,hoovering, walking, pushing a pram and sometimes get on the wiifit if you get chance.

    Yeah, this is what I do because I can't stand to not be getting something done. I rarely do a real workout but I'm never sitting still.
  • I am really scared of insanity, I am not in such a fitness level to keep up with it and I am scared I might injured myself... :( I think I'll start with Turbo Jam and see how it goes and then progress to Turbo Fire or P90x. Insanity seems to be light years away from me.
    I have been working out for years and injured myself doing it. I now have terrible shin splints and would never recommend that program to anyone and it is unneccessarily difficult. Even the people in the video have to stop during the workout. My boyfriends nutritionist said she tried it and that no ones body needs to be pushed to those extremes in order to lose weight and I in fact had a very hard time losing weight while doing them. Also who wants to kill themselves for a full hour?
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  • mikethom
    mikethom Posts: 183 Member
    I haven't seen anyone mention this and I haven't done much with it yet; but I picked up "Get Fit for Free & Ditch the Gym" (; I think it has a terrific approach. The book describes 48 exercies you can do at home with minimal equipment, it also describes easier and harder versions of each exercise so you can tailor the difficulty to your level. The book has 120 routines (most seem to target 45 minutes but some are shorter); the routines are divided into different catagories depending on your goals (weight loss, upper body, lower body, core, etc) and within each are subdivided into beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Each exercise specified in each routine also has an alternative exercise specified.

    I'd be interested if anyone else has experience with this book, I certainly would recommend checking it out. Personnaly this approach is much more appealing than "Insanity" or some of the other exercise DVDs I've seen advertised...
  • chaslee
    chaslee Posts: 8 Member
    I am a advocate for Turbo Fire, I was 171 and lost 21 lbs since i started the regimine and have never looked back since. It never gets old because it feels like your lifes work to perfect the choreography. Once you get into the movements you are hooked and it will whip you into shape in a hurry if you eat right.

    Big Bad Momma
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I am alternating, 30 Day shred, Yoga Meltdown and C25K.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Insanity! It will kick your *kitten* and you don't need anything but yourself to do it!
    P90x is good too but you need weights and pullup bar and stuff.

    ^^ This - if you have the equipment and you stick to it (do what you can!! - thats for both insanity and P90X) the results will impress you immensely! I am finishing week 13 (rest week) of P90X on Sunday.... the results are unbelievable!!
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    i love turbo fire. I have been doing it for about 11 weeks. i have lost weight and inches. im going to do the chalean extream with it in jan as a hybrid then go into insanity.
  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
  • mscindy14
    mscindy14 Posts: 1 Member
    I need to get moving... Thanks for the tips
    OURLADYPAULINE Posts: 51 Member
    Kinda depends on what you WANT out of your workouts?

    If you want to LEAN out - you need alot Cardio based workouts.

    If you want to muscle mass you need more weights in your workouts

    But, it really comes with the mealplan you do - you can workout all you like, but it starts in the kitchen with clean eating etc.

    I started out with Power90, P90X LEAN, P90X Classic & now I am doing P90X/Insanity Hybrid schedule, than it's off to P90X2

    love, love this program - my Beachbody Coach is in the Core Synergistics in P90X2 video - she's awesome, check her out 'Barbie Decker'
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    I am really enjoying P90x and Rushfit. I used to do Insanity, but found it started to hurt my knees with all the jumping around.
    Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Ok guys, here's the deal. I am exercising almost everyday but I really feel that a workout program at home will really keep me motivated and coming back day after day, in general I find it easier to stick to my goals when I have a schedule. So I plan to do so from the beginning of January, I just want to decide which program! My brother bought me Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis as a gift but I think I will leave this aside for later on.

    I've heard and read about so many programs, P90x, Turbo Jam, Chalean Xtreme you name it. What is your favorite one and why?

    I'd love to see different comments and experiences!
    My question is why wait till January? Honestly I see it every year where people are gung ho about losing weight (in the Fitness industry it's known as the New Year's resolutioners) and start in January, but by 4 weeks out they are done.
    Start now. Procrastination is the Assassination of Motivation.
    As to programs, while there may be popular choices here and many may claim to that theirs is the "best", the best program is one that YOU will do and fits your current fitness standard. If the program is too hard, chances are you'll give up before you even start. Try building your own program or join a gym and check out classes offered or get a trainer.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • melbelle32
    melbelle32 Posts: 69 Member
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    30 DS is a great home workout. Jillian also has Shred it with weights. One of the best workouts you can do at home is running/jogging the stairs. Professional athletes train by running stairs- it works ALL your major muscle groups, tones your butt and it's a cardio workout. AND it's free!

    have fun
  • If you want to supplement whichever program you end up getting I share videos of my workouts on my blog: and I have a youtube channel:

    I workout at home exclusively. I don't have time to make it to a gym, but I don't believe that should limit my fitness. :)

    You look AMAZING!! I'm checking your blog and channel out...

    Thank you!!! :) I hope you find it helpful!
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    bump good reading