Men do you?

DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
My boss at work and I were talking yesterday about Christmas presents. He told me that he does not get his wife's present. That she tells him what she wants, how much it costs, and she goes and gets the present and wraps it. Now I think this is terrible. I personally like to be surprised by my man. Granted there is an up side to it, she does get exactly what she wants, but where's the fun and mystery?

So MFP men, do you get your wife a present, or do you let you wife pick out the present and go get it like my boss? LOL husband is waiting on the answer to see if he can get out of it this year..(NOT)


  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    Opps realized I was being sexist... Women, what are your views? Which do you prefer?
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I like to buy her presents. I've already finished for this year. However, if she finds something she likes, she'll get it, bring it home, and ask me if I'd like to see what I got her.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Hers is the only present I buy (other then booze for my dad and buddies, but liquor store is not exactly dreadful Christmas shopping) I always wait until the week of Christmas before heading to a store to wonder around aimlessly looking for a saleswoman to point me in a direction that always seems to work out.

    On the other hand I tell her exactly what I want, or order it for myself like i did this year. She will still get me something small from her and from the kids too....
  • estevo66
    estevo66 Posts: 56 Member
    My wife is telling what she wants for Christmas. So, we go out and get it no big deal.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    That's messed up. My husband always surprises me. And it's always better than something I would've picked anyway.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    Me and my husband do a mix. I made him a little list this year, and on one of the things, it was makeup and quite complex so I sat on the website with him and showed him what I wanted and how to order. Haven't seen the package or anything since then so I don't know where it is or what he's doing with it. As for my list, I put down a style of something or a type of something and I'll leave it up to him to find! I do think it's a bit of a copout when the woman literally buys her gifts and then he wraps them...
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Hubby always goes out and buys mine. I never have a "list" as his buddys wives do when they go out for their annual shopping guys night. What he DOES do is listen to me. Evidently I "ask" or say I would like things throughout the year...and voila! christmas morning I unwrap them and forgot I even wanted them. Like last years Frye boots and diamond ear rings. Lucky? Yes. :)
  • MichelleFirestone
    MichelleFirestone Posts: 212 Member
    If your spouse doesn't know you well enough to think of one thing you might like, that's pretty bad. My husband and I have fun thinking of things they might like. How about making a mental note, of something the other mentioned they would like earlier in the year, but wouldn't buy for themselves?

    seriously, you can't think of one thing?
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    MMm...So practical and efficient...I like it.

    I would at least get her one other thing, even if it's something small, just because I love the hunt of the perfect unconventionally meaningful gift.
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    if i really want something in particular i will mention it and he will buy it. other times, he will surpise me. both are acceptable in my opinion
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    My focus is gifts for other people, not myself.

    I take note all year of things my husband sees and likes or says he needs - whatever he doesn't go buy himself of those things before Christmas is what he gets. I keep the list in my phone - I'm always updating it. I don't give him a list and he does fantastic on his own, and if he didn't I wouldn't care. It's just stuff and if it's something I really need I can get it myself later.

    My Mom ALWAYS without fail either returned or criticized my Dad's gifts to her. For me, that is not the spirit of Christmas.
    If you are married to that type I guess you'd be safer doing what your boss does or something similar.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    In the past, I told him exactly what I want....usually provide the add, or link online so there is no mistake. He likes it this way so I am sure to be happy with the gift, he also picks stuff on his own so I have a surprise but he also does the same for me in regards to providing the info of what we desire most.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My husband (Fritz) and I don't exchange gifts, but we're not Christian, so it doesn't much matter. We do, however, celebrate Fritzmas, celebrating his birth in January, with extra splurges on after-holiday sales. :laugh:
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    I listen to her for the year but she never really wants anything and if she does she goes out and buys it. So I try to find something that she may like. When Kindle came out I bought here the first one and she really was not sure if she would like it. After some time she did and now she is on her second kindle. On the other hand, it has gotten to the point that we do not get each other anything big and then just get each other really small stupid things that crack us up. We have no kids at home now so that's better for me, I should note that I can't stand the commercialized Christmas and would rather be on an island. Final note, every two years I buy the entire family a cruise and the cruise for next year is costing me $15K so I think it's a win for them.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I guess what I really thought was awful was that she even wraps her present and places it under the tree. He doesn't even get her a card or anything. I guess it's a sign of the times, but when it comes to this, my husband better be "old fashioned"..LOL
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I listen to her for the year but she never really wants anything and if she does she goes out and buys it. So I try to find something that she may like. When Kindle came out I bought here the first one and she really was not sure if she would like it. After some time she did and now she is on her second kindle. On the other hand, it has gotten to the point that we do not get each other anything big and then just get each other really small stupid things that crack us up. We have no kids at home now so that's better for me, I should note that I can't stand the commercialized Christmas and would rather be on an island. Final note, every two years I buy the entire family a cruise and the cruise for next year is costing me $15K so I think it's a win for them.

    Oooooo - this is good. I would much prefer quality time on vacation than more stuff!
    I also find everything is far too commercialized now but I love hunting down the perfect live tree - the smell, decorations, and all the beautiful Christmas lights.
  • Iam918
    Iam918 Posts: 118 Member
    I don't buy presents for anyone. not for christmas, birthdays nor whatever.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    My dad is super oblivious so my mom tells my sisters and I what she asked my dad for (not expecting to get it because he'll forget) so we drag him out to get it for her.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    At least he gets her one... whether she got it or not. I never received one from any of my husbands (with the exception of the last Christmas with the 1st husband - he sprung the divorce on me).
  • kathas0trophal
    kathas0trophal Posts: 118 Member
    However, if she finds something she likes, she'll get it, bring it home, and ask me if I'd like to see what I got her.

    That could have been me ;.-)
    we do not make any presents for each. Only really silly ones that do not cost much for entertaining