Exercise....Is it a mood lifter???



  • brenkruss
    brenkruss Posts: 14 Member
    Exercise always lifts my mood. When I am really stressed out and am trying to juggle too much, I try to fit in a long walk by myself. This means I am not taking calls, texts or emails during that time. It gives me the opportunity to clear my head, organize my thoughts and develop a plan of action. It usually takes me about two miles. I end up feeling more energized and, consequently, become more productive.
  • mshidden
    mshidden Posts: 24 Member
    and the objective is to get addicted... it even works for people who are trying to kick unhealthy additions so I have been told. Robert Downey Jr in fact says he uses intense work out to help him stay off of drugs. The benefits are many, but you literally become addicted too it, and your body will crave it. Runners literally need to get their fix. What ever motivates you to get off the couch is probably mostly good.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    There have been many studies that show exercise is at least as good at improving mood as most anti-depressant medications in many people.

    Exercise definitely makes a huge difference in my mood and general outlook on life. I plan to exercise most days even when I reach my goal weight and fitness level. It just makes life better.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Always wanted to be one of those who got the endorphin rush, or mood high after a good work out, but no such luck. I just get angry.
  • Goal4Good
    Thanks for the feedback everyone. It seems the majority of you notice quite a difference when it comes to getting in that exercise for the day. If I learned anything today its that the mental high is a better motivator to 'get out there' than the physical fitness aspect of working out. It made such a difference for me emotionally, that I now think the physical changes that result from it are just a "perk". The mood lifter is what I want. Whatever gets me committed to doing it daily I guess!!!
    Thanks again.
  • BostMichael
    There is terrific evidence that exercise is a mood booster in general, and can be applied successfully to treat depression and anxiety. For more information see: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/exercise-and-mood
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    No, I feel like crap when I am done working out. Always. No matter what kind of workout it is. I seem to be the opposite of almost everyone else. So because of that I HATE exercise. I really really hate it.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    There have been many studies that show exercise is at least as good at improving mood as most anti-depressant medications in many people.

    Exercise definitely makes a huge difference in my mood and general outlook on life. I plan to exercise most days even when I reach my goal weight and fitness level. It just makes life better.

    Well yeah, but studies also show placebos are just as effective as most anti-depressants, too. Makes you wonder.

    Anyway, I don't know if my mood is better or not. I definitely feel more restless and ready to get out there and do stuff. But if anything, my moods swing more than they did. I can go from sentimental and weepy to coolly determined to quietly furious to joyfully silly in a matter of hours.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Kept me from sinking into a depression after some big life issues occurred this year.
  • Rjdj3530
    Rjdj3530 Posts: 154
    I don't know about the rest of ya'll but my libido is much higher as well. Maybe that is my age? LOL You know what they say about women in thier 30s!

    It is really wild how sluggish and depressed you can feel after several days of no workouts.
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    I'm so happy that sometimes I wonder what's wrong with me lol

    I love the high of sweat dripping off me & my heart feeling like it's going to pound out of my chest. I'm kicking myself for not getting into exercise earlier!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I don't know about the rest of ya'll but my libido is much higher as well. Maybe that is my age? LOL You know what they say about women in thier 30s!

    It is really wild how sluggish and depressed you can feel after several days of no workouts.

    Mine better behave until I'm ready to go on the prowl, damn it! The last thing I need is to want what isn't currently available. I'll be really mad if that happens, I thought I was through and done with an itch that just had to get scratched. :mad:
  • hewwokitty
    hewwokitty Posts: 69 Member
    It defiantly puts me in a better mood! Not only that, boost my energy, and increases my confidence. The strangest part is that if I don't exercise for one day and get off my routine, I feel crappy, stiff, and my body hurts.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    There are studies that show that some people have lower levels of endorphins in their brains at baseline. The levels are boosted by things like exercise, creativity, meditation, accomplishing goals, etc. -- those people have the drive to be very successful. However, they also get boosts from alcohol and drugs, so there are often problems with substance abuse in the same families as athletes and artists/musicians.

    I get absolutely no boost from exercise. I also get no benefit from narcotics -- they mostly just make me sick, not high. I had surgery a few years ago and found the tylenol was doing a much better job at controlling my pain than the dilaudid. But I have a very high pain threshold to begin with.
  • tlcm123
    Yep!!! I def feel it when I don't exercise for a few days... gives me such a satisfied feeling when I do it everyday!! Still waiting to see the scale move, but at least my clothes are fitting better...
  • Rjdj3530
    Rjdj3530 Posts: 154
    I don't know about the rest of ya'll but my libido is much higher as well. Maybe that is my age? LOL You know what they say about women in thier 30s!

    It is really wild how sluggish and depressed you can feel after several days of no workouts.

    Mine better behave until I'm ready to go on the prowl, damn it! The last thing I need is to want what isn't currently available. I'll be really mad if that happens, I thought I was through and done with an itch that just had to get scratched. :mad:

    Well I have learned over the years that how I perceive my body has a huge affect on how much I pay attention to my libido too! I have always had a decent drive but have ignored it in the past because of feelings of not looking sexy. So I guess a combination of exercise with better blood flow and me feeling a little bit better about the way I look have sent me in overdrive. LOL You may experience this too. Scratch it....if you dare. Hahaha
  • Yep! Your body releases happy endorphines into your system after a good workout. I believe this is where the "runner's high" comes from.
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    For me it is. It balances my moods out so I'm not crabby and short-tempered. That's the main reason my husband supports my workout habits! :wink:
    I believe in this 100%

    I quit taking antidepressants and the working out has made me feel better than any antidepressant ever has promised. :happy:
  • justanotherbrickinthewall
    I've had a runner's high before, but that's about the only time exercise has lifted my mood. In general, I feel the same way after finishing as I do starting.