
Hello everyone and Happy December!

This forum is for those of us that are shorter in stature. Losing weight and changing your life is hard enough, but when you are short, it is even harder.

We are a small group (no pun intended) and try to support each other through what life sends our way.

Welcome back to everyone who has posted here in the past and welcome to any newcomers.

Since posting does really help, I'd like to suggest that we all try to post an update weekly. This forum has always been kind of loose, but I hope this one guideline will make us all stronger with the holidays quickly approaching.



  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    Hi Jeannie!

    I"m 5'4" and would be happy to join your group! Being 41 doesn't speed up my weight loss either! I've definately noticed that it's taking longer to lose weight. I've accepted it and weigh in every 2 weeks instead of every week instead. I was getting very frustrated in the beginning because when I lost weight in my 30's it came off every week. Focusing on the positive, I'm at my 1/2 way mark - 22lbs - and hope to lose the other 20 or so in the next 4-6 months.

    Exercise is key for me. I started running in July and it's really helped. Moves the biggest part of me - my leg/hips - and has transformed them! I actually see definition in my calves and thighs! It's great! Hoping that I can run a 5k after I get the other 20 lbs off! I also enjoy going to Zumba once per week - it's a great workout! My instructor does alot more fitness moves in her routines and you leave her class soaked with sweat! Another great feeling!

    I'm actually looking forward to the holidays this year! The food and part temptations are not scaring me because I know I'm in control. Planning ahead is key! If I'm going to be eating I know I'm going to be exercising beforehand. So no worries! It's all about planning!

    Looking forward to meeting others and hearing their ides/suggestions/comments etc.!

    fran :flowerforyou:
  • ljones1979
    ljones1979 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Jeannie!!

    I am 5'1", barely, i have always been over weight. I lost some before i started tracking it on here, but still have a long way to go. I have started walking/running and doing pilates. I weigh every Monday. I have started and stopped several times, but have recently had some life changing events happen and thought this would be something positive for me to focus on. I have a 4 year old little girl that I want to be around a long time for. I lost my mom when she was 45 of heart disease and I do not want to leave my daughter without a mother anytime soon.

  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    Hi fellow shawties,

    I'm 5'4 and have been working out like mad for two months. I've GAINEd two pounds!!! :sad: It will be nice to have support. It's tough hearing about all those people dropping weight when I can't even lose a pound. Lol.
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    I'm in! I'm 5'2.........34 year old mother of four/still have long way to go..............would love to share stories with other fun size folk!
  • indrani1947
    indrani1947 Posts: 178 Member
    Hi jeannie, I'm 5'3" used to be almost 5'5" in my youth but at 64 I'm shrinking and was getting rounder. I have now taken my weight in hand but have another 10-14 lb to go would love the support of this group
  • I am 5'1"ish...almost 5'2", I am 35 years old, and I had my thyroid killed 2 years ago. I have been struggling with losing weight, and have only lost 4lbs during the last 6 weeks. I had my blood drawn today by my endocrinologist only to find out that I need to reduce my thyroid medicine, which will make it even harder for me to lose weight. :sad: I feel like a ticking time bomb:explode: & could really use all of the motivation & support that ya'll could offer, so how do I sign up to become part of the group. I am new to MFP (only been on here about 5 weeks) and am not certain as to how to join a group. Thanks and best wishes to everyone.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am 5'3" tall and 65 years old. I lost 73 pounds with the help of MFP and Isagenix.......too much carelessness in November at too many turkey potlucks put three pounds back on and I am determined to get rid of them as soon as possible.

    :flowerforyou: My exercise includes daily walks for 90 minutes first thing in the morning with my standard poodles, Brandy and Sasha, other walks with the dogs, three line dance classes every week and easy yoga.

    :flowerforyou: staying in contact with supportive friends on MFP has helped me a lot.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: good luck to all of us.

    :bigsmile: Barbie from NW Washington

    December goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for at least an hour every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga five days a week

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • I want to join I am 5 ft. 25 years old and have less than 15lbs to lose but they don't want to budge. I have tried increasing my cals to almost 2000 and then slowly started bringing them back down, now I dont ever go over 1200 and it is slowly coming down. I live a really sedentary lifestyle right now but I go back to school next month and really want to be down to 115lb when I do.

    Ihave been in shape all my life.
  • _Cass_
    _Cass_ Posts: 24
    Hello. I would love to join! I'm 5' 2". I never really had a problem with weight until recently. A little over a year ago I started taking antidepressants and they made me gain about 50 lbs!! I recently got off the meds because I feel better and didn't want to gain anymore weight. I tried dieting while I was on them but it just didn't work. I am now ready to drop this weight for good!
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Welcome everyone!

    I'm 5'2-1/2" and 142 lbs -> still plugging away in an attempt to get to 130 lbs so that I can look/feel better and run a faster race! People have noticed my progress over the past few months at least :smile: and my race times have improved with the first 12 lbs gone.

    Current troubles with motivation, I'm just not interested in tracking these days? I know I gotta figure out how to get this back before long - don't want any negative scale action! Maybe it is just the time of year? Also my 1st holiday season alone :ohwell:

    Overuse injury is keeping me light on activity -> I should be walking or swimming at least, but darn that motivation factor! MRI scheduled for Sat, hopefully some answers soon to this long term pain in my hip. Not so bad that it really stops me from working out, just annoying enough that I'm ready to kick it after almost 2 yrs!
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I'd like to join! I'm 5'4", 134 pounds, and 22 years old. Typically, my workouts consist of running, the elliptical, or lifting (I'm starting to lift heavier). My workouts have been lacking lately, and I've been slacking a bit on my macros lately. I'd love the support of this group! Feel free to add me :)
  • Well hello I am 5 ft and 4inches and having a terrible time loosing wt.0. I am knew on here so I am hoping tracking my calories is going to help me glad to be part of the group:laugh:
  • WonderKP
    WonderKP Posts: 146 Member
    Hi fellow shawties,

    I'm 5'4 and have been working out like mad for two months. I've GAINEd two pounds!!! :sad: It will be nice to have support. It's tough hearing about all those people dropping weight when I can't even lose a pound. Lol.

    Maybe it's in muscle? I'd like to actually gain some muscle myself. I'm 5'2'' and would like to become more toned around my belly and sides.
  • imalikat2
    imalikat2 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm probaby around 5'1" or 5'2". Another shortie in the world and I'd love to join you! Some days are better than others, but lately I seem to not be able to keep my calorie under my goal. :sad: Of course, my hubby doesn't help :grumble: any and there are days when I just flat out don't feel like doing any exercise. I know I can't get complaicent because that's how I gained the weight (actually I gained a lot of inches, too). I like to get on to MFP every day and I'm pretty good about logging my food and exersice, although sometimes I don't want to be honest (but I always am, because the only one I would be cheating is me!). Haven't had a lot of time to post and give everyone the support, but everyone is in my heart and prayers every day!
  • bookmark
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I'm five feet three and a quarter. I'm in.
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    I used to be 5'4", but at my last doctor's appointment, they told me 5'3". I'm not sure I believe them. :wink: I'm so glad you posted this because I was actually thinking about starting a group for people my size. I would love to join! :)
  • Hi all. I'd love to join. I'm 5'2. I'm a mother of three lovely babies. And, well, their pregnancies were my bodies down fall lol. They were well worth it tho. I've lost 45 lbs already, and i just joind MFP a few days ago.
    I could always use the support because i'm an emotional binge eater, and i'm trying to stop. It's a challenge but i'm ready to do this and be healthy again!
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    5' even maybe we should start a group! I am in!!
  • Hello,

    I'm Brandi and i'm 5'3" on one leg and 5'1" on the other. Yes i do mean this literally. I've been check out and everything from doctors and my chiropractor and i have one leg that is legit long than the other. As of right now i am 156 to 158 pounds and find it a little hard to lose weight with the idea that my one leg starts to hurt pretty fast for being a different length. But i have started to believe that i am going to have to start doing weights maybe instead of my normal workouts so not to strain my leg. I am 23 for another two weeks and am active in karate which is pretty much constantly standing. But i very much enjoy it and just because my one leg is shorter doesn't discourage me from trying my hardest.

    Anyway, i am very excited to have a group of people around my height working together to keep each other motivated and pushing on! :smile:

    Determination is the key to success!

    Brandi :wink: