How Many of These Superfoods Are You Eating?



  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    1. Whole Eggs--> Yes

    2. Fish Oil --> No

    3. Wild Salmon.--> Yes

    4. Berries--> YES!!

    5. Yogurt --> YES!! Greek and regular :)

    6. Flax Seeds --> No

    7. Extra Virgin Olive Oil--> Yes

    8. Mixed Nuts --> Yes

    9. Red Meat--> Yes, LEAN CUTS only

    10. Broccoli--> Yes

    12. Turkey--> Yes

    13. Quinoa--> No but I do eat wild rice. Good compromise?

    14. Oats --> Yes, sometimes.

    15. Tomatoes--> Yes

    16. Oranges--> No

    17. Apples--> Yes

    18. Carrots--> Yes!!

    19. Water--> Yes!!

    20. Green Tea--> Sometimes
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I consistently eat eggs (and egg whites), salmon, berries, yogurt, extra virgin olive oil, broccoli, spinach, turkey, tomatoes and water! Kind of wish mushrooms and onions and zuccini were on this list! I have a 1200 cal limit and would love to find options other than veggies (even though they are delicious) to keep me within my fitness goals...any suggestions?
    Where does one get wild salmon?

    From bears.

    But only during spring break when they're filming Salmon Gone Wild

    Exactly. Then you freeze it and you have it all year!
  • mampm1
    mampm1 Posts: 88
    You are missing a few of the best superfoods and the one that I put at #1 on the list is.....KALE! Sautee it, steam it, add it to a salad. Kale has one of the highest amounts of antioxidants of any food on the planet. Check out this blog...inspiring

    In addition: Sweet Potatoes and Bananas are on my list as well.

    I have cut back on the fish oil because I take aspirin daily and it came to my attention that combining the two can thin out your blood too much. Considering taking the aspirin in the evening and the fish oil after breakfast.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    I do not do number 5,13, and 20 but I will check them out thanks for posting..
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Burritos are my superfood. :drinker:
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Everything - BUT I take fish oil sparingly. Most of the brands are made from cod liver and I'd rather not have all the extra vitamin A.
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    All of 'em except red meat. For some reason, I just can't stand the taste. I love turkey, chicken, and fish, though!
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    All the animal-free ones have a prominent place in my diet :)

    Me too. I don't like my superfoods to have been able to grin at me.

    Me too. I prefer mine to have an expression of terror. It just seems more natural that way.


  • bump a superb post
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Everything - BUT I take fish oil sparingly. Most of the brands are made from cod liver and I'd rather not have all the extra vitamin A.

    Quoting myself here - update: I went out and bought fish oil from the body (not liver) so now I feel free to take as much as I want!
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    Carrots and apples are two of my favorite foods. I could eat them pretty much any time, any day.

    I'm not eating most of the list, but I'm eating a decent amount! Extra virgin olive oil, apples, carrots, turkey, eggs, non-sweetened yogurt, and oodles and oodles of water. =)
  • All of them :) and feel great! Are Avacados on the list. Love those, and Dark Chocolate too. Better for you than red wine, and scientifically proven to improve your mood. Well, I'm not sure about the last part, but I've done my own studies and have reached that conclusion. :)
  • alikona22
    alikona22 Posts: 56 Member
    1. Whole Eggs. Yes, but I switch it out with egg whites too. Less calories & fat.

    2. Fish Oil. Yup! I take an Omega 3-6-9 supplement (lemon flavored; acid reflux made other non-flavored supplements MISERABLE...flax seed oil and fish oil do not taste good the second time around).

    3. Wild Salmon. If I could afford it, I'd eat more of it.

    4. Berries. Yup! I buy them fresh and frozen (but frozen is cheaper). Add them to #5.

    5. Yogurt. Yup! Nonfat greek yogurt. More protein that regular yogurt and super creamy/filling. I mix it with agave syrup, vanilla/almond extract, berries, bananas, cinnamon, etc.

    6. Flax Seeds. Yup! Part of the omega 3-6-9 supplement. Plus will get it in bread, cookies, etc.

    7. Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Yup! Even bought a mister to use it to coat pans.

    8. Mixed Nuts. I have some what of an addiction to nuts and will binge on them, so I tried to only buy raw and unsalted varieties. Have a can of almonds in the pantry.

    9. Red Meat. Due to iron deficiencies, I try to eat red meat 1 week out of the month.

    10. Broccoli. Yup! Great in eggs, pasta, crustless quiche, or served with lemon pepper (mmm, i know what's for dinner)

    12. Turkey. Turkey breast deli meat mostly. Sandwiches, cubed and put on salads, or ground up and added into crustless quiche.

    13. Quinoa. LOVE quinoa. Had a box last week, but was a mix a pretty saltly. Looking into buying it straight up. Made some homemade turkey stock that would be amazing to make quinoa with.

    14. Oats. Not too much. Oatmeal in the morning makes my stomach upset.

    15. Tomatoes: Love it in salads, spaghetti sauce, in chili

    16. Oranges. Not too often; should try to rotate them into my fruit regime. Orange juice gives me acid reflux :/

    17. Apples. LOVE apples. Almost everyday.

    18. Carrots. Yup! I try to rotate or combine them with other veggies since they are higher on the glycemic index than other veggies. Great to add to soups.

    19. Water. All day every day.

    20. Green Tea. I used to drink green tea every day for 5 years, then suddenly it started making my stomach upset. After several years, I've finally been able to find one that doesn't upset my stomach (kombucha green tea with passion fruit flavor, yum!).
  • alikona22
    alikona22 Posts: 56 Member
    I agree! Kale is a great superfood!
  • dimpleschick
    dimpleschick Posts: 85 Member
    1. Whole Eggs. Yes. Either over easy or hard boiled

    2. Fish Oil. 4 grams a day as supplement. Helps reduce cholesterol.

    3. Wild Salmon. When I can. Not a local fish and very expensive here.

    4. Berries. Yes. My favorite are blueberries. Also a good antioxidant

    5. Yogurt. I buy the greek kind. Higher protein. Either plain or honey. I add my own fruit or not.

    6. Flax Seeds. No. Interferes with a medication I take

    7. Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Any olive oil is good. A staple in my kitchen

    8. Mixed Nuts. I usually stick to almonds. Will have PB once in a while

    9. Red Meat. Not often. I don't really like meat but will eat a nice steak or hamburger once in a while

    10. Broccoli. Yes.

    11. Spinach. Yes, in salads, on sandwiches, steamed. Popeye was right. A very good source of iron.

    12. Turkey. Yes as long as it is fresh. Don't like processed lunch meats.

    13. Quinoa. No. Haven't tried it yet. Hope it is available at our health food store which would be our only source.

    14. Oats. Been eating it since I was a little kid. Love it with blueberries.

    15. Tomatoes. As often as I can. Been growing and eating since my grandma taught me how to plant stuff as a kid.

    16. Oranges. Yes. The fruit is less calories than the juice and will fill you up more.

    17. Apples. Yes when we can get good ones here.

    18. Carrots. Makes a great snack, steamed or in salad

    19. Water. Our water comes from cisterns so we drink bottled water here. I am sometimes concerned that I am not getting the minerals I would from other water sources.

    20. Green Tea. Takes longer to steep than the regular tea but worth it. My favorite is Bigelow's Green Mango tea.
  • MrsJohnston
    MrsJohnston Posts: 43 Member
    Thu 12/08/11 11:48 PM
    1. Whole Eggs: all the time!

    2. Fish Oil. No

    3. Wild Salmon: Hard to get fresh wild salmon around here, but I do eat the regular stuff, it's my fav!

    4. Berries: When they're on sale.. like someone else said, fruit (as well as all other healthy foods) are stupid expensive in Canada

    5. Yogurt: When I can get it on sale, yes

    6. Flax Seeds. No

    7. Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Yes

    8. Mixed Nuts: Too pricey :(

    9. Red Meat. Mmmm meat.. yes!

    10. Broccoli. Love it

    12. Turkey. Only on Christmas

    13. Quinoa. huh? whats that?

    14. Oats. Tryign to have porridge every morning for breakfast

    15. Tomatoes: Pretty much daily

    16. Oranges.Sigh... when on sale

    17. Apples. Not much

    18. Carrots. all the time

    19. Water. trying to increase this!

    20. Green Tea. Every now and then, yes
  • angeleyez77
    angeleyez77 Posts: 45 Member
    I eat everything except fgor a lot of fish and quinea and spinach. But am gonna put them into my diet though.
  • whatevany
    whatevany Posts: 109 Member
    . Whole Eggs. Yes

    2. Fish Oil. Yes

    3. Wild Salmon. Yes, but not lately

    4. Berries. Sometimes

    5. Yogurt. Rarely

    6. Flax Seeds. No

    7. Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Sometimes

    8. Mixed Nuts. Sometimes

    9. Red Meat. Yes, mostly eat local and grass-fed

    10. Broccoli. All the time

    11. Spinach. Yes

    12. Turkey. On holidays

    13. Quinoa. No

    14. Oats. No

    15. Tomatoes. Yes

    16. Oranges. No

    17. Apples. No

    18. Carrots. In a salad or stew sometimes

    19. Water. Yes

    20. Green Tea. Yes, along with Rooibos and white tea. Love tea!
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I eat most of them...not fish (I take Omega 3 capsule) and I cannot stand tomatoes...but other than that, I usually have at least 2 of them every day in rotation throughout the week!