who logs house cleaning for exercise?



  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I'm set at light activity, so regular every day cleaning is included in that, but I log cleaning the bathroom or washing floors.
  • Thesis_gut
    Thesis_gut Posts: 56 Member
    As most here seem to do, I also log cleaning when it's the weekly 'big' clean that includes hovering, mopping, etc. I always use the "cleaning, light, moderate effort" option though. Also have my diary set to sedentary, so think I can get away with logging certain non-sport activities as exercise.
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    I log it if I do something unusual - like cleaning carpets, moving furniture, etc. I don't normally do the cleaning so if I did participate in a massive spring cleaning or something, I would probably log it. I'm not logging unloading the dishwasher tho!! :laugh:
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I only log exercise that I do solely for the sake of exercise. The exception would be hiking or something. That is clearly physical, but done for enjoyment rather than simply for exercise.

    I also don't congratulate my MFPals on their exercise burns when cleaning. :huh:

    Neither do I.
    It's actually hard not to post something like "you gotta be kidding me"

    My thing is I'm not looking for kudos on ANY excercise I post, regardless of the burn or activity. So, either way, if people want to "high 5" me or ask me what the eff? I could care less....
  • claireliston
    I have apartments that I manage, so I log the cleaning for these as its usually has me working my hard and fast, but cleaning for my own house I don't log unless I'm doing a proper spring clean etc
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    I don't but have considered it when I've had to do major cleaning...I never logged when I moved and that included moving two beds, three dressers and MANY boxes BY MYSELF lol
    Plus, I'm running up and down our stairs constantly! My room is down there but my daughter's is upstairs. Laundry is down there as well.

    I think b/c I KNOW damn well I have a few friends on my list that would bust my chops if I did that I won't....hahahaha
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    my setting is at sedentary; which means my calorie allotment is based on the fact that i never left bed; like a day of pure rest. it doesnt take into account when i get out of bed at all. So i log any cleaning; 20minutes here, 10minutes there, etc. I dont try to log trips to the bathroom or any other daily activity, but i do log when i do extra things outside of standard staying alive, like cleaning. if my setting were say, lightly active, i would never log daily cleaning, i only do this because of the sedentary settings.

    I also log cooking/food prep in my excercises when i make meals (like if im in the kitchen for an hour on my feet cooking and moving about the kitchen--i dont log if i spend 2minutes making a sandwich), because standing in general you burn alot of calories compared to laying down.

    Alot of cooking, or alot of cleaning, I might log as half the time (something that took me 4hours, i might only log 2hours); i think eating back 1000calories just cuz u cleaned is a bit much and worried that it might not be accurate.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I do, since I do not clean everyday it is an event when I do it once a week and it is about 3 hours long lol.
    yea this. for sure.

    I super clean my house about once a week or so and its an ordeal.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Sedentary actually means that you are sitting most of the day, not that you never left bed. Even the effort of holding yourself erect with your hiney in a chair burns more calories than literally laying down in bed all day. I don't log my cleaning calories because I have always done all those things and I gained weight anyway. To me, it is all a part of my normal daily energy expenditure.
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    No way! Do people count sex and brushing their teeth also? What about walking to the mailbox, or parking far away from the store? Why? Doing things that must be done and you have always done and then counting them so you can eat more seems silly. If you're not starving yourselves this is all a moot point. Idk, that's just me and I'm harsh, so it's all good!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I log cleaning sometimes. Depends on what I'm doing, how active I've been lately, etc. I don't "clean" every day -- I pick up every day, but I vacuum 4 times a week, and mop when it needs done, and so on. So it's not a daily activity for me. And when I do log it, I eat all the calories.

    As I've said on most of the other threads about this topic, it doesn't matter if you log it or not. Your body burns a certain amount of calories doing those things, and you need to eat enough to fuel your body. Cleaning does burn calories. The trick is to be honest with how hard you're working. If you pick up the toys in the living room and log it as 1 hour of heavy cleaning, you're going to be getting an inaccurate number of calories burned, so if you eat all of them, you'll be eating too much. If you scrub your house top to bottom and don't log it because you think cleaning doesn't count, you've burned a lot of calories anyway, so if you don't eat more you may not be getting enough calories to support all that activity. It's about being realistic with yourself.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Never for routine stuff...it's just part of my day. But if I'm moving furniture around, scrubbing walls, yard work, cleaning the garage....things that are out of the norm......log it!!
  • patience842003
    I drink so much water that I log the trips to the bathroom, lol. just kidding

    LOL!!!! Tell me about it!!! I figure when I drink as much water as I'm supposed to that I'm going every 15 min... :P

    ....and yes I definitely add cleaning calories. Of course washing dishes isn't much of a burn :-) so it really depends on the cleaning and the intensity... Sometimes I think the calories burned is kind of high in the database so I've actually debated just not putting them in to my diary. I guess having an HRM might solve that so you would really know what you burned when you did it. :-)
  • peacheywoo
    peacheywoo Posts: 52 Member
    My job is mostly office or clinic based so I count that as sedentary. I count my overtime shifts in A&E as I only do them a couple of hours month and its 5 - 6 hours straight with no stopping and usually just water to drink.

    I don't count the day to day stuff like packing/unpacking the dishwasher, making the bed etc.

    When I have my weekend cleaning sessons I do count them - 1-2 hours ironing, full house clean, car wash etc.

    I also count when I do work at the stables - hay, water and mucking out 6 horses gets me slightly out of breath hence I count it. The riding I count as exercise anyway.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Since it takes me 3 to 4 hours to clean my house I most
    certainly use it as exercise.
  • Momof3PrincesandaPrincess
    I log it, I don't use it as my main exercise but when I do it I log the credit for it. I hate doing it, it's such a boring thing so I figure I might as well see the burn for doing it.