My first Day

psportelli Posts: 2
My name is Paul Sportelli. I am 47 years old. I work in the investment industry in management. I am on my feet a lot running all over the office however I do spend most of the time in my office behind a computer.
My partner and I have a 3 year old boy. When I began to do the math, I found I will be 62 when he graduates high school. This scared me so I decided I want to be as healthy as possible and active as possible so I can see my son grow into a man and have his own family.

I am not considered over weight, but I'm definately not in the best shape. I joined a boot camp near my home that meets 3 times per week and will begin to incorporate more running into my routine on the off days, though I hate running.

My goal is to lose about 15 lbs and also stengthen my core and tone body over-all. In my younger years, I worked out a lot and do not want to go back to having a large frame of muscle, just lean and tone.


  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    great goals

    i'm not shooting for a large loss either, and i'm also upping the excercise a bit (I tried running, but lucily it knackered my knees as I really don't like running !) without trying to get too body conscious

    I've lost 10lbs since the summer just by being more aware of what I eat (balancing a piggy day with a good day and being a bit more controlled with the portion size) and upping the excercise a bit, and I am sure you can do it too

    i had my wee girl at 40 and one of my aims is to show her that being fit and healthy and slim is just 'normal'

    hope it goes well for you!
  • I just removed my chair... now I get to stand all day. I've also added shadow boxing in our Loans vault. Stress relief.
  • Hello. This is something I've been meaning to do for myself for a long time. When you're the Mom, it seems we tend to put other's needs before our own. I have an 8.5 year son and want to be a good example for him! I met with a registered dietician today to make a plan for losing weight and she steered me here and thought that keeping a food log would be a great first step until our next appointment in January. Of course, going into the holidays is probably the toughest time possible to initiate this change, so it will be a challenge!!!
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