

  • sveltemommy
    sveltemommy Posts: 10 Member
    you need to kick up the exercise to rock your metabolism out of its rut - aim for 7 days a week, and be satisfied with 6. Work in some weight training, especially the larger muscle groups like chest, back and quads. try some strength dvds by bob harper or jackie warner. you don't need heavy weights. you can get past it. and yes, you might have to skip the exercise points if you can bear it, but first i'd try upping the exercise - don't go starving.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    It's been said on here in more detail, but EAT MORE FOOD!!! Eat above your BMR you are probably eating way too little. and YES keep eating your exercise calories.
  • Here is a link to some free fitness help: www.flabtofabfitness.com
  • Surisaddai
    Surisaddai Posts: 142 Member
    I agree with many of the posts, I had a complete off week where I didn't do anything at all but kind of watch my calories and that week I lost 2lbs.
  • I've been on a plateau since last February! I keep losing and gaining the same 4 pounds! I am so close to onederland but can't get there! I could scream also! i've tried everything! Went to the Dr and she said I take 2 meds that cause weight gain and that could be the problem! I've been doing Weight Watchers for a 1 1/2 and only lost 25 pounds! I switched over to myfitnesspal to see if that would help! I'm stuck also so I can feel your pain! I just have to keep trying and pray that one of these days i'll drop down below 200! Good luck to you!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    This is the story of what happen when you want to lose those last pounds.

    Your body does not know it live in a place and time where food is readily available and where most of us sit on our behind in front of a computer almost all day. Our bodies still think we are living in caves, hunting and generally working really hard in order to survive.

    When we only want to lose those darn last few pounds, our body really don’t want too.

    Us: I really want to lose the last 10 pounds because I really want to feel sexy in that little black dress

    Body: Why getting rid of those last precious fatty pounds? What if the winter is really hard and we can’t find food. We need that fat!!!! We need to survive.

    So, in order to lose, what we do? …….reduce our calories and spend hours on the elliptical.

    Body: Oh my God!!!!!!!!!! What is happening? Why do we have to work so much to eat so little food? We must be in a famine!!! Start the survival protocol stat!!!! First, we have to reduce the numbers of calories we use in everyday tasks.


    - Sleep more

    - Move less when awake

    - Use muscle mass for energy. Muscles require more energy to have, use and move around. Slowing down metabolism

    - Use fat reserves

    - If all of the sudden we get more food (Yay we killed something) make sure to store as much as possible.

    The result is a plateau at best, a messed up metabolism at worst. In fact it is one of the best way to gain the weight back and more. We all know people that have been on every diet in existence but are at their highest weight ever.

    Some call that state, starvation mode…..but for me it’s more a conservation mode where the goal is to survive long enough until food is available.

    Us: But I really want to wear that little black dress!!!! And I do not want to eat like a bird for the rest of my life!!!! What should we do?

    We can lose those last few pounds and keep a healthy metabolism. We have to keep the deficit really small, about 250 calories a day and eating your exercise calories.

    Do heavy strength training, if you use your muscles often, your body will try to keep them.

    Eat plenty of protein. About 1g by lean body weight. Eat also plenty of fat. Your bodies need fats to function.

    Remember, your body is not the enemy. Work with it, enjoy the journey, love yourself.
  • are you eating enough? I find that I have had to increase my food intake beyond the recommended ( 1200) in my case. I don't track my exercise but do eat between 1500-1600 calories per day. If you get into a calorie deficit your body will not trust that it can let go of the calories. You are a biological being reacting to physical situations with the ultimate goal of SURVIVAL! realizing that if you don't give your body enough calories to funciton well it will hoard anything you do give it thinking that food availability may be an issue ( historically a sign of a famine or drought). By ensuring that you are nourishing your body optimally your body will learn to trust that it can shed those pounds. I have lost regularily between .5 up to 3 lbs per week eating these higher cals. I do also eat about 6 times per day and drink 8-10 glasses of water. But I still eat my popchips at night, and induldge in wine on the weekends 1-2 small glasses but just stay within my calorie range. I try and eat a lot of veggies at my meals and some protien with each meal and snack! maximizing volume of foods as I love to eat! Good luck!
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Maybe you need to eat a bit more? Often people tend to keep lowering their calories, and their bodies don't like it. Also, perhaps sodium is an issue for you? I know it can cause bloating/waterweight gain.
  • This lady is awesome!!!! :)