Need some help

So, i've cut out pastas and breads for the most part... But how do you cut out the bad things completely? I love my chocolate and I love carbs- So i'm finding that I still eat too many "bad" carbs, and have been eating chocolate more frequently. I don't want to fall back into what I usually do- I'll lose weight, get comfortable, and then I'll gain it back again... So what's some of the things you do that make you not do that? :) Thank you!


  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Calories in vs. Calories out.

    The rest is whatever
  • Salpica
    Salpica Posts: 205 Member
    Why did you cut out breads and pastas? Are you trying to cut carbs out completely?

    It comes down to will power and moderation. You have to force yourself to not eat chocolate. You need to keep yourself from getting comfortable and then gaining it back again.

    I still eat "bad" things, but I still have lost all the weight as shown below. You have to keep yourself honest and make sure if you treat yourself you make up for it elsewhere.
  • beeny83
    Why did you cut out breads and pastas? Are you trying to cut carbs out completely?

    It comes down to will power and moderation. You have to force yourself to not eat chocolate. You need to keep yourself from getting comfortable and then gaining it back again.

    I still eat "bad" things, but I still have lost all the weight as shown below. You have to keep yourself honest and make sure if you treat yourself you make up for it elsewhere.

    I'm with him ^^^^ mederation!!!
  • ConkreteChic
    ConkreteChic Posts: 72 Member
    I've noticed that I have a kind of "threshold" when it comes to refined carbs and sugar. I can eat a little bit, but if I eat too much I can really tell in my energy levels and how I feel in general. Since you have mostly cut out breads and pastas, do you notice a difference when you *do* eat them? or anything sugary? I find that the thought of feeling crappy really turns me off to the stuff.

    However, I love me some chocolate, so I eat it, but I make it really indulgent. I eat the really dark ghirardelli squares (2) and I have them in the bathtub while I read my book. It's a small bit of chocolate, but the whole thing feels like an event :)

    I guess my point is I agree with eating the "bad things" in moderation. If you completely deprive yourself, THAT's when you are eventually going to hit a wall and are in danger of bingeing. The only things I avoid completely are my trigger foods - the stuff that if I take one bite I am going to go crazy if I can't have five (i.e. doughnuts, for me)

    I've only lost a little over 4 pounds since logging, but that's the most I've ever lost and kept off. Not cutting out everything bad means losing slower, but it also means it's possible to do it forever (can you imagine NEVER having another dinner roll, or another piece of chocolate? That's sadistic!)

    I say eat a little chocolate, and REALLY love it!
  • Katemarie34
    Katemarie34 Posts: 144 Member
    I've cut them out because pasta for me would be the one thing where I can't just eat a bite of it, or a little bit of it... I LOVE pasta, so the only time I have that is on really special occasions. The bread is because I guess I had it pictured that bread was bad- I like whole wheat/multigrain things but just don't know how to slowly put those back in. I do agree that you should make up for it elsewhere and should probably start doing that so I don't "binge" when I eat some of this stuff.... I couldn't imagine never eating chocolate again- holy crap!
    Thanks everyone :)
  • stephraposo
    stephraposo Posts: 57 Member
    Portion control, whole grains, whole wheat and DARK chocolate
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I won't buy anything that I know will be a trigger food for me. Like chocolate, once I have a bite, I want more. And Oreos? My kids aren't allowed to bring them in the house! I have caught myself getting comfortable at work, like around this time of year when subcontractors are sending us gift baskets, but then I have to remind myself I didn't lose all this weight eating all that crap, and I would be at goal already if I hadn't had so many comfortable moments. I'm trying to spend more time on MFP to keep myself out of the kitchen. I measure my pasta (whole wheat) and throw veggies in with my sauce to make it more filling. I used to make spaghetti a lot, and I would EAT a lot because it didn't make me feel full. I let myself have one cheat day a week, so it gives me something to look forward to, and I try not to get too crazy!