Your Christmas weight loss plans



  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    My gym never closes :) I have an access card for the non-staffed hours.

    Your gym ROCKS! I live in a small town with 1 okay gym and a Curves center. The gym is just okay, but they have no classes after 6pm nor on the weekend. I don't even get home until 6:30. Still I plan on joining after I make Lifetime on Weight Watchers (and no londer have to pay) them monthly fee is less than WW so even if I can only make it there for the weights and machines and an occasional class when I'm off (doesn't happen often) I'll be getting my money's worth!
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Mine is going to be horrible as my gym will be closed for a week or more!! SUCKS! But there is a 24 hour gym here but I cant get out of my current gym membership :( my brother has one though, thinking of using his just for that week... Maybe dodgy but hey who cares ahahaha! I need to pump my muscles!

    But christmas day I am guaranteed to go over, but my metabolism is running pretty good at the moment and I live in Australia, so christmas day will be quite warm, which means a lot of out door activities such as: backyard cricket, Water balloon volleyball and all soughts of other activites, So I should be fine :)
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I plan to eat the healthy parts and limit dessert. Of course portioning is always involved! Although I have more motivation for this since I am finind out that either dairy or wheat is making me sick..
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    I definitely plan to track, but also plan to use the extra time off/holiday time to get in a run or brisk walk every day. I also liked the idea about active Wii games!!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm not worried about it... It only comes around a few times a year. What ever happens.. happens.

    I'm also sure that you will gain weight. and prob. water weight at that. So if the scale does jump, don't freak because it will def. be gone with in the next few days.

    LMFBO about it coming a few times a year!!! I'm really jk, but really Christmas comes once a year where I'm from! BTW your ticker and mine are almost identical!!!!
    I think I was lumping like thanksgiving, christmas and the days before and after into that mix.. since we had an influx of these threads before thanksgiving too.

    It is funny that our tickers are almost the same.. and that our starting/ending weights are too!
  • Smiler40
    Smiler40 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi All

    Only just found this, so this will be something else to distract me from food ;)

    I will be on a cruise for Christmas, so I plan to try and stick to healthy eating, exercise classes and the gym, obviously keeping up water intake so hopefully will not put much on, if any

  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I have a metabolic condition, so "taking a few days off" isn't really an option unless I want to spend the holidays in a sugar coma. And my family's not *that* bad... :laugh: Actually, I have a wonderful family and I am going to focus on spending quality time with them, rather than on spending quality time with the dessert table. If my lap is full of squirming baby nephew, there will be no room there for a cookie or a piece of pie. I have recently rediscovered my lap, but it still isn't *that* big. :laugh:

    For me, the holidays are all about planning ahead & being prepared. I have already made a list (and checked it twice :wink: ) of foods I'm allowed to eat. Lots of things I enjoy, on that list, like ham & turkey & deviled eggs. If I fill up on those things, I won't feel deprived at not eating the bad-for-me stuff.

    I'm also volunteering to do a larger share of the cooking, myself. That way I know there will be mashed cauliflower instead of just mashed potatoes, and there will be low-carb flaxmeal pumpkin rolls made with Splenda, as an alternative to pumpkin pie. This has the double benefit of getting on Mom's good side by being helpful and handling so many of the side dishes for her. :smile:

    Good luck and happy holidays to everyone!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I don't want to lose my accumulation of days logged in, so I will be logging in. I also want to track my calories, so that I get a sense of the amount of exercise needed to burn everything off. And then I will spend days doing winter sports to burn it all off!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I am going to log, but with the mind set that I might go over. It's not so much that I will allow myself to go hog wild Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but I don't want to miss out on traditions. I want my Christmas morning cinnamon roll while watching the Disney Christmas Parade! With dinner I will watch my portion size (half a baked potato for example) and, since I do the cooking, change a few things here and there to lower the calories (regular potatoes instead of twice baked or roasted green beans with garlic instead of green bean casserole). I will also allow myself a small bite of dessert.

    My thinking is this. I would be really upset if I was forced to change things like one cinnamon roll on Christmas morning. That is not a way to keep up with this whole new eating plan. Such limits would end up with me quitting again because it is just NOT realistic for me.
  • rachelmarie1
    rachelmarie1 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm going to try to up my workouts and push myself more now and after Christmas so I can stay on track. For Christmas, I'm not going to stuff myself...
    1. because my body isn't used to it, and
    2. because I don't want to gain the weight back
    I did really good at Thanksgiving... only gained about 2 pounds and had it off by the weekend. :smile: I didn't get full servings of anything really. I pretty much got 1 tablespoon of everything, a small piece of white turkey, and I stopped eating when I got full. I did have 2 small pieces of pie about 1.5 hours later, which made my stomach hurt the rest of the night. lol :frown: I enjoyed myself and I plan to enjoy myself on Christmas and Christmas Eve, but I'm not going over-indulge just to do it. I've been working really hard and I keep reminding myself that If I am going to lose the "extra me" that I need to make permanent lifestyle changes. I am also going to try to make my sweet potato casserole less than 425 calories per serving (2/3 cup), because I :heart: them sooo much! I hope everyone enjoys all the Holidays between now and the New Year!!
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    I think the sensible thing to do is to eat as close to maintenance cals as possible. Mine is 1750. I have the entire 2 weeks off at Christmas so I'll be able to go to the gym most days so that will make up for it as well!
  • GingerRogered
    GingerRogered Posts: 12 Member
    I'm on a mission to loose weight! I'm going to eat healthly over christmas no matter what. I will indulgde in a few cheeky beverages but as far as food goes I'm going to try my very best to stick to my 1300 calorie limit for food. Lucky for my my family are quite healthy and christmas normally consists of fresh prawns, heaps of salad, roast lamb and a massive fruit salad. but i'll definately enjoy a few mango daquaries!
  • carrie1610
    carrie1610 Posts: 54 Member
    My plan is to lose at least one more lb before the holiday, then maintain my weight over Christmas and start again losing in the new year. I'll keep an eye on what I'm eating and drinking, enjoy myself but not go mad. Also, I'll be avoiding the boxes of chocolates as one chocolate is never enough!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I don't want to lose my accumulation of days logged in, so I will be logging in. I also want to track my calories, so that I get a sense of the amount of exercise needed to burn everything off. And then I will spend days doing winter sports to burn it all off!

    I didn't consider the days logged in accumulation. I will definitely at least log in too. Thanks!
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    ill maybe eat back all my exercise calories but other than that its a regular day for me
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    I'm going to celebrate Christmas and eat. But just on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. That's technically just two cheat days!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I'm going to move more and eat less, thats the plan!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    the thundering herd of sheeple to work through their absurd new year resolutions which will end once they give up and quit after a few weeks.
    LOL, this is SO true!

    Well, I'm already at maintenance so my plan for the entire month of December is to accumulate a weekday deficit of about 200-300 calories each day, and then basically have a "cheat meal" each Saturday night when we have our holiday parties (company xmas party tonight, friends' xmas party next Saturday, celebrating xmas on xmas eve the following Saturday, and then new years eve). I don't plan to track this meal at all; I'll just put in a quick add of calories to zero out my accumulated deficit and call it good enough.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    My bf and I are doing a sort of Primal WOE lately and leaning out wonderfully. My parents eat this way so staying with them will be easy as they have very few sweets. Christmas Eve/Day I eat what I want! Then we are heading to his parents' place where we don't eat quite as healthfully, but eating Primal I crave very few sweets. We are going on a cruise Jan 7th and I plan on weighing 130lbs or less!
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    Mine is going to be horrible as my gym will be closed for a week or more!! SUCKS! But there is a 24 hour gym here but I cant get out of my current gym membership :( my brother has one though, thinking of using his just for that week... Maybe dodgy but hey who cares ahahaha! I need to pump my muscles!

    But christmas day I am guaranteed to go over, but my metabolism is running pretty good at the moment and I live in Australia, so christmas day will be quite warm, which means a lot of out door activities such as: backyard cricket, Water balloon volleyball and all soughts of other activites, So I should be fine :)

    I always find it weird thinking about how its summer in australia. I can't imagine christmas in hot weather. Its been about 10 degrees here (the UK) every day instead of the usual 1 or 2 and it feels too warm to be christmassy.
    I bet it seems weird for you to think about it being cold at christmas though.