starvation mode DOES exist!!

I know this from my painful experience. Last january, i put on so much weight i decided that i will just stop eating. I did this for 20 days.
I ate an apple and a carrot a day! i also drank a lot of water. I started losing like crazy, 1 pound a day, and then after 10 days, i just STOPPED losing. And for another 10 days i didn't lose any weight. Than after maybe three days of normal eating I put all the weight I lost back.
Don't worry, i don't do stupid things to myself anymore. Since I've been using myfitnesspal and eating 1200 a day, I started really losing.
That means, even when I let myself eat whatever I want for a week, I won't gain all the weight I lost eating 1200 calories back.
Also, I can eat things i love, i can work out... I can be happy!
When i was eating an apple a day, after just three days i wasn't able to get out of bed, i felt horrible. I couldn't think and walk.
So don't think starvation mode is a myth, you can read all the studies and researches you want but if you're that curious, try it yourself, and see.
And starvation mode is a gift from God, it's not our enemy. We're far from starving with all this food around, but if we DID starve, we would survive for weeks.
This is just some little life experience i wanted to share :)


  • I think there's a difference between eating an apple and carrot a day - and eating (say) 1000 calories of fruit, veggies, protein and carbs a day.

    Starvation mode definitely exists, and you were definitely in it, but 1200 isn't the be all and end all of calories.
  • QingTing
    QingTing Posts: 29 Member
    I think there's a difference between eating an apple and carrot a day - and eating (say) 1000 calories of fruit, veggies, protein and carbs a day.

    Starvation mode definitely exists, and you were definitely in it, but 1200 isn't the be all and end all of calories.

    I think this is true. And, I think your situation also had a lot to do with the sudden CHANGE in diet. I read a lot about diets in Europe and Asia and America is the only country that talks about "starvation mode", and we are also the fattest on average. You suddenly went from ~2,000 calories a day to ~100 a day.

    Anyway, I read a way keep your metabolism up while doing LC diets is exercise, so maybe next time you want to crash diet, up it to at least 800 kcal a day and then just burn 700 in exercise :P
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    It can also happen when you are eating 1200 -- I had my calories set to lose 1 lb/week, MFP recommended 1250 calories. Close to goal AND facing the holidays, I changed it to 1/2 lb/week, which added about 250 calories, and I have been losing more consistently.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    It can also happen when you are eating 1200 -- I had my calories set to lose 1 lb/week, MFP recommended 1250 calories. Close to goal AND facing the holidays, I changed it to 1/2 lb/week, which added about 250 calories, and I have been losing more consistently.

    That doesn't mean you were in starvation mode.
  • It can also happen when you are eating 1200 -- I had my calories set to lose 1 lb/week, MFP recommended 1250 calories. Close to goal AND facing the holidays, I changed it to 1/2 lb/week, which added about 250 calories, and I have been losing more consistently.

    Agreed. Same thing. I was trying for 1300 and my personal trainer told me I was definitely putting myself in starvation mode. the lowest she wants me to go is 1570 ( I exercise 5-7x a week, 30 mins-45 or 60 mins). The biggest problem for me isn't getting the calories in it is how I get the calories. Need to make better food choices however I am super picky so it has been tricky so far. Guess the point is everyone is different:)
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    even if you eat like that... 1000 calories... and burn 500 a day... you'll hit plateau anyways! Some girls here, who actually lost weight, and kept it off eat around 2000 a day and they look perfect!
    I was in this nightmare of losing and gaining all the weight back, starving and binge eating... i used to punish myself and feel horrible after a day of binging...
    anyways, whatever you do, if you starve yourself like i did, you're gonna hit the plateau. and oh, that kind of diet is just not possible to stick with.
    You're gonna gain it all back when you start eating normally.
    I don't think that it makes a huge difference, i was stupid just eating around 100 kcal a day but 800 kcal is just about the same, it's not doing anything good....
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Yeah I lost 24 pounds on my then came to MPF and it had me set at 1200 calories. I didn't lost any weight at all. Then last week I visited my doctor he put me on 1600 calories and I have lost 4lbs since. I don't believe it is healthy to eat under your BMR. And I believe if your hungry all the time then you should try something else.
  • MFP has me at 1200, and I've been losing consistently. Maybe it's because I'm really short (5'1) ?
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    The original poster looks pretty thin. Putting on a lot of weight is relative. Starvation mode can't exist if your body still has stores of fat to use up.
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Thank you for that!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    The problem with using individual stories to "prove" the existence of a certain phenomenon, is that there is always other individual stories that disprove the same thing,

    At the end of the day it comes down to the laws of thermdynamics, and if you think you are an exception to that then you should probably donate your body to scientific research.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I eat around 3000 calories daily - no starvation here!
    And I lost 63lbs so far - feeling and looking great.

    The 1lb a week is the perfect way to lose safely while developing new, healthy habits.
    Good Luck EVERYBODY!
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    *yawn* we here again....
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    Yeah I lost 24 pounds on my then came to MPF and it had me set at 1200 calories. I didn't lost any weight at all. Then last week I visited my doctor he put me on 1600 calories and I have lost 4lbs since. I don't believe it is healthy to eat under your BMR. And I believe if your hungry all the time then you should try something else.

    my bmr says 1290 on this site, then another says 1387, and another says 1485? this site set me at 1200..... then when i look at the normal calories i should eat a day it goes from 1700 to almost 1900... so how does anyone actually know what they should be following?
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Starvation mode doesn't work anything like most people think it does. You don't just eat too little for a while and then stop losing weight. If that was true do you think people could get underweight or would be losing weight with hcg? Starving yourself is bad, but it is possible to do for quite a while while still losing weight.

    Starvation mode is when your body has adjusted to your low intake and slowed down your metabolism. No matter what stupid things you do it it, the human body is pretty amazing and doesn't want you to die. It will try to protect you and itself, which is one reason people tend to binge (real, mindless, uncontrollable binges) after starving themselves for too long.

    It doesn't happen as easily or fast as most people think. It also has to do with your net calories and not just how much you eat.
  • quixoticmantis
    quixoticmantis Posts: 297 Member
    MFP has me at 1200, and I've been losing consistently. Maybe it's because I'm really short (5'1) ?

    I'm 4'11', and I had 13 pounds to lose. I ate 1200 cals, and lost the first 6 or so lbs rather consistently. Then I just quit. No matter what I did, I couldn't lose. Upped my cals to 1395, (1/2 lb a week) and have lost 4 or 5 more lbs, and continue to lose. Plus, I don't feel like sh$%, haha.

    I think it all depends on the person, build, what foods you get your nutrition from, and your exercise - not quite so much how short you are. A lot can make 1200 work though. Just not this little lady :smile:
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Where is my 'mode' button? I've asked my mum, and she said I didn't come with a manual.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    I think too many people are getting starvation and malnutrition confused
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Everyone is different, everyone's body wiII adjust differently to their caIoric intake
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I think too many people are getting starvation and malnutrition confused

    How so? I know they share some similar health problems but you can be malnourished even if you are eating enough food or even overeating, if you are making poor food choices or don't have healthy foods available.