
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    i bought myself the DVD for Christmas last year. Sadly, i just took off the plastic wrapper this week! :o)

    I plan to start it soon, but right now for schedule and logistical reasons, i cant fit it in. I look forward to doing it soon though, in the meantime i have Zumba and cardio kickboxing 3-4 times per week.

    I have heard alot of great results and cant wait to start!
  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    This was intended for a DAILY workout - for 30 days straight, increasing the level about every 10 days. Here is the email I received from her website after asking about the video workout...

    Thank you for contacting customer support. The 30 day shred is intended to be used consecutively for 30 days doing each level for 10 days.I hope this helps!If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reply and let me know. If you prefer to speak to a live representative, you can always call us toll free at 1-866-348-9729, 9am-8pm EST, Monday through Friday.


    Stephanie L.
    Customer Service
    Jillian Michaels Online

    I did not see much weight loss doing this workout, but I went down a pants size.
  • jfcarlson713
    jfcarlson713 Posts: 108 Member
    I just started it too. Not sure what results you are looking for after only one workout?

    I certainly felt the burn and also heard that it's best to do it every other day. Today will be day two and I can really feel day one even though I've been working out regularly for 6 mo. Mostly cardio. Thought this would be a good way to get a bit of strenth training and mix things up.
  • thatgirl125
    thatgirl125 Posts: 294 Member
    My 7th day on the 30 day shred was yesterday, The only difference I notice is my endurance. : /
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I'm interested to see what you think about Level 2. I was at Level 1 for 5 days, been at Level 2 for 10. It's a workout!! I'll spend a little bit longer at Level 2 just because I feel the burn more at this level than at Level 1. Interested to see what Level 3 brings...
  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    HI all you fellow shredders. I just finished last night! Wooo hoo!

    Lost 14.2 lbs and 9.2 inches overall!

    I actually learned to love level 3, I hate level too because its a lot in plank position. Good luck all of you!
  • This was intended for a DAILY workout - for 30 days straight, increasing the level about every 10 days. Here is the email I received from her website after asking about the video workout...

    Thank you for contacting customer support. The 30 day shred is intended to be used consecutively for 30 days doing each level for 10 days.I hope this helps!If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reply and let me know. If you prefer to speak to a live representative, you can always call us toll free at 1-866-348-9729, 9am-8pm EST, Monday through Friday.


    Stephanie L.
    Customer Service
    Jillian Michaels Online

    I did not see much weight loss doing this workout, but I went down a pants size.

    Thanks for posting this. I was about to research to make sure!
  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    ... and also heard that it's best to do it every other day.

    I read that on MFP posts which made me send Jillian Michaels website an email to find out for sure. See my post above.
  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    I'm interested to see what you think about Level 2. I was at Level 1 for 5 days, been at Level 2 for 10. It's a workout!! I'll spend a little bit longer at Level 2 just because I feel the burn more at this level than at Level 1. Interested to see what Level 3 brings...

    I actually thought that most of level 2 was more difficult than level 3. It could have just been that I was more in shape by the time I got to level 3.
  • cara19812
    cara19812 Posts: 53 Member
    each section 1,2,3 is done for 10 days a piece
  • I just finished day 7 level 1. I took one day off but plan to 'catch up' by doubling up soon. I've noticed big improvement in my endurance and strength (more pushups/situps, etc) and my form is better. I need to pick up a heavier set of weights and plan to do that this weekend.

    Shred on!
  • I have done 4 workouts with Jillian so far. I missed it yesterday as after work I went to bed (was up with my 15mth old for 7 hrs the night before) Today I have felt rotten cos full of the cold. Just stuffed my face with a chinese so starting 30 day shred again tomorrow. Yesterday was the first day since starting the shred that my thighs didnt hurt! I've been using tins of soup as weights as cant afford hand weights just now. what can I use when I need to increase the hand weights?
  • sjhaar
    sjhaar Posts: 43 Member
    I am on my 3rd day of level 1 for the 30 day shred. I honestly started it about a month and a half ago and was half way through level 2 before my dvd player quit working. I had to bust the player to get it out! I haven't gotten into the habit of measuring inches yet, but I was losing roughly 1/4 to 1/2 of a pound a day, which I think was pretty good. Anyways I got into a funk for about three and have just started it again. Like others have posted I really am starting to notice the definition in my muscles as well as the little bit of weight loss. Definitely worth pushing yourself to see the results!
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    ok you know what- I have this and totally need to get motivated. I stared it did like 2 days of level 1 and then 3ish days of level 2 and then lost motivation. If someone is starting a group in the next week or so please add me because I need the motivation bad.

    btw - I have like 15ish more to go
  • I have lost about 8 lbs since I've started this video (along with her No More Trouble Zones....and I added in a 10 minute cardio that I found on Youtube). I don't use both on the same day...I'll do one or the other and if I do 30 minute shred I'll just add in the 10 minute cardio prior to the video. I started getting serious about my weight loss about 8 weeks ago. I use MFP to track my calories (as you probably do to). I usually eat around 1400-1500 calories per day....and that's eating back my exercise calories. My SW was 172 and according to the scale this morning I am now 164 lbs. So the video(s) have seemed to work fine for me. I have seen big improvements in my strength and endurance. FYI: I am 5'6". Hope this helps!!

    Oh just to add....I do level 2. I just started doing level 3 about 2 days ago.
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    I just started the 30DS yesterday (and finished L1 day 2 about 10 minutes ago). This is killer for me! Lol, it amazes me how out of shape I am. My upper body strength is pretty weak, but my legs are really strong. Any of the lunge exercises are pretty good for me, but push-ups kill me. I can't physically do the boy push ups at the moment because I have a slight toe injury. In girly position, I probably do about 13 or so push-ups before I want to lay on the floor and die.

    Looking forward to completing this. It'll be hard over the holidays since I'll be flying to visit my mom right in the middle. Trying to figure out how I can still do it away from home (I bought it on iTunes not DVD). Otherwise, I'd have to take a 10 day break right in the middle. =(
  • Feel free to add me. I started about 2 weeks ago and I am already seeing results. Also wonder what weight everyone uses? I have 5 pound weights and there are times I have to switch to only one weight.
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    I'm on day 3 level one. I love it. I am also doing a 5k a day and strength training along with the DVD. I am excited to see results the next 27 days :)
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    I just started it too. Not sure what results you are looking for after only one workout?

    I agree...be patient !
  • hey guys im on day 12 of the 30DS. i did level 1 for the first 10 days and just finished day 2 on lever 2. i am seriously considering moving to level 3 just because i can not do all those plank moves! is anyone else having trouble with them?

    also im interested to hear about the diet plans you guys are following ( if any!).

    i havent really been doing well on the diet side of things and hence i have not lost any weight. i have however seen a difference in my endurance and my posture. maybe ill lose more in inches than in weight. i will finish the whole 30 days before i pass judgement

    good luck to you all :)