if our stomach is roughly the size of 2 fists - why are stan



  • redbird99
    redbird99 Posts: 298 Member
    Here is an interesting article that came out today on a similar subject:


    It says there is a difference in satiety when using a larger fork than using a smaller fork! Our brains are funny, aren't they!
  • I use small salad plates and 8 oz cups. I had a hard time trying to find them too!!!
  • i bought smaller dinner plates and bowls that way i dont fit as much food on my plate. and i measure EVERYTHING i eat. I get made fun of all the time but it has helped me dramatically
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    This is probably because when we were younger we were told to eat everything on our plate and not listen to our bodies.

    This is one rule I will never tell my kids.. I'll say eat all your veggies or teach them that smaller portions are ok, but not eat everything on your plate. I can't stand to hear a parent say that. Anyway.. I don't like it that restaurants have such large portions. My fiance and I always split meals. We are both content and we don't need the leftovers because my fiance will eat the leftovers later that night without realizing how many calories he is consuming. Big difference. I think he has lost weight just by cutting out left overs from restaurants.

    I have tricked my mind into thinking "i want to see more of the plate". I want to see the design on the plate. I eat a lot less, but I also had surgery to help with that.
    They did a study on foodnetwork where they served the same food on big plates and little plates. The people with big plates ate much much more than those who ate on small plates. Apparently the smaller the plate the more food People thought they were eating.
  • kimski08
    kimski08 Posts: 28 Member
    That's it then, it's kiddy size plates and huge cutlery tomorrow!!