The Over 300 Club



  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    HI everyone Well not such a good day I weighed in and nothing happened. But I feel like I have which even in my pants feel loser weird. 4surethistime have a great vaction. and thank you for your support .blazin you are so right it is hard to make a life style change small steps at a time. and you are doing so great. stillkristi congrats on the lose. reedwoman you can try sugarfree gum when your on line it keeps your mouth busyand fresh breath but mostly try the water it a good way to get it down without even thinking about it.
    Everyone here is such an inspiration for me. I thank you all:flowerforyou:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    HI everyone Well not such a good day I weighed in and nothing happened. But I feel like I have which even in my pants feel loser weird. 4surethistime have a great vaction. and thank you for your support .blazin you are so right it is hard to make a life style change small steps at a time. and you are doing so great. stillkristi congrats on the lose. reedwoman you can try sugarfree gum when your on line it keeps your mouth busyand fresh breath but mostly try the water it a good way to get it down without even thinking about it.
    Everyone here is such an inspiration for me. I thank you all:flowerforyou:

    Its a drag when your weight doesn't move on the scale, which is why its a great idea to have a couple of other things to go by, like clothing, or the tape measure.

    Also, I am copying a section from a post by another mfp member I have mentioned before, SHBoss aka Banks:
    The human body can fluctuate up to 5 lbs (up or down) from our "real" weight every single day. Why? It depends on tons of factors, but the biggest are what you ate that day (and the day before), what kind of workout you have done, how much waste you have in your system, and how dense your muscles are.
    Yes, sodium is a factor, sodium is one of the ways the body retains water. Remember this guys, 16 oz of water is about a pound of weight. So if you have that extra glass, or ate a lot of fiber the day before, you can be heavier the next day (fiber helps absorb water). This isn't really a bad thing, and no, skimping on your water won't help. Water is the lubricant and the transport system for the body, without it, nutrients, protein, and energy can't get to the places they are needed, also without water, waste really doesn't move out of the body in a timely way (and nobody wants that!).



    So, the scale not moving might not be a problem at all. Give it another week, at least. And, finally, since your pants are roomier, its possible that you are just adjusting - trading fat for lean muscle. Lean muscle is more dense, so pound for pound, takes up less space by volumn than fat does. You're doing great! Keep up the good work!
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Thank you stikristi I need that encouragement. I do feel different I would love to use a type measure I just don't think it would go around my body. maybe I try it see what happens,
    Your doing great 32 pounds that is fantastic :flowerforyou:
    Everyone have a great day:smile:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Thank you stikristi I need that encouragement. I do feel different I would love to use a type measure I just don't think it would go around my body. maybe I try it see what happens,
    Your doing great 32 pounds that is fantastic :flowerforyou:
    Everyone have a great day:smile:

    Here is a little secret about the tape measure. I went to a fabric store and bought an extra long one. Its 120" At my heaviest, my hips measured 71 inches. That's half an inch more than my height. To put it even more in perspective, I am 5 feet 10 and one half inches tall. :embarassed: :cry: I am pleased to report that since then, I have lost 7 inches on my hips and 10 inches on my waist. :happy:

    You can do this! We all can do this! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Ok, one last thing. I came accross an old notebook with my measurements and weight at my heaviest back in 2006. I decided I wanted a record of the whole journey, so I posted those numbers in my check in section. I see now that it back dates my ticker, too. So, I don't want to seem like I am cheating or something, but I did want an accurate record to compare my success to. Any thoughts?
  • Jennyryan21
    Jennyryan21 Posts: 69 Member
    Ok, one last thing. I came accross an old notebook with my measurements and weight at my heaviest back in 2006. I decided I wanted a record of the whole journey, so I posted those numbers in my check in section. I see now that it back dates my ticker, too. So, I don't want to seem like I am cheating or something, but I did want an accurate record to compare my success to. Any thoughts?

    I say if you lost it you get to count it :happy:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Ok, one last thing. I came accross an old notebook with my measurements and weight at my heaviest back in 2006. I decided I wanted a record of the whole journey, so I posted those numbers in my check in section. I see now that it back dates my ticker, too. So, I don't want to seem like I am cheating or something, but I did want an accurate record to compare my success to. Any thoughts?

    I say if you lost it you get to count it :happy:

    Thanks!! :bigsmile:
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Stillkristi You have lost it and it does count . I think it is great and it is better to see the the number go down it counts! Thanks on the type measure I am going to try it I need to see something move.
    Everyone have a great night
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hey everyone I got the ticker after all I am hoping it well make me see things better everyone have a great night or good morning
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Good job, MPJS! Can't wait to see that ticker move! :flowerforyou:
  • BlazinEmerald
    BlazinEmerald Posts: 842
    Well, the weekend has went well so far. No problems with the eatting and I scrubbed house all day yesterday. from 10am til about 6 last night. No, my house wasn't completely disgusting , but we did some spring cleaning. Went thru old clothes of the kids to be trashed or donated, cleaned under and behind anything that can be pulled out and MOUNTAINS of laundry. 4 kids produce alot!!! So, I'm sure I burned some calories there. We are getting the house in order for when we go away. Hubby's brother is staying here one week and our sis-in-law the next to look after my 15 yr old step son and the animals. 12 days and counting !!!!! til I get to go see my family and spend some time with my daddy. :bigsmile:

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi everyone, Weigh in for me this morning. I'm down another 3.6 pounds. :smile: I love, love LOVE this way of life. I'm so happy my body is responding the way it is. Read my profile. I've put my poor body through alot. I hope everyone has a fabulous Sunday. I plan to swim,go on a bike ride and power walk 2 miles tonight. I need to fill my bird feeders and play with the kiddos. So as you can see I have a super duper fun day planned !!!!!!!!!! Everyone remember to drink that water and eat those veggies and get moving. WE ROCK!!!!!!!! :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Go Cindy, Go Cindy, Go Cindy!!!

    And all the rest of us! Great day here, so I am thinking outside is a better place to be than inside behind the computer! Good job team, Check in you lurkers! And, Blaze, all the best, my dear!

    Everyone have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi guys, I wanted to share something I've been thinking and feeing today. I've lost 32 pounds since joining this site on March 3'rd. I lost close to 25 pounds before starting on this site. Since losing the weight I feel so much better . Better about myself. Better about the wife I am. Better about the Mom I am. I feel like A new persone. I still have alot to lose but just being proactive about it makes me feel confident. I swam with my 10 year old daughter Avery for an hour today. Last summer I wouldn't have put on a bathing suite. We're going on a bike ride in a few minutes. I don't remember my Mom walking,swimming or bike riding with me. I love the fact I'm making these memories with my daughter. I also want her to love exercise and maintain a healthy weight all her life. I so appreciate this site and all of you. I wish you all sucsess in your new healthy lifestyle. Have a great day everyone! :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    Cindy, that's so great! I really believe that more than the pounds or inches lost, when we can internalize our success in those personal ways, it reinforces this as a positive lifestyle rather than just a means to an end! Good for you - I know your daughter will have great times with you!

    Kristi - you count every one of those pounds!!! You worked hard for that ticker number, show it off and be proud.

    BlazinEmerald - doesn't it feel great to have a sparkling spring fresh house! I'm so glad you are finding a way to go visit your dad...please go trusting your kids will be fine in the care of your family, and take this as "me" time....our thoughts are with you.

    I'm having a good weekend. My daughter is moving home from school for a few weeks. She is a vet student and has a rotation at the zoo for 5 weeks before she heads up north for 2 months. We really have fun together, I'm glad to say, so it's going to be a treat having her home. I will drag her to the pool with me for company (well...not much dragging involved, she gets her "fins" from me}.

    I am pretty proud of myself. Today is such a nice day, I went for a double length bike ride - going along both of my usual routes! The thing that made me happy is that if felt great to go twice as far as I usually do. I thought that once I got home and got off my bike, I would have total noodle legs, but I feel pretty good. Guess all that exercise is paying off! I don't tend to log my calories on the weekends - I try and use this time to practice keeping a mental track. I seem to be doing fairly well with that but even so, I'm happy to say that this weekend has been easier than usual to follow the plan without fighting cravings. Maybe good habits are starting to take hold|!!!

    Have a good week ya'll!
  • loula1076
    loula1076 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm new to this site and I love this 300 club. I'm at 290 right now. Hope I can still join in. It's a lot different for someone who has to lose 150 pounds vs someone who has to lose 20 pounds. I'm really excited for this journey. My mom and my son are doing this with me. We weigh in every Monday evening, so I can't wait to see how much I've lost come tomorrow. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by the end of May. I have to set little goals for myself so it doesn't seem so overwhelming. How's everyone else doing?:happy:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Welcome loula! Glad to have you. And paddlemom and Cindy - WOW I love the way you both put those thoughts! It really is so much more than just a diet, isnt' it!
  • suthernbelle
    suthernbelle Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everybody!!!

    I'm having a good day at work today, I'm actually on my lunch hour which I use part of to check emails and the such. I weigh in tonight, so I'm praying for some good numbers, I have really been working hard at this.

    BlazinEmerald-Good job on that spring cleaning! You'd be surprised how many calories you burn cleaning! But I have one question-can you come to my house and help me spring clean???:bigsmile:

    loula-WELCOME!!!!! You are so right! I love the over 300 club! Everyone here can relate to my struggles and help me celebrate my successes! I'm pretty new here myself so let's get to know everyone together!:flowerforyou:

    Cindy-I can relate to everything you are feeling and going through. I can't wait to the day I can ride the rollercoaster with my daughter (age 10) When we go to amusement parks, my husband is usually the one to "have fun" with her. During the summer I always have a great time swimming with her, but there are other physical activities that I've missed out on over the last 10 years that I can't wait to experience with her. Keep up the good work!

    Paddlemom-You go girl!!!:laugh: :laugh: You made me laugh so hard with your "noodle legs"! I'm glad you didn't get them. Right now I'm only doing "curves" 3 times a week, but I need to incorporate bike riding or something in my exercise routine. P.S. I have an elliptical but can't go more than 3-5 minutes.:cry:

    Stillkrisiti-you are awesome!

    Happy Monday Everyone!!!!
  • BlazinEmerald
    BlazinEmerald Posts: 842

    BlazinEmerald-Good job on that spring cleaning! You'd be surprised how many calories you burn cleaning! But I have one question-can you come to my house and help me spring clean???:bigsmile:

    Oh hunny, lol I hate cleaning with a passion , but I'll gladly slave out my teenage step-kids, they work for food lol. Offer them a pizza or 5 bucks and they are there!!

    So, I snuck a peek at the scale today even though my weigh-in isn't until Thursday. Why thursday you might ask, well thats the day I decided to get off my *kitten* and do something about my weight, and I refused to do the "I'll start Monday", cause I knew I wouldn't lol Anyway, it was the middle of the day I had eaten and drank plenty already and I still showed a loss, woo hoo can't wait for Thursday now :bigsmile:

    Loula - Welcome to the 300 club, we are glad to have you. And your right, only someone who has been this size can understand what it means to BE this size and work for a healthier way of life.

    Cindy- your so right! I found myself outside the other day "racing" my niece. I'd like to tell you I let her win (she's 3) but truth is , she beat me good lol but we had fun and she laughed the whole time cause Auntie Tracy was so silly. And playing with my 7 year old has become much more fun! Only 20 lbs gone but you can feel it in the way your reacts and feels after running around and goofing off.

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    :heart: Hi everyone, I hope all of you are having a great day! I woke up late so I didn't get my morning workout in. I will walk 2 miles tonight -maybe 3. Tomorrow morning hopefully dh won't turn off the alarm . I will get up and do my morning workout before the baby gets here. I'm almost done with my gallon of H2o. I have all my veggies and fruits planned too. I wonder how many of you have heard to get how many calories you should eat to lose multiply your goal weight x 10 ? For me that would be 1,600 calories. Mfp has me at 1,740. I eat around 1,700 a day and lose 3-4 pounds a week. Maybe the 1,600 would be to maintain the 160 pounds I want to be. Yesterday was so much fun! Swimming, bike riding ,walking. I love this way of life ! :heart: Have a great evening -- :heart: Cindy