The Over 300 Club



  • steinbergshal
    Looks like spring is finally here! It is motivating me to get some more outside exercise, and hopefully to be more active in general. Glad to see that so many of you are doing well, and want to offer my congrats on all the hard work we have done this winter.

    I am really enjoying the chance to ride my bike to and from work, it makes me much more alert in the morning. I have been having some trouble sticking with my diet:ohwell: but am going to work on getting the focus back.

    Talking about the recent thread regarding what changes we have made to keep our diets successful, I think the main one for me is about the length of my meals. It seems that I do much better if I really try to keep to food only with meals. If I am eating a little, frequently I have trouble. So I try to get my whole meal ready at once, and then eat it without too many distractions in about 1/2 an hour. This seems to make a big difference in how quickly I get hungry again too.

    Have a good week everyone!:tongue:
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I upped my calorie count to around 2100 in the last couple of days and dropped down another pound and half.

    I burned 800 cals in 3.3 miles tonight. Crazy.

    I finished 10 minutes sooner then I did on Sunday crazy huh?
  • BlazinEmerald
    I upped my calorie count to around 2100 in the last couple of days and dropped down another pound and half.

    I burned 800 cals in 3.3 miles tonight. Crazy.

    I finished 10 minutes sooner then I did on Sunday crazy huh?

    That's awesome beat your time by 10 minutes and burned 800 cals GO YOU!

    I'm feeling really positive these days. My husband just said he wanted ice cream, but didn't want to go buy it because he'd feel bad eatting it in front of me. I told him to go ahead and buy it if he wants it. I'm determined this time to make it work, I'm not finding it hard to resist things that I know aren't the healthiest for me to have. It's just sitting in the back of my mind " I CAN TOTALLY DO THIS" and I will :bigsmile: I've yet to stray, I'm not saying I won't ever , but as for now, I'm meeting my cals, I'm full and fullfilled and satisfied. I'm looking forward to getting on a scale in the next week or so. Right now I can't use my scale, the weight measurment doesn't go high enough so I'm using my friends and she isn't home all week, but that's ok too. I know Im doing well :flowerforyou:

    Good luck to you all
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I upped my calorie count to around 2100 in the last couple of days and dropped down another pound and half.

    I burned 800 cals in 3.3 miles tonight. Crazy.

    I finished 10 minutes sooner then I did on Sunday crazy huh?

    Increasing the calories to lose more is something that gets mentioned a lot, and obviously for good reasons! GOOD JOB!!! WTG!

    Steinbergshal, maybe thats something you should look at? I don't know where you are with that, but I know for myself, when I skimp on calories, I pay for it later in cravings that can lead to binging! Good luck!

    Blaze, thanks for your post, your resolution is really inspiring. Sounds like hubby is more supportive?
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member

    This is Fisher Tower, about 20 miles outside of Moab Utah. It is one of my favorite places on earth. It is one of the motivators that keeps me working on weight loss when I get discouraged. I want to hike here again. Anyone else have something that motivates them when they feel like giving up?
  • BlazinEmerald
    Blaze, thanks for your post, your resolution is really inspiring. Sounds like hubby is more supportive?

    Well hubby and I had a talk. Basically it boiled down to me telling him I didn't appreciate his comments and if he couldn't be supportive to keep his trap shut lol. I know that sounds rude but he's one of those guys, gotta say it bluntly without the sugar coating before it sticks. He appologized and all is well :heart:
  • BlazinEmerald

    This is Fisher Tower, about 20 miles outside of Moab Utah. It is one of my favorite places on earth. It is one of the motivators that keeps me working on weight loss when I get discouraged. I want to hike here again. Anyone else have something that motivates them when they feel like giving up?

    I know it's been said a million times before but my son keeps me motivated. He thinks mommy isn't fat, and gets quite upset if I say I am. I want and need to show him what healthy is. Hubby and I also want another child and I need to lose, to have a healthier pregnancy.
  • 4suredistime
    Hello everyone.

    It's nice to see that we are all updating on the regular, it is great support!

    StillK, indeed my diet is quite strict. It is after coming on here that I am learning a lot more than just what my Doc told me. I am sticking to his foods mainly cause they are easy, and I wanted to kick start my "lifestyle change" and my metabolism. But I do also have a list of what to stay away from and what is ok, and I will be back to cooking soon. I have an appointment with a nutritionist in 3 months, so that should be very helpful. Plus all the great advice I am getting here. I am a little less nervous than before about maintaining. I have never had these types of results b4, and I prematurely started to worry aobut keeping the w off.

    And Tam thanks for joining our thread (great idea StillK:flowerforyou: ). I really like to hear about success stories and get input from them. And this time I did not have to go searching for one :wink:

    Hope you are all having a great day. :happy:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hey, Blazin - what a handsome little guy you got there! You've got some great motivation there! I hope others will share their motivation too!

    4sure you're doing great!. When I first started, I would only eat pre-packaged items. I don't mean fake food, I mean I would buy portions that were already divided into single servings. So, when I had tilapia loin with lime and mango salsa, it was packaged and there was no guess work on nutritional information. I bought a box of individual butter pats. Very expensive, but I didn't have to guess at anything. Then, I invested in a good kitchen scale. I use it all the time. I measure everything, cuz I was so used to typical resturant portions, which are HUGE!

    Now, I have a question for you all. Do you find yourselves having to modify exercises? What I mean is, I can't do push-ups so I do what I call "wall aways" Getting up and down from the floor is a major event, so I modify anything on the floor to be on a weight bench, or ball, or whatever. I am always looking fo new ideas, especially for lower body work, since I really can't do much walking until I lose more weight, and maybe get new knees. :ohwell: Any ideas would be welcomed! Thanks!
  • 4suredistime
    Hello everyone. Hope we are all having a happy Thursday!!! :flowerforyou:

    StillK, you are looking great. Love the new pic. I almost did not recognize you! wow. What a big difference 24 lbs. makes... (have you not updated your ticker? :wink: )
    And funny thing, I ordered my first scale yesterday... yay. Food scale that is! So I am getting ready to become chef supreme.
    I even upped my calories too... :happy: and what a difference one extra meal makes. Well, I did exercise a tad longer too, but overall I felt great yesterday.

    As for modifying exercise, I do leg lifts (if that's what they are called), instead of the standing kind, I do them sitting. They are really extensions. Sitting straight up in chair (not leaning against back of chair), feet together on the floor, and I lift both legs at same time... does that make sense? Holding the side of the chair helps with balance. I can't lift very high yet, but with time I guess I will. You can totally feel your thigh muscles working (specially inner part, major problem area for me :grumble: ) . I do this at work throughout the day (in total 3-4 reps of 16). Do both legs together, then one at a time. You will feel it, believe me!!! Then I work my arms, chest, back at home after cardio.
    I can't do push-ups and don't think I will even attempt them... :noway: so good idea on the "wall always". :wink:
  • 4suredistime
    By the way, what's happened to AmyNVegas? does anyone know? I hope she is ok.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    4sure - thanks for the ideas on the leg lift things - that sounds like it would really challenge me, I'm gonna try it! I don't know where AmyNVegas has gone off to. :cry: I've sent her a pm but not heard back. I too, hope she is ok. Congrats on the scale! When I got mine I was really shocked at the size of things! I was like, WOW, four ounces is pretty small (when it comes to meat portions). On the otherhand, half an ounce of cream cheese looks lavish to me!

    Regarding my ticker.... I made some serious bad food choices for about 8 or 9 days in a row. (I blogged about it) So, I regained about 6 lbs! :sad: :angry: I've been back on track for about a week. I decided I would not change my ticker to reflect the pounds I had gained, because it was just too disheartening. So, now I am getting back those re-gained lbs. Or, rather, I am losing them again. :happy: Until they are all gone, the ticker won't move. I hope this Friday when I weigh there will be good news. I know I am feeling better, and my pants are getting baggy, as is my bra :ohwell: . Ya can't have everything, I guess. :laugh: I've been exercising faithfully this week, too, when before it was more hit and miss. We'll see! Its a process, not an event, right?

    (edit) Oh, thanks very much for the encouragement on the new pic. I've decided that I should take one at least every 20 or 25 lbs to keep track of my progress. Also, I am hoping to be more faithful at the blogging. Again thanks for noticing!

    Stay in touch everyone, and have a great Thursday!
  • delerbygirl
    OMG!!! I was given some pants in December for Christmas, and they were too small in the waist. I wore them to work yesterday!!! I have to thank bellydancing and pilates, especially bellydancing. I've been doing my bellydancing tape for the past three weeks, and I am noticing a change in my waist. YAY ME!!!
  • czarina127
    czarina127 Posts: 23 Member
    I am so happy to see everyone here encouraging each other. I wish I made more time to keep up and post more often. I do read as often as I can and this is the 1st board I hit when I am reading. I am thankful to see people like me.
    I love to hear about everyone's success. And it is nice to know I am not the only one who knows the consequences yet still makes poor choices.
    Thank you all for being here and sharing.
  • marlemcdougal
    marlemcdougal Posts: 17 Member
    Hi StillFristi,

    I haven't looked too far back on the message board to see if anyone has already suggested this, but have you tried water aerobics or walking laps in the pool. You burn twice as many calories as you would on land with half the impact. If you can find a good class, they will incorporate weight lifting (with water barbells, stretch cords, etc.) If you have a gym near by it might be worth looking into.

    Also for a excercise modification on land, I do the "prone" core exercise on my knees instead of feet. It works your stomach without having to do sit ups. Essentially, you get on your hands and knees (could probably it on a bed) Almost in push up position, but you put your elbows on the ground so you are resting on them. I have attached a link for you to see the move. My modification is to put your knees on the ground instead of supporting yourself with your feet. if you suck your gut in and slightly arch your back you will get the same effect. You must hold the position as long as possible. It is supprisingly difficult. Here is the link.


  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Thanks, marla! I will check out that link right now. I know Water aerobics, or even just walking in the pool are a good idea. I have to admit, I am uncomfortable enough about my size that I hate to be in swimwear of any kind around other people. As it warms up, I have a pool I put up in the back yard that is about 12 feet in diameter and almost 4 feet deep. I splash around in that and love it.

    Amanda, thanks and its good to have you back!

    Delerby girl, WTG!!! Its so great to fit into clothing that used to be tight, or even impossible to wear. I am loving that!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Good morning friends!

    So, when I weighed this morning I got a really pleasant surprise. Not only had I lost the re-gained pounds, I had lost two additional pounds. So, I am happy, :happy: happy, :happy: happy:happy: !

    Its just a good reminder that this is a process, a journey. Good luck to everyone! Have a great Friday!
  • 4suredistime
    Good morning friends!

    So, when I weighed this morning I got a really pleasant surprise. Not only had I lost the re-gained pounds, I had lost two additional pounds. So, I am happy, :happy: happy, :happy: happy:happy: !

    Its just a good reminder that this is a process, a journey. Good luck to everyone! Have a great Friday!

    Great news.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Just let me know how I can help guys!! :flowerforyou:

    I wish I could take what is in my head and put it into everyone else's head on MFP!! :laugh: Because it took those many failed attempts in my 20's to get this right! And actually change the way I thought about things along the way. Including food!!

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Good morning friends!

    So, when I weighed this morning I got a really pleasant surprise. Not only had I lost the re-gained pounds, I had lost two additional pounds. So, I am happy, :happy: happy, :happy: happy:happy: !

    Its just a good reminder that this is a process, a journey. Good luck to everyone! Have a great Friday!

    Great news.

    Thanks for the big YAY! You're such a positive support and great example of doing stuff right. Thanks, 4suredistime!!!

    And, TAMTastic - THANKS FOR STOPPING BY AGAIN! I would love to hear some of the ways you think differently today, especially about food. I am just starting to get in my head that food is not the enemy, and that what I eat should be enjoyable as well as nourishing. In the past, I have thought of my "diet" as a punishment.