Running for weight Loss



  • irishdancer23
    irishdancer23 Posts: 168 Member
    i used to HATE running. i mean, with a passion. i stopped for a while and tried to do other things, but i ended up losing everything and gaining a LOT of weight as a result! i think my problem was that i tried to run on a program: something like 1 min running, 2 min walking...even started c25k. however, 2day, i got on the treadmill and i just ran! i took off and did the best i have ever done! so my 1st suggestion would be....cover up the time/distance on the treadmill! (or run outside). what also helped me was to make it a total "me" time. so many people said that running relieved stress, but before, i never felt it, probably because i was constantly thinking about what i still had to do that day. today, i forced myself not to think about ANYTHING school/work related, and it worked! i felt fantastic afterwards and can't wait to try again tomorrow! hope this helps!
  • Yes, start out slowly. I used the exercise bikes first, then moved on to the cross trainer and now I run. mt total loss is around 40lbs, since April, so it is a slow process - but just stick at it. It will work!
  • Wow thanks for all the advice, I am and I will try it one day, but right now Im just a bit nervous to start yet I want to maybe wait until Im around 250lbs, so I will keep you posted keep up all the good work everyone :flowerforyou:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    started in my 460's. very slow at first. walked/jog (slog more like it) I'd walk for 1 min. jog 15 secs, walk for 2 mins, jog 15 secs. repeat. did my research, got the right type of shoe for my feet and gait. have a few 5K's under my belt now. still haven't completed a 5K w/o walk breaks. working on it. hope to by Spring 2012.
  • Hi, want to do the C25K programme. I started off jogging, but soon realised that I wasn't fit and needed to build up some strength, so I have been going for "brisk walks" 3/4 times a week for between 30-40 minutes. I am probably going to continue like this through xmas with a view to adding the jogs in after new year. I have about a stone to lose, so weight isn't a massive issue to me, but just getting the exercise has made me feel better mentally and physically and I can see some body differences, although my weight hasn't changed particularly yet. You have to be self motivated and make yourself do it, I felt like a twit to start with but now it's part of my routine and I think nothing of it. Plus it takes up so little time, trainers on and out the door, no faffing about getting to the gym or pool which I don't have time for. Good luck!
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    No, no, no!
    Do not start a running program if you are extremely fat.

    It's too risky. Try walking at first a few miles at a pace that gets you breathing a bit heavy without totally winding you. I am a huge believer in looking ahead long-term - not crash dieting and doing crazy exercising for quick, short term gains.

    And I lost 20 lbs my first month, then 15 lbs in month 2. After that it was a 6 lbs loss all the way to 60lbs, and now I am at 1 lb a week - 9 lbs away from my goal.

    I do an hour of cardio in the morning and again in the afternoon - eat around 3000 calories daily - high protein - do resistance daily.

    That's my zone, and I love it!

    I'll never be fat again!
  • Get good comfortable running shoes from a running store. I love the Brooks Ghost 4's but I am a neutral. I started out running when I was 285. I am 207 now :):):)

    I started off mapping a mile ( I walked it - and ran as much as I could. I just kept at the mile until I could run a mile w/o stopping. One day, I felt good so I took the 1.75 mile loop that I mapped out and completed it!!! I kept at that until I could do it - then I did 2 miles, then 3 then 4 then 5 ... until I could do 15 miles w/o stopping. On my 42nd birthday, I completed a FULL MARATHON!!! From couch potato to full marathon was 8 months! LOTS of dedication! I am running a 1/2 marathon in New Orleans during Spring Break! I cant wait!!! Best of luck!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    In all honesty, I run about 3 miles a day 5 days a week and don't really enjoy it. But I know it's good for my heart and burns a good amount of calories.
    I don't like running on a treadmill though. I'd rather run outdoors even if it's cold.

    But I don't rely on running as my "go to" for weight loss. I rely more on calorie deficit and heavy weight training. I run so I can eat more!

    Also running for long durations can be catabolic to lean muscle tissue, so try not to go over an hour without at least carbing up sometime during your run.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    That catabolic state is what worries me. The last couple months I've been doing Body Pump, and while not as much gains as heavy lifting, it has worked for me in gaining strength and muscle endurance.

    Running is great for cardio endurance. I have been mixing up jogging/walking the last couple weeks.

    I don't know how good it is for actual weight loss. I tend to gain a couple pounds right after my running days, so I have a feeling water is in play. Why it is, I don't know, since I've been working most of my major muscle groups the last couple months.
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    I love running I started out slow and did something similar to the c25k program but I basically ran as long as I could and eventually got up to being able to run for 30 minutes without walking. I love it excellent stress relief and a total body workout. Start slow and listen to your body that us one of the most important things.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    itll help to a point... i lost 23 lbs over 1.5 mo running but now im stuck! my diet is clean and im running like 12 miles on my long runs and 6-8 on regular runs and no weightloss like 2 weeks.... my diet is clean and im eating half my exercise cals so Ive concluded it only works up to a point
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    itll help to a point... i lost 23 lbs over 1.5 mo running but now im stuck! my diet is clean and im running like 12 miles on my long runs and 6-8 on regular runs and no weightloss like 2 weeks.... my diet is clean and im eating half my exercise cals so Ive concluded it only works up to a point

    i think your shorter runs should be shorter. 2-3 miles at the most, and do them in sprint intervals. also, start doing more strength training. not only will it help with improving your speed, but also help you drop more weight.

    try 2 short runs a week, one long one, and 3 strength days.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    I'm debating lifting cuz what always ends up happening is I go overboard and gain 20 lbs in a month and stop caring about my weight.... I'm coming off one of those heavy lifting/bulking binges and I can't see myself NOT lifting heavy... and gaining weight that can hinder me from being a fast Marathon runner...
    itll help to a point... i lost 23 lbs over 1.5 mo running but now im stuck! my diet is clean and im running like 12 miles on my long runs and 6-8 on regular runs and no weightloss like 2 weeks.... my diet is clean and im eating half my exercise cals so Ive concluded it only works up to a point

    i think your shorter runs should be shorter. 2-3 miles at the most, and do them in sprint intervals. also, start doing more strength training. not only will it help with improving your speed, but also help you drop more weight.

    try 2 short runs a week, one long one, and 3 strength days.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Wow thanks for all the advice, I am and I will try it one day, but right now Im just a bit nervous to start yet I want to maybe wait until Im around 250lbs, so I will keep you posted keep up all the good work everyone :flowerforyou:

    I am also an athmatic. I had the same concerns you did. My knees felt frigile and I was worried about doing something to them that would require surgery. I checked with my Doc and he said start as soon as you can. I started Couch-to-5K when I weighed 312 pounds. I just followed the program. There are 3 "runs" a week, and I took 2 days between weeks. (I still won't run more than 3 days a week, and have been injury free doing that) I completed the program and ran my first 5K two years ago this weekend. At the end of the program I had dropped 30 lbs, my knees felt the best they'd felt since high school, while asthama can still get me every once in a while, the increased lung health pretty much eliminated any asthma side effects.

    I've ran over 11 road & trail races, including 3 10K's. (There should have been a Half Mara in there, but thats another story) I'm training for a 10 mile trail run right now, and ran for 90 minutes straight yesterday.

    If your Doc thinks it's OK there's no reason to wait. Just do it, and take it slow.
  • RedRage00
    RedRage00 Posts: 26 Member
    Running seems to be the best way for me to keep the pounds off. Ran 7 miles this morning and it was great :)
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I started a walk/jog when I was about 195lbs my knees hurt a while now I am 180lbs and I jog very slowly (watching the knees) for about 2-4 miles every other day. My hip has been aching lately so just take it slow and def start out with more walking than jogging and build up to more of a jog. Its good but if you get injured you'll be out a while so be careful. Also consult your physician first.
  • melonruby
    melonruby Posts: 11
    I started by setting myself little goals. My first goal was to try and run for 30 seconds at 8 kilometers an hour. This was hard for me. I continued this until i felt comfortable. Then I increased the time - 1 minute at 8km/hr and so on and so forth. I can now run for about 5 minutes at that pace.
    I have also just started a new goal. I am running/walking for 2 kilometers. My goal is to try an beat my time every week. So far so good. My first week I did it in 18 minutes, then 17.23 and now I am at 16.13 minutes. I try and vary my running speed also and try to run for at least 2 minutes before I walk for no more that 2 minutes.
    I will admit is was hard but I just keep telling myself YES I CAN! My other little motivation is trying to do it while Biggest loser is on TV or one of those kinds of fitness shows.

    Hope this helps!
  • Masterchef2000
    Masterchef2000 Posts: 127 Member
    Maybe try working up to speed walking. I did it, and my husband who is an avid runner (military) went speed walking with me and it killed his legs! When speed walking became easy for me, I tried running and it worked! I couldn't run hardly at all when I first started out, speed walking reallllly helped me excel. :-)
  • A lot can be said by this one sentence.... You have to be fit to run but you never have to run to get fit.

    It's actually problematic to just start running when you aren't used to it. Not everyone is cut out for running. It puts a lot of stress on the joints and isn't a good long term solution to weight loss. You may lose some weight but will end up flabby.

    A better solution is weights because you can always increase to avoid plateauing and you can increase your lean body mass which increases metabolism.

    As for cardio, walking uphill at a quick pace is much better than running but I personally hate any steady state cardio like biking, running, walking, etc. It bored me to tears.

    I do complexes of 4 exercises with light weights and do 1 min per exercise. Then rest for 15 seconds and go on to the next exercise. But that's just my personal preference since I love working with weights rather than actual cardio machines. And it's much easer to make it harder rather than just cranking up the speed on the treadmill which can get old.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I started running at 92kg (about 204 pounds) and haven't stopped since!

    For me, the key was to have a program that guided me though walking/running and increased the amounts until I could run for over 20 mins. I used C25K but there are lots of others too.
    I'm still amazed at how much I like to run - it makes me feel so good, so strong, so ..... capable. I really wonder what else I HAVEN"T done with my life just because I thought I couldn't do it!

    Good luck with losing weight and getting healthier and I hope that you find the pleasure from running as I do.
    Now I read that back it sounds a bit pretentious - I can't pretend that I love to run every single time I put my shoes on and get out of the house... but overall it makes me feel great!

    My other good advice-
    - check with your doctor to see when they think you should start
    - get good shoes (and for the ladies, a good bra)
    - run slowly. REALLY slowly. There is no need to start out fast, build endurance first, speed can come later.
    - enjoy.
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I actually like running, and find it easier than walking. (My PE teacher from school or my Mum wouldn't believe I said that). I started out walking, at over 100 kilos.

    Slowly I started to feel like I could run a bit. Eventually I did, I couldn't go far. Mere seconds rather than minutes. But I did it.

    18 kilos later I still run when I feel like it (during daily walks). I still can't go far, but it is now in the minutes without gasping like a fish at the end of it.. I try to run 6 times a week. If I don't manage a run, that's ok. If I can't get as far as yesterday, that's ok too. Tomorrow I might surprise myself and be able to run 5 more steps.