losing weight :D = losing boob :/



  • You could try strength training and light weight lifting. Like using light weights on a barbell to do chest presses and work the chest kicked. Btw, I am a 42ddd and am losing weight and I don't want my girls to start going south and look like flap jacks either. do you workout at home or at the gym?

    FLAP JACKS are exactly what i dont want.
  • Tkwild
    Tkwild Posts: 116 Member
    I'm an 18G - BUMP!
  • So Bump and weight trainng. How heavy should the weights be? 3lb? 5lb?
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    I tried chest exercises with 8 lbs a couple years ago before I gained 20 lbs...so I was 130 or so with 36 C's ;D I'm sure I'll lose them when I go down in weight though...;~;
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    So Bump and weight trainng. How heavy should the weights be? 3lb? 5lb?

    With weights the idea is to go as heavy as you can while still keeping good form. You should really feel the last couple reps. Just go with what you can do and work up. You won't get bulky or gain much muscle because you're a woman and also probably keeping a calorie deficit for weight loss. If you keep the weights too light it won't do much to help you.
  • starscreensiren
    starscreensiren Posts: 46 Member
    Mine got droopy, then smaller and now they are nice again because of my serious strength training. They aren't as in your face as they once were, but its great that they fit into a MUCH smaller shirt now!! :)
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    work out your chest. they will perk up again. but dont expect them to be as big. :3 you have to deal with the fact that your losing body fat all over your body. boobs included.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Nope, they will never be perky again. I
    t just gets worse from here on out.
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad nws.
    Get a supportive bra.
    Thats all you can do.

    And thats the truth.........................but I'm not bitter.:ohwell:
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I've always wondered if working your chest with weights would help. If the muscle under builds maybe it would give a little lift? I've been too lazy to really try though.

    It's kind of funny... the part of my weight loss that I'm happiest about is losing my boobs. I went from a 40DD to a 32B. :D

    I am there with you! went from a 36/38 d dd to a 36 b 34 c and to be honest... I am afraid to get fitted because they may even be smaller than that!!! Now they look like shriveled up prunes and for the first time in my life I have entertained the possibility of getting a boob job.... smh... pitiful little things :ohwell: The rest of my body looks like a rug that needs to be stretched lol!!!!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I've lost my boobs too. I've tried doing some of the workouts that supposedly make em look a little better but they've never worked for me.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    I lost a lot of weight in my boobs...I went from a 36 D to a 32 B...almost an A...I don't know how to get that much boobie back so I just bought a padded bra lol...cheating, I know, but I feel weird without boobs.
  • I went from from 34FF to 30G to 30E
    Do strength training like chest press, even push ups help!
  • monchand
    monchand Posts: 62 Member
    i lost two bra sizes....sucks but true!
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    Isn't cup size dependent on band size? I wear a 32D and the volume of the cup is equivalent to a 34C or a 36B.
    My bra size hasn't changed but I have only lost 8 lbs. I also find my boobs get fuller before my period.
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    38D -> 38B/36C (depending on the bra) but I lost ALL the perkiness:sad: ...
    It's almost to the point where you can see the muscles *under* them, but they pretty much look like rocks in socks. Push up bras don't really work for me either. They just make them fold:grumble:. Not at all attractive. Without a bra, they are completely depressing and I'm DEFINITELY considering surgery when I get to goal, but I've never had kids and might want to at some point, so I don't know how that would work. :ohwell:

    Edit: Oh, and I do chest exercises at the gym all the time... no improvement. I think it's a loose skin problem. If anyone has a solutions to *those*, let me know...
  • Big boobs on a fat chick are like abs on a skinny guy.

    They don't count.

    I disagree... I am 42DD and was 34DD at my smallest. One of my besties weighs the same as me in the same size clothes but she is a 42B so has to get extenders for bras. When I was nursing after having my children bras were nearly impossible to come by for the size my boobs were. So, hopefully you didn't mean to offend any one, but I was a little offended by it.
  • BethN77
    BethN77 Posts: 12 Member
    Right there with y'all. Went from 38C to 36B. I wear a sport bra most of the time, as I don't have a regular bra that fits anymore, and the band seems fine while the cup area is still a little big :sad: I've born 5 children, and I.am.done! I'm hoping breast augmentation is in my future! :happy: I have noticed that chest exercises do improve my chest area but don't seem to improve my boobs, either! I use a door mounted resistance band "gym" & 1 thing I do is butterflies.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    yup...I was a 42DD. at this point, about a 38C. prolly get smaller still. that was the FIRST place I lost inches. thanks for the weights/exercise tips, I lack upper body strength, so this is another motivator to get on those weights.
  • I would love to have this happen to me. I hate my boobs! They are always in the way and I wouldn't care if I was flat chested!!
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I am hoping to loose some boob, I'm a 32 FF/G they really get in the way....