Fat WF looking for motivating accountability buddies!

Hi everyone! New here.. I would love to find some motivating buddies! Here are a few things that I have and am considering on my journey.. I was thinking about alternating these workouts and starting WW. Anyone similar to me out there? My goal is 50 pounds.

Weight Watchers
Just Dance
30 day shred


  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Well i can tell you that Just Dance is a super fun workout, and def gets me sweating as I just go all out.. I use weighted gloves as well for some extra burn. 30 Day Shred is great as well, though I must admit I only got through half of it as I got side-tracked and a little bored lol. Def looking to start it up again soon!
  • Emllynn
    Emllynn Posts: 21 Member
    Wow..45 pounds! Go girl! Thanks for the welcome. I plan on starting my new journey on Monday. I have been sitting watching my kids do Just Dance and it does look like so much fun and a good workout! I thought it would be something fun to do a couple times a week to keep boredom down. I bought the shred several months ago and haven't even opened it!
  • nikicrin
    nikicrin Posts: 40 Member
    Hi!! Ive been on this nearly 2 weeks and I love it!! I did weight watchers for years with varying degrees of success, and although it's early days, I really think this is better!! I say save your money and stick with mfp for a while!! Xx
  • How do I start my own post?I can't figure it out!!!
  • Emllynn
    Emllynn Posts: 21 Member
    Yep...I think I'm going to give this a shot! I've been here 20 minutes and love it already!

    Click start a topic on the main board to start your own post :)
  • Welcome! I've been doing MFP for a couple weeks also and just like you'll hear everyone else say... I love it! I'm currently doing the 30 day shred... from what I understand- you lose more inches than pounds doing it... I try to add cardio to it as well. If you look at the before and after pics on the "success stories" forum on here, you'll see great results. I've done WW in the past but have found that this works just as well.. if not better. I'm planning on starting C25K this upcoming week! The ideas you listed are great... just dont try to do too much at once. I've found taking on too much can be more detrimental than advantageous. One step at a time... you'll do great! You've already accomplished one thing you can be proud of... starting MFP =) Good luck! Let's goooooo!!!!!
  • Emllynn
    Emllynn Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks so much! I'm so excited to have found this site. I saw someone post about it on Pinterest. Yay for midnight surfin!!
  • bjsquires
    bjsquires Posts: 72 Member
    My main goal is also 50 pounds. I am aiming for 1 pound a week. I have found that this site helps me hold my self accountable. I am constantly thinking about what I am eating and how much. I am lacking in the exercise department. I figure one step at a time. I have the Just Dance for the wii and it is FUN.
  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    I love love love Just dance!!!! I just got just dance 3 for the connect soooo fun! and a really good work out!
  • Emllynn
    Emllynn Posts: 21 Member
    It is so much fun! I have the 1st and 2nd and the 3rd is under the tree. Im gonna have to run everyone off to do it though...they laugh at me! I'm gonna do it at least every other day. Gonna try to start the C25k as well.
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Welcome aboard! This is a great site and very motivational! Add me if you like.
  • Roblyssa
    Roblyssa Posts: 125
    Hey there, I also have 50lbs to lose :grumble: but my only form of exercise right now is walking.

    I enjoy walking because it gets me out of the house and away from the kids for a good 30-40 minutes and allows me to do my best thinking.

    I am going to do the 30 Day Shred from January 1st and see how that goes, but right now I am only wanting to lose weight, not so much tone up yet.

    Feel free to add me if you want, I joined MFP 6 days ago and I love love love it!! :love:

  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    welcome. I would use MFP and log everything and you may not need WW. I love that you are looking at doing different things. I run, bike, circuit train and try to fit in some strength training whenever I can. Mixing it up keeps it fun!!!
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 423 Member
    Welcome! I think you'll find MFP a wonderful tool with a very supportive community. Mixing up the workouts will keep it from becoming boring ( I love just dance for a fun calorie burn!) and please feel free to add me if you need a little extra support!
  • I need motivational buddies too

    ive started the c25k today

    and i start the CSIRO total wellbeing diet tomorrow.

    ADD ME as im new to this site too!!!

    i need to lose approx 30 kgs. but im looking at it in 5kg blocks... :)
  • Hello and welcome! I have been using MFP since late August(not consecutively). Weight loss (for me) is a matter of making permanent life style changes. Eating right, not only the proper foods but proper portions as well. I have recently started going to the gym three times a week to work on cardio for about an hour. I am going to start going five times a week here in the near future. The spinning classes are really good. They give you good burn without the pains and strains I get from the treadmill.

    Anyways, I am looking for new people to add as well so anyone reading this, feel free to add me. Thanks...

  • releasetherobots
    releasetherobots Posts: 22 Member
    I've always hated exercising, but I love Just Dance and Zumba! Dancing is a great, fun workout that I actually look forward to :smile:
    You (and anyone else) can add me if you'd like, I'm new also and could use some motivational support!

  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 742 Member
    I'm in Week 5 of C25k, but been running a bit since June. I've become slightly addicted to it although I'm VERY slow. I want to lose about 50 lbs too. Sounds like you have lots of great options........you can do it!
