More calories allowed with activity- Really??

Good morning and happy Sunday to all. I'm struggling a bit with the food intake section of this site (don't get me wrong, I love the site and the ability to track everything!). I'm here to lose weight, and keep within a certain calorie goal. After adding excercise, the darn thing "allows" me more calories?? I hate the fact that this gives me the mindset that I can go for the gusto food-wise if I work out. I don't necessarily agree that I should eat more to make up for the calories I burn during a workout. I'd really just like opinions and your thoughts. Is this a general practice for folks that are training or trying to lose weight? Or are these two different things? Thanks for your ideas. :flowerforyou:


  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    there will be so many different opinions on this. I'll give you what i think and why. I usually try to eat at least 70% of my workout calories back and never drop below 1500 net calories but aim for 1700 net/day. I did a lower net calorie goal before and hit a plateau. After i adjusted my calories up, i started to lose again. This may not be true for everyone, but it was for me. You really need to figure what your body wants and do that. Good luck to you!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Eat those calories if you are hungry. Don't eat them if you are not hungry.
  • inspiration345
    inspiration345 Posts: 218 Member
    Eat those calories if you are hungry. Don't eat them if you are not hungry.
    I agree with this one and eat only 50-70% of the exercise calories because those numbers are not accurate.Also try to eat atleast 1200 cals a day unless you want to regain or stay ob low calories diet forever.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Yes, you eat them back. Why?

    Because your daily goal accounts for a certain amount of weight loss ALREADY!
    If you go too far below that, it's self-defeating, and you could fail. In fact this is why so many people do.

    Stick to your goal - 1 or 2 lbs a week - NO MORE!
    This is a safe, effective and healthy way to get fit for life - not just another quick fast that sheds weight, then packs it right back on and then some.

    It works; you can do this - GOOD LUCK!
  • chubiD
    chubiD Posts: 260
    You're already on a calorie deficit, and it might not be healthy to increase that deficit. I try to eat 75% of my work out calories, but if I'm not hungry at all (or if I splurged the day before...) I won't eat them. Learn to listen to your body, that's the wisest thing to do (in my opinion).

    Good luck!
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    Eat those calories if you are hungry. Don't eat them if you are not hungry.
    I agree with this one and eat only 50-70% of the exercise calories because those numbers are not accurate.Also try to eat atleast 1200 cals a day unless you want to regain or stay ob low calories diet forever.

    correct, not for a female with the net calories.
    I do agree with eat them if you are hungry and don't eat them if you are not hungry, buf if i've done intense workouts, i can't see when i wouldn't be hungry.
  • This post and responses is really useful
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I hate the fact that this gives me the mindset that I can go for the gusto food-wise if I work out.

    But you CAN! That's why marathon runners eat like 5000 calories a day. The more active you are, the more you can eat.

    And that was one of the most surprising "A-HA!!!" moments for me when I started on this site. I thought losing weight meant making drastic changes and feeling hungry all the time. It doesn't. It only takes small changes, and you don't have to be hungry or feel deprived, ever.

    Every time I tried to lose weight before MFP, I failed. I cut my food intake too much, and it hampered my progress. Losing weight isn't just about eating less, it's about eating ENOUGH. Eating the calories earned from exercise makes it so you're eating the right amount. Not too little, not too much.
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    Eat those calories if you are hungry. Don't eat them if you are not hungry.
    I agree with this one and eat only 50-70% of the exercise calories because those numbers are not accurate.Also try to eat atleast 1200 cals a day unless you want to regain or stay ob low calories diet forever.

    correct, not for a female with the net calories.
    I do agree with eat them if you are hungry and don't eat them if you are not hungry, buf if i've done intense workouts, i can't see when i wouldn't be hungry.

    ^^^^Agree also your motivation is when you hit the button on the bottom and it tells you what you can be in 5 weeks. Just stay under that number and it will work.
  • vwhite33
    vwhite33 Posts: 22 Member
    The site generates the number of calories you need to eat to lose "however-much" weight a week. Then when you workout, the calories you burn add an additional deficit so you could technically eat those and still lost "however-much" weight a week!

    But..I totally see your point! If I'm gonna workout, I don't wanna eat all my calories back!! I wanna lose more weight! :)

    So..what I usually do is save tracking exercise for the very last! I track my food throughout the day and then IF I work out I tack that on the end, so it doesn't mess with my head!

    **on the flipside, exercise "calories" are great to use when going out to dinner and such!! Restraunts are usually calorie dense! :/
  • JJasMyself
    JJasMyself Posts: 79 Member
    I agree with some others. If you are hungry eat those calories, if not then don't. I general do eat them or at least a portion of them. And I have been steadily losing weight since I started with MyFitnessPal.
  • This is what my doctor told me, he is the one that sent me to this site. I was using sparkpeople, still do for somethings. I do like mfp better for the tracking but doc told me that in order to lose weight I am to ignore the addition of calories it adds. If you are in maintenance he said it is ok to eat some back.
    The whole idea is that you are burning more than your body needs. Any excess can and will be stored as fat. Your body has a wonderful way of using its fuel, the brain, and muscles will take theirs first and the rest will go to fat stores.
    I have lost 80+ pounds this year listening to my doctor. If you are a guy you can also get away with eating those calories as men need more fuel.
  • I cant get the photo to load...but the whole idea of exercise cals is summed up on a water bottle:

    I LIKE to run because I really really really REALLY Really really REALLY like dessert....
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    I cant get the photo to load...but the whole idea of exercise cals is summed up on a water bottle:

    I LIKE to run because I really really really REALLY Really really REALLY like dessert.... wife is a runner and has a shirt that on the front says......I only run and then on the back says.... so i can eat chocolate cake.
  • Jupitermermaid
    Jupitermermaid Posts: 270 Member
    I finally got it after I started Weight Watchers. I like this site better than WW etools, however, so I use it. WW uses points for daily intake (translate that to about 1200 calories). Then they give you extra weekly points to use whenever you want during the week so you don't feel deprived. They also add points for activity that you "earned" by exercising, which I translate the extra calories MFP gives us.

    If I'm hungry I'll use many of the extra calories, as I like to drink whey protein shakes for muscle recovery after a workout. I try not to use them all, but I want my weight loss to come from fat, not the lean muscle tissue that the body will use if there is not enough fat available to burn. I want to be healthy, and your body needs fuel to keep going.

    Look at it this way: When you drive your car on the interstate for long periods of time, you can get by with less fill ups. You get more miles to the gallon when you're going a steady pace. However, when you're driving around town, stop and go, speed up and slow down, you have to refuel more often because your car eats up more gas. Our bodies are like that. If we do our normal stuff day in and day out, we need less calories to burn efficiently. If we're adding workouts and using extra energy, we need to feed our body more nutrients. This doesn't mean go for the potato chips.....grab an apple, some nuts, yogurt; something healthy. Your body know the difference, and if you make wise choices it will reward you for them. Hope this is helpful.
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    Yes, you eat them back. Why?

    Because your daily goal accounts for a certain amount of weight loss ALREADY!
    If you go too far below that, it's self-defeating, and you could fail. In fact this is why so many people do.

    Stick to your goal - 1 or 2 lbs a week - NO MORE!
    This is a safe, effective and healthy way to get fit for life - not just another quick fast that sheds weight, then packs it right back on and then some.

    It works; you can do this - GOOD LUCK!

    Don't agree with this and here is why. I set this up for a 2 lbs loss a week which would be a 7000 calorie deficit! The iPhone app will tell you your weekly deficit. I always stick close to my food calories and NEVER eat back my exercise calories. I go to the gym everyday for 2 hours a day. It's 1 day before the weigh in and I am almost to my 7000 calorie deficit. If I even dreamed of eating back my exercise calories I would not be losing 2 lbs a week. Just sayin'.
  • kgoodhart1
    kgoodhart1 Posts: 7 Member
    1. You are already on reduced calories.
    2. You are increasing your Basal Metabolic Rate with exercise.
    Therefore, eat at least 70% of the calories or risk going into a lower metabolic rate, a natural famine response in the human.
    One caveat, however, is NOT to rely on the calorie counts given by the exercise database in MFP. Invest in a calorie counting exercise watch which can be programmed specific to your sex, your age, and your weight. I like the Polar line, but there are others which will do the same thing. I hope that this answers your question.
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    When I was not eating em back I was barely losing a thing. I try and eat back 50-70% of my exercise calories back and sense then been losing the amount I like a week for the most part :)
    Experiemnt and see what works for you.
    Everyone is individual and loses, gains differently :)
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    I just had someone this past week tell me that they eat a 1000 calories a day and excercise a 1000 calories a day, and they can not figure out why they get dizzy throughout the day. Umm well hello!! So this is an extreme example here but its plays into what you are asking. Your body needs a certain amount of energy to survive as in make your organs functions and sustain life as we know it. If you dont give it that it will take over and take from your body what it needs. Hence eating any muscle you put on to get its nutrients so anything you do to work out you just lose in the end.

    Also another example... I was on a 1250 calorie diet for 6 months and yes I lost weight as I was suppose to. What I also lost was all the muscle I had in my body for the most part. My blood work at my physical was dangerously wrong per the doctors. This is because I ate too few calories for my body to survive so my body was eating itself. When I had my resting metabolic rate figured out I am suppose to have a minimum of 3000 calories a day for my body size.

    I am not saying you HAVE to eat them back I am not saying do or die. Just use your head about it and eat back what you need to. If you want to eat back calories eat something clean and whole and dont think because of extra calories given back you can splurge on some processed sugar filled or fast food garbage. Calories are not a bad thing its what you get your calories from.