How often

How often do you guys weight in? How often is it healthy to weigh in??


  • scar47
    scar47 Posts: 56 Member
    I just started, but I did WW several years ago and it was recommended that you only weigh one time a week. So that's what I'm going to do.
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    I was just going to pose this very same question! I have also always heard once a week, but I confess I am a weigh in junkie and tend to want to check almost every day. But I have learned if I am going to do that, I have to be prepared for some flucuations on a daily basis, esp us gals tend to go up a bit with hormones ya know what I mean. If I am up, I take a look at my previous day - did I over eat? Too much salt? Not enough water? Or check the calendar, is Aunt Flow lurking around the corner with the extra baggage. My intention is for the Saturday weigh in to be the one I log, and one good reason for this is to help me maintain good choices on Friday nights and avoid the "Yay it's the weekend!" binge. Catching a bad habit creeping in right away before the lbs go up too much can help avoid a downward (upward??) spiral.
  • LydiaT69
    I also like to get on the scale everyday but i 'm mindful that the numbers will fluctuate. i dont let that worry me because i know each day of eating the right amount of calories is a step in thr right direction. You have been rewarded already with 29 ilbs lost just keep going victory will be yours.
  • TinaOsborneRN
    TinaOsborneRN Posts: 73 Member
    I suggest no more than once a week! Your weight flucuates DAILY and it could be very discourging to see a pound or two gained when it could very well be water weight. When you do your weekly weigh in, do it first thing in the morning (I make sure I'm completely naked LOL) and record your results!!
  • dimpleschick
    dimpleschick Posts: 85 Member
    I might step on the scale twice a week, but I only log once a week. I am often disappointed because it seems like a weight gain. I think at first just once a week is best so you don't get discouraged. I weight in the morning before I eat and without clothes.
  • LeighYan91
    I suggest no more than once a week! Your weight flucuates DAILY and it could be very discourging to see a pound or two gained when it could very well be water weight. When you do your weekly weigh in, do it first thing in the morning (I make sure I'm completely naked LOL) and record your results!!

    I weigh at the docs every too week is that too long between weigh ins just because my scales are going mental and don't want to keep weighing on them if they are not accurate /
  • bravozulu12
    bravozulu12 Posts: 5 Member
    I like weighing in every day. I have to factor in my hydration. If I am dehydrated from working out or not drinking enough water, I will be down a couple pounds. My weight goes up and down 2-4 pounds, but I can always see a general trend down, if I am losing weight.

    How do you tell if you are dehydrated? Your urine will be very yellow (unless you just took a vitamin). I like to see it almost clear, then I know I've been drinking enough water.