What brought you here?



  • lisalamb62
    After leaving an alcoholic and abusive marriage I quickly lost the 5o pounds I had gained. Then I went back to school! I went from being active to driving 100 miles a day and sitting all day. I quickly gained 60 pounds in 3 years!!! I also remarried 3 years ago and I feel ashamed to let my new husband see me naked. I was on weight watchers and kept losing and regaining the same 5 pounds for months! Then, someone on the WW board mentioned MFP and I am so grateful!!! I have an iPod Touch and WiFi at school and at home so, it is easy to track my diet and exercise. The picture of me on my profile is from 3 years ago before I gained weight...wish I was still that pretty but I know I will get back to that with perseverance!!!!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I wanted to lose weight officially after I had gained almost 60 pounds during college and when I was with my ex-bf (so much stress)...I joined MFP and I was semi-seriously about losing, but after my ex-bf and I split up in July, I got serious and realized I was only emotionally eating. I lost 21ish pounds to date, and I am not turning back once I lose the rest of this weight. I am much happier :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    To track my calories and to assist people in weight loss and fitness.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • gonzalezmona
    gonzalezmona Posts: 60 Member
    I joined to find the support & motivation. I KNOW I want to lose weight....BADLY!! It's great to be a part of something bigger, to join others who are on the same journey. I not only want to lose the weight, I really need to learn to eat a lot better. All of this will hopefully in turn help me become a stronger/faster runner. I hope one day to inspire others as well.
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    I'm happy in my skin, but looking at pictures of myself and wearing some of my clothes just made me really want to drop down to where I have always wanted to be! I have never been thin and I wan't to walk down that road now :)

    From my weightloss "budget," if I am able to stick to it, I should be at my goal about 2 years from now. I haven't weighed that little since... well, elementary school? I can't remember actually.

    Turns out I'm changing my inside and my outside and I love it :) So grateful for this community.
    Its going to take a long time and more than happy to add to my friends list :)
  • livlaflovqd
    My kindle fire brought me here with this awesome App!! Actually, I have been searching for an easy tool to help me with counting cals, fat, etc. This is so easy to use and helpful because I can see whats what as far as the caloric values of food and what I need, or do not need. I am also a RN. I specialize in wound care and I see on a day to day basis how destructive obesity and the conditions that occur with it can be to the human body. The most common triad I see for people with extensive wounds are diabetes (type 2), kidney failure and hypertension. All of these are a result of obesity (for the most part). At this point in my life I am the heaviest I have ever been. I have always been the chubby one...but this is beyond that. I feel like a hypocrite working with my patients and preaching about weight loss, good diet, etc...when it's quite obvious that I do not practice what I preach. I do not want to be diabetic and go into kidney failure. I do not want to lose limbs from the circulation issues that are caused by diabetes. I do not want to be fifty years old and needing a nursing home. I need to start somewhere...and hopefully this is the tool I have been missing. So I purchased a scale for the first time in my life. I have started an official exercise program and I am making some significant lifestyle changes. I want to lose 100 lbs. I am pleased to say that I have 98 more to go. I am tired of being tired. I am too young to be feeling this old. Ready to take the stress off of my deteriorating ankle joints. Ready to enjoy shopping for clothes again. So glad to have found this community! :happy:
  • ehunte
    ehunte Posts: 125 Member
    My daughter's PT found this site and told her about it. My daughter knew I was on a quest to get healthy so she told me about it.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I lost 43 lbs on weight watchers about 4 years ago, but I till still track my food daily. I found the MFP app on my phone, which allows me to track where ever I am. Now I have a lot of MFP friends and love to help them when they ask for it.
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I am pretty new here, my nutritionist suggested the mobile app to keep my food diary, I am on a physician supervised program at this time, eventually having a gastric bypass in the spring, I have found a lot of very good food and exercise tips here. I started exercising about a month ago, and was surprised by how much I like it. I have about 160 lbs to go, and try to workout as much as possible 4-5 times a week, so far I have lost almost the amount of weight the program requires me to lose by April.

    Wow if you keep it up would you consider foregoing the surgery? Good job so far!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What brought me to the point of wanting to lose weight - I gained weight and started feeling fat.

    What brought me to MFP - my daughter wanted me to join and be her friend, then she quit after a couple of weeks
    i am tired of wearing"big shirts" and not wanting to go anywhere because of how i look. last year my sister and i went back to weight watchers{had success the first time around}, i lost 3 lbs in 12 weeks...she gained 3. we both have thyroid conditions, but alot of people do..and lose weight. we were told we should "take a break" and come back in a few months. we never went back. My son told me about this {he has it on his phone!!} and so here i am. I need all of the support I can get!! Do all of you excercise??I cant seem to get motivated again.
  • thompsonkim7
    thompsonkim7 Posts: 1 Member
    Realizing the reason why I didnt like going shopping anymore was because I didnt want to face reality of buying a bigger pants size.
    Congratulations ehunte~~!!!
  • MaggieFit622
    I signed up on this website in order to create a stronger and fitter me. I once struggled with my weight and once I hit my goal weight, I have begun noticing that even though I am of good body weight I still have the ab flab. I was a stop and go exerciser, but for the past three weeks I have kept up with my goal of consistant exercise. I love that I am taking care of myself now by keeping track of what I am eating and exercising in order to be healthier and STRONGER!
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 381 Member
    I think what brought me here one... was I watched a girls youtube and it had this link.. but, I had been trying to get in shape for a couple of years now. I use to be 105lbs, wear whatever I wanted throw anything on and not have to change a million times. Now I am 152lbs, size large in a shirt and I don't even have a pant size because :/ nothing fits comfortable or right. I have a husband, and two babies. I see my husband working out getting in shape and me over here eating candy and icecream... I guess I want it for vanity too. I wanna wear sexy underclothes, lingerie and a bathing suit. :) I just wanna be how I am suppose to be

    Could Always Use Friends... More Support the BETTER :)
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    The phone APP! It's awesome! I love scanning stuff! So was looking for a phone app just to keep myself accountable and then I discovered this whole network of wonderful peeps! I just love this place.
  • jnissi
    jnissi Posts: 45 Member
    A facebook buddy kept going on and on about the site, so I checked it out. I love it! Plus I am about to turn 30 ( Sigh) and I want to be at my pre pregnany weight when I hit that big milestone. ( The vast majority of the women in my family get really big and consequently have serious health issues after the age of 30. So, I am working hard to buck that trend.)
  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 137 Member
    I was married in July, and in September he wanted a divorce b/c he fell in love w/ someone else. In October I was diagnosed w/ stomach cancer, and after the treatments I was put on steroids I gained a lot of weight. I finally got off the steroids and I am in full remission, I was so depresed for so long that I finally decided to take my life in my own hands and get fit and lose the weight. But I learned pretty fast I would need support, and it seems like this site is the answer to all my prayers. :)

    I can always use a friend too!!

    I'm here primarily for health also...If you need a friend, I can be here for you.:flowerforyou:
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    My personal trainer finally convinced me that to lose weight it is essential to track calorie consumption - there is no way you can work it off with exercise if you are eating too much food, even if it is healthy food. Sounds basic, but I've been athletic my whole life and was always able to maintain a fit and healthy weight range until I reached my 40's. It was a paradigm shift that I was finally ready to make.

    I resisted tracking calories for a long time, since I failed previously keeping paper food journals and trying an online site a couple a years ago, but with her recommedation, I signed up for MFP and the tools were easy enough to use to keep me logging and the great support I found in the forums and my MFP pals kept me motivated.

    It's been a wonderful journey to really understand how weighing/measuring portion sizes can have a big impact on your weight and making it a bit of a game to see how you can maximize the volume and nutritional quality of your food to stay within your calorie targets.
  • Skyking1964
    I am pretty new here, my nutritionist suggested the mobile app to keep my food diary, I am on a physician supervised program at this time, eventually having a gastric bypass in the spring, I have found a lot of very good food and exercise tips here. I started exercising about a month ago, and was surprised by how much I like it. I have about 160 lbs to go, and try to workout as much as possible 4-5 times a week, so far I have lost almost the amount of weight the program requires me to lose by April.

    Wow if you keep it up would you consider foregoing the surgery? Good job so far!

    I am trying to lose as much as I can, if the Doc says I don't need then so be it! Just got back from the gym and weighed in today
    at this point I have lost the minimum amount of weight they require (nearly 20lbs) and I still have about 3 more months on the program before surgery, At 10 lbs a month I would still be morbid. I'm just going to keep trying and see what happens.:bigsmile: