Odd Question for the ladies



  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Just an opinion on the not showering right after part... I totally understand where you are coming from OP! Sometimes, I just have to run errands right after the gym. I know that that is often the only way I can get a work out done that day...you should NOT feel bad about what some people have said about it being "gross" that you don't shower afterwards. I personally just baby wipe areas I know I sweat a lot, add some deodorant, and go get my errands done.
  • backstreet1008
    A lot of people mentioned baby wipes, deodorants, and body wash. You should NEVER use these things down there especially if you are prone to infections! The only thing your vagina should be cleaned with is water.

    If you can't shower right away, pat dry with a towel and change your undies.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Those darn nylon shiny girly panties are horrible even when you're not working out or sweating. Go cotton if you can.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    i'll start carrying some babywipes with me to the gym, sometimes i run errands and whatnot afterwards and can't shower for a couple of hours. Thanks for the advice!

    That's gross. Doesn't your gym have a locker room with a shower?

    dang you're REALLY RUDE.

    to the original poster, yes, just change when you're done

    I'm not rude. It's really gross to sit around in sweaty stinky clothes while you run errands for a few hours. That's just a fact. I totally get not wanting a communal shower but not washing as soon as you're done with your workout (at home or otherwise) and letting your stink waft around is really just disgusting.
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    i'll start carrying some babywipes with me to the gym, sometimes i run errands and whatnot afterwards and can't shower for a couple of hours. Thanks for the advice!

    That's gross. Doesn't your gym have a locker room with a shower?

    dang you're REALLY RUDE.

    to the original poster, yes, just change when you're done

    I'm not rude. It's really gross to sit around in sweaty stinky clothes while you run errands for a few hours. That's just a fact. I totally get not wanting a communal shower but not washing as soon as you're done with your workout (at home or otherwise) and letting your stink waft around is really just disgusting.

    That's your opinion and you're welcome to it, but nothing you have said is constructive at all... therefore a waste of time for you to post. You could simply say " I recommend showing afterwards to reduce the chance of a yeast infection" - your additions of "gross and disgusting" are in fact simply your OPINION and I must agree that it was also rude.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    another few tips...if you're using scented feminine hygiene products, don't...they irritate that senitive tissue. Also, if you're wiping back to front, stop that too. It drags that harmful bacteria forward. Lastly, my OBGYN told me to stop douching. You knock out the healthy bacteria and your body tries to over compensate and causes some problems down there. See a Doctor.
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    another few tips...if you're using scented feminine hygiene products, don't...they irritate that senitive tissue. Also, if you're wiping back to front, stop that too. It drags that harmful bacteria forward. Lastly, my OBGYN told me to stop douching. You knock out the healthy bacteria and your body tries to over compensate and causes some problems down there. See a Doctor.

  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    i'll start carrying some babywipes with me to the gym, sometimes i run errands and whatnot afterwards and can't shower for a couple of hours. Thanks for the advice!

    That's gross. Doesn't your gym have a locker room with a shower?

    dang you're REALLY RUDE.

    to the original poster, yes, just change when you're done

    I'm not rude. It's really gross to sit around in sweaty stinky clothes while you run errands for a few hours. That's just a fact. I totally get not wanting a communal shower but not washing as soon as you're done with your workout (at home or otherwise) and letting your stink waft around is really just disgusting.

    That's your opinion and you're welcome to it, but nothing you have said is constructive at all... therefore a waste of time for you to post. You could simply say " I recommend showing afterwards to reduce the chance of a yeast infection" - your additions of "gross and disgusting" are in fact simply your OPINION and I must agree that it was also rude.

    Actually my first post was very constructive. She asked if it could be contributing. It absoloutly can... allowing moisture to collect and congeal in the vagina causes yeast infections. Yeast loves moist, hot places.

    And second, it's not really an opinion. I'm sure many people agree the scent of body odor is pretty ick. To fester in it is just yuck. Makes my skin crawl. I just did a load of my workout clothes and the smell was ewww. Don't tell me you're not sweat stinky after a workout. If you really aren't you're doing it wrong.
  • CalderaGal
    This is not about the YI - it's about showering after workouts. I used to take a long soak in my jacuzzi tub after workouts but I hired a personal trainer last year so I could learn all the latest info, and she said to only take a quick shower after a workout because hot soaks and long showers increase inflammation created when you exercise. Some hard core athletes even jump into a tub of cold water after exercise.

    She also advises drinking a half cup of strong coffee 20 minutes before workouts and a high protein drink within 30 minutes after. Coffee- revs metabolism. Drink - helps build and maintain muscles.

    As for gyms, workout rooms in hotels, etc - she said they are pretty gross places filled with germs, and advised me to wipe down all equipment before and after working out with Chlorox wipes. She also said hand sanitizers and hand sanitizing wipes do not kill some strong bacterias - soap and water is best. I'm lucky to have equipment at home, but I do use workout rooms in hotels quite a bit and I do take precautions as advised.

    She shared a lot of new info with me about all aspects of sports nutrition and working out the right way - there is always new research with findings that can change how to workout, so it was worth the money.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    i'll start carrying some babywipes with me to the gym, sometimes i run errands and whatnot afterwards and can't shower for a couple of hours. Thanks for the advice!

    That's gross. Doesn't your gym have a locker room with a shower?

    dang you're REALLY RUDE.

    to the original poster, yes, just change when you're done

    I'm not rude. It's really gross to sit around in sweaty stinky clothes while you run errands for a few hours. That's just a fact. I totally get not wanting a communal shower but not washing as soon as you're done with your workout (at home or otherwise) and letting your stink waft around is really just disgusting.
    You're being pretty icky yourself with that attitude. Not everybody stinks after a workout - if you do I feel sorry for you. Maybe eat some good foods and then you won't be stinking out of your pores.
    I also don't shower right after the workout. Do you know how dirty those public showers are? Waiting until you're not sweaty and changing into fresh clothes is sufficient until one gets home.

    To the OP: try to cut down on sugar for a while (yeast feed on sugar) and eat plenty of plain yogurt. It should help. Also, when bathing or showering try not to get soapy water all the way up into your vagina. It will get rid of the healthy bacteria that keep the yeast in check. And don't douche.
  • LosingWeight2012
    LosingWeight2012 Posts: 62 Member
    Not everyone sweats a lot. Its no grosser than runners spending hours running down trails! There are no showers on hikes. Just bring some wipes with you if you are really yucky down there. If not, run your errands and go home and shower like you have been. Having stinky underwear for a couple hours will not give you a staph infection. Are these people doctors?! No concept of how our bodies work! Some cheese in your underwear isn't going to kill you. Wear a panty liner, bring a clean pair of unders, wipes and shower asap but yeah....A couple hours is nothing. I know people who work out, dance, hike for hours a day. And believe me, the girl who made the RUDE comment, her S&#T stinks too. Don't give up! It might be a change in your diet causing the yeast infection or just the friction of working out. Depending on what your symptoms are you should remedy it yourself or contact a REAL doctor.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    The lack of personal hygiene on this board disturbs me greatly. :noway: :laugh:
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    i'll start carrying some babywipes with me to the gym, sometimes i run errands and whatnot afterwards and can't shower for a couple of hours. Thanks for the advice!

    That's gross. Doesn't your gym have a locker room with a shower?

    dang you're REALLY RUDE.

    to the original poster, yes, just change when you're done

    I'm not rude. It's really gross to sit around in sweaty stinky clothes while you run errands for a few hours. That's just a fact. I totally get not wanting a communal shower but not washing as soon as you're done with your workout (at home or otherwise) and letting your stink waft around is really just disgusting.

    That's your opinion and you're welcome to it, but nothing you have said is constructive at all... therefore a waste of time for you to post. You could simply say " I recommend showing afterwards to reduce the chance of a yeast infection" - your additions of "gross and disgusting" are in fact simply your OPINION and I must agree that it was also rude.

    Actually my first post was very constructive. She asked if it could be contributing. It absoloutly can... allowing moisture to collect and congeal in the vagina causes yeast infections. Yeast loves moist, hot places.

    And second, it's not really an opinion. I'm sure many people agree the scent of body odor is pretty ick. To fester in it is just yuck. Makes my skin crawl. I just did a load of my workout clothes and the smell was ewww. Don't tell me you're not sweat stinky after a workout. If you really aren't you're doing it wrong.
    I thought the response was tactless and insensitive. There are many reasons for getting yeast infections and I doubt the OP is a dirty person, just a busy person. Sometimes after my workouts (I do mine at home because I am a stay at home Mum) I don't get the chance to shower. I'm lucky enough if I get time to workout. I have what my Australian husband calls a Pommie shower which is soap and water and a top half flannel and a bottom half flannel (washcloth) which both then get tossed in the wash with my workout clothes. Since I have 4 children aged 3 and 4 I would be irresponsible to take something as distracting as a shower when they would then be unsupervised in the house. I do shower straight after my evening workouts when my husband is home.
    OP, until the infection clears up you should avoid sugars as they can irritate further. You can get a pill and cream over the counter, be sure that you are not pregnant if you are going to use the pill. I have had a yeast infection once during pregnancy due to hormone change. Have you recently change your birth control or anything? That can be a cause. Up your vitamin intake and try to change underwear after workouts if you can. Certainly get some big gym knickers,,,,,,,lol! less contact with your bits and therefore less likely to cause infection.
    I hope you feel better soon.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I did see a mention of eating yogurt which I think is always a good thing for the health of your personal flora.... we're all creatures of bacteria but you have to make sure you're keeping a balance. I also take an OTC pill by AZO that's to help keep yeast infections away. I'm prone to getting them around the time of my period because of the whole moisture issue. I'm a fan of cotton undies and frankly as I'm losing weight, they help keep my workout pants from wanting to slide down when I'm on one of those 'in between sizes' phases. Now, I've never personally done this, but I have heard of people applying yogurt directly to the source of the problem. That seems.... um, well not something I would do. I'm a fat chick and I don't like to waste food. It's not unheard of and might be soothing, but a little more strange than I'm willing to attempt. Another thing I had to take stock on was my washing products at bath/shower time. I have a sugar scrub that I would feel compelled to use around my TOM and that added sugar might have helped grow more yeast and make impending or beginnings of a yeast infection worse.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Wearing a pantyliner and changing it is a quick fix when you can't take a shower immediately afterwards. Bonus points if you also change your undies.

    Funny... but I get a UTI just about EVERY TIME I've used a pantyliner. I think I might have an allergy of some kind to the things. Never had a UTI in my LIFE till I picked up pantiliners. Went through about 3 months of non-stop round after round of antibiotics, thinking the liners would HELP the situation. Nope. Not so much! lol

    And I too, go home after the gym to shower @ my place. I know when I've cleaned it last. Do you know what's happened in that shower since it's been cleaned? I'll skip the fungus, plantar's warts, eurine-floor etc. thanks.
  • Allersfera
    wash your private part ;p with drinking water and a few drops of vinegar and apply plain yogurt unsweetened, no flavour, anything. just plain horrible yogurt.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    wash your private part ;p with drinking water and a few drops of vinegar and apply plain yogurt unsweetened, no flavour, anything. just plain horrible yogurt.

    This, but leave out the vinegar. That will further ruin the pH of the area. Applying plain yogurt to a tampon and putting it in for about 15 minutes will help. I've never had a YI but this is something that's been passed down through the generations of women in my family and apparently it works very well. I have tried it topically after having a bad reaction to condoms and it helped a lot.
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    I live about two minutes from the gym, and I usually will go home right afterwards to take a shower. The people in my gym's locker room are kinda weird sometimes. Occasionally I will stop at the grocery store on the way home if I'm not too sweaty. I'm not going to go home just to shower so I can go back out to the store to get a few things. I also find that washing my face after a workout is super important or I will break out easier. Mild soap and water should do the trick "down there", anything else could be irritating and can cause an infection to flare up even easier. And cotton panties are the best because they let the area breathe!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Most days I don't even wear undies...I just have moisture-wicking leggings and stay mostly dry. I'm gonna wash them after every workout anyway, and then I don't have to deal with soggy undies.
  • LosingWeight2012
    LosingWeight2012 Posts: 62 Member
    The inconsideration you have for people disturbs me. Maybe you were picked on a lot or surround yourself with negative people. Regardless it is no okay to talk to people the way you are if you want to come off like you are trying to help. Right now you just look like a negative troll. OCD much? Some people constantly sweat, especially if they have large thighs. Are they supposed to bathe all day? Get a grip. I shower after my work out ( and I don't stink because I use deodorant) luckily I don't sweat a lot, never have. Even when i was running track. Some people flush* Not everyone pours sweat and smells like a dead animal when they finish working. If you were clean in the first place you shouldn't smell that bad from a simple work out. Just sayin' .