How do you say NO to the food at parties?

I know it's self control, but I want to know your inner dialogue. What do you say to yourself in your head? This will be my first Christmad season eating healthy. I am a Huge sweet tooth. I don't say no, and I can't stop when it's in front of me. I come from a very large family, and food is the center of every weekend, but it is huge at Christmas. There will literally be table after table of home made goodness. It won't matter if I'm hungry or not, I will still eat it. I am definitely losing slowly since thanksgiving. I already am snacking on some of the sweets.
I want to get it together!


  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    My plan is when I know there is a party, I will eat really light the rest of the day. Then, at the party, I'll allow myself to eat but keep the amounts smaller than in the past. I have a major sweet tooth, too, so I understand your struggle!
  • Cathleenr
    I know it's self control, but I want to know your inner dialogue. What do you say to yourself in your head? This will be my first Christmad season eating healthy. I am a Huge sweet tooth. I don't say no, and I can't stop when it's in front of me. I come from a very large family, and food is the center of every weekend, but it is huge at Christmas. There will literally be table after table of home made goodness. It won't matter if I'm hungry or not, I will still eat it. I am definitely losing slowly since thanksgiving. I already am snacking on some of the sweets.
    I want to get it together!

    you could always look at all of your available choices at the party: spinach/artichoke dip, chips, fudge, cheese balls, poppers, cookies, m&m's, thin nuts....and whatever else you don;t have on your Menu For Life...and say "One of these will fit into my macros for today...which one do I want?"

    then its a question not of how much of all you eat, but which one. you would be surprised at how much time you can kill making a decision like that...not to mention the thought process you have to go through ranking them and actively thinking about what you are going to eat, instead of just vacuuming it all in and wondering later why you gained 11 pounds in a weekend.

    plus...i tell myself all the time: i don't look this way cause i eat stuff like THAT.

    lol, one of my facebook friends posted: "Made it all the way through Costco and didn't eat a single sample. Where is my award??"
    I wrote back: "look in the mirror. its that part of your *kitten* that didn't get bigger". :)
  • babykanguruh
    "Tomorrow will I be glad I had that plate of dessert or glad I said no?" That said, if it is just one evening, pick on or two of your favorites, have a tiny portion and congratulate yourself!!!!! :drinker:
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    My mantra: "for a moment in my lips for ever in my hips." Knowing how much the extra lbs love my hips, and how much I will have to exercise to stop that "relationship," keeps me away from temptations.

    I don't have a sweet tooth at all, but I do prefer salty appetizers. :ohwell:
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I either go on my free day and binge or send my regrets,

    The notion of not eating while partying is nowhere on the radar. If I go, I eat, so guess what?
    I seldom go to such parties.

    Sometimes I feel like a recovering alcoholic; I just don't fit in. My old friends are very jealous of my progress, and I sort of detest them for continuing in their "grobesity".

    I need new connections out there - people who believe in health and fitness without being a weirdo about it.
  • kristen11joy
    kristen11joy Posts: 114 Member
    Pick your favourite -- calculate the calories mentally (or look em up!) I used to do the same -- graze constantly -- now I activiely think: "is this worth 100 calories (or 500 or whatever)" and if it totally is, then eat it and really enjoy it. If not, hold out for the good stuff...
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Eat before you go......stay as far away from the tables as you can....find something to keep you busy somewhere away from the table..maybe you could carry a camera around and be snapping can't eat and take pictures at the same time.....if your hands are busy you can refuse the food....or maybe set up in some corner with a craft project for the little ones........make something low cal and take it so you have something there you know you can eat..

    I will battle it too...good luck!!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    My inner voice says....hmmm...actually it doesn't talk much anymore. I've gotten to this weird point where I know in my head, heart and soul that I really don't need those extra calories. Not saying I'm perfect, definitely not! I am sure there will be something at our party at work that will catch my eye. If it does I usually do a mental balance scale.
  • missbuterfly
    Well this is my first Christmas of being this small for over 15 years I have 2 amazing outfits (size 0) and I know at Thanksgiving I just kept telling myself that if I eat unhealthy and revisit bad habits I might not fit into an amazing Christmas out fit. So at Christmas my motivation and internal conversation is my New Years Eve out fit! I love the looks of surprise congrats and envy when I go into a social situation now instead of laughter because Im the big chick hovering over the food! I have a big family to and I know my husbands side and alot on mine is waiting for the big explosion when I gain it all back. But Im not gonna cuz I did this the right way WITH ALOT OF WORK!

  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    My way of saying No is to bring my own food. Or if I can't do that I'll just decline anything that's junk and find some other time to eat.
  • angeleyez77
    angeleyez77 Posts: 45 Member
    I think these are all good ideas eat before you go and also I say drink water before you go to parties to fill yourself up. And look at what your choices are and see what you can have and what the healhiest is to have if your gonna have anything at the party right?
  • Ruz456
    Ruz456 Posts: 99
    Im going to be in the same boat as you this year so I am a bit nervous as well, my plan is to pack whatever healthy meals i can for the trip (I travel to Toronto every year for christmas, a 9 hour drive) so I wont pig out at a McDonalds when we stop, I also plan on drinking water constantly throughout the day so when dinnertime rolls around I wont be as hungry, I also I plan on "island eating" basically each food item on your plate stands alone, they dont touch each other just like islands dont touch eachother, this well cut down on the portions you take, also waiting 20 minutes after your first plate, it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to recieve signals from the stomach that its full

    Hopefully some of these tips will help you this Christmas!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    eat before you go! Everytime I think of eating something I know I shouldn't' I ask myself- "Is it worth it" and the answer is always NO! That alone stops me from doing it.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    If it's parties leading up to a big day, I just refuse and tell myself to wait until the big day, and have a small healthier treat when I get home. As far as holidays go, like TG or Christmas, I go off for the day and eat whatever I enjoy. Day after, back on track! My inner thoughts are: Is it worth it? What will I feel like after? Do I really need it? Is there a healthier option?
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    right now i have a pair of awesome red pants that are a size too small, but i desperately want to fit into. i think of the pants every time a craving or temptation comes around.
  • Mybabie
    Mybabie Posts: 239
    Eat in moderation thats what I will be doing. :smile:
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    by saying YES to the booze :tongue:

    Honestly, I just find ways to stay too busy to consume much. I help the host/hostess, snap pictures, talk a lot, etc.
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member

  • re08scue
    re08scue Posts: 71 Member
    I've been making healthy sugar-free treats to take to my folks house at Christmas. Resisting mom's baking will be hard, but having some alterntives will help.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I can't say no. If I don't want to be tempted, I just don't go. :ohwell: