Dear Thinner Me

Dear Thinner Me,

Hi, it’s me, the fatter you. I hope you are well; I hope you are doing better than well! I wanted to ask you - what’s it like climbing a flight of stairs without getting out of breath by the top? I bet it feels good! :) Are you enjoying going into normal clothing stores and being able to find something that not only fits you but looks good too? Does it feel good to walk in the mall and not have people staring at you or giving you dirty looks? I bet that feels great! What’s it like having a lot of energy now? And your feet not hurting if you have to stand up for more than 40 minutes?

Hey, remember how we had that dream, that one night our freshman year? That dream about running? I’ve been thinking about that dream a lot. I remember how we ran and ran. And how we were LAUGHING as we ran, having the breath to not only keep going but to laugh with joy as we ran. I remember how it felt, our legs carrying us forward, mile after mile, with no sign of letting up, no sign of giving out or stopping. We felt so free and alive! Knowing we could go anywhere, knowing our legs would take us anywhere we wanted to go. We could go anywhere, on the power of our own steam. Do you remember waking up from that dream? The joy, the feeling of being free and alive, how it lingered with us …for a moment.

I remember how we almost started crying when we realized it was just a dream. And that we really couldn’t run, not like that, not ever. We’d never in our lives been able to run like that, not even when we where a kid, because we weighed 250 lbs by the time we where in jr high and we got out of breath after running a block. And we certainly could not run like that our freshman year when our 5’4” frame was already carrying over 300 lbs. I think our heart broke a little bit that night, waking up from that dream.

But, Thinner Me, I hope run you now. I hope you are a RUNNER! I hope you run every day - For every day that we can’t! And when you run, I hope you laugh. I hope you laugh for me, for both of us. Because you finally can.

I can’t wait to meet you! I know you’re going to be glorious!



  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    You're an inspiration... *hug*
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I seriously LOVE THIS!!!! <3 I might do this when I reach my goal weight as my thinner to fatter self as motivation.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    Beautiful, girl. Absolutely beautiful<3
  • AriannaTiyen42
    AriannaTiyen42 Posts: 86 Member
    Very good writing :)
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    may I borrow? this, this is amazingly well written, and so true. gosh I'm posting this on my mirror tonight, love it.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    may I borrow?... I'm posting this on my mirror tonight, love it.

    Hahah Sure! :D I'd be honored!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I seriously LOVE THIS!!!! <3 I might do this when I reach my goal weight as my thinner to fatter self as motivation.

    If you do, send me the link! I'd love to see it! :)
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 620 Member
    You are such a gifted are SO good at putting your feelings into words. You make me cry every time I read one of your posts. You are touching SO many people with your words....I think you have no idea. ((((Hugs))))

    I'm so glad to have "met" you here. I look forward to being with you on this are awesome!

  • EbonyK
    EbonyK Posts: 92
    I need to write a letter to the thinner me! Thanks for that!
  • Helinah26
    I love it!i must write that to myself soon.:)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    You are such a gifted are SO good at putting your feelings into words. You make me cry every time I read one of your posts. You are touching SO many people with your words....I think you have no idea. ((((Hugs))))

    I'm so glad to have "met" you here. I look forward to being with you on this are awesome!


    That might be one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me! Thank you, Lori!
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 331 Member
    Fantastic work....inspirational...I'm hitting the gym when I get off work for sure! I don't like the fatter me anymore!