Hey girls,

Sorry I'm just now posting. I'm not feeling so good today. I hope everyone's had a wonderful week!!! Christmas shopping done!! Wedding stuff ...not so done!! My goal this week is to get at least 200 minutes of workout in to prep for all the calories from the Christmas Dinner! What's your goal??

Start challenge weight: 205 lbs
Week 1: 199.4
Week 2: 198
Week 3: 196
Week 4: 196
Week 5: 195.5
Week 6: 195
Week 7: 195


  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    Hope you feel better soon Lisa!

    This week has been crazy, whrill wind kind of week. Emotions running at an all time highs and lows. With a bad phone call about not getting the job I wanted and then in the same day found out my friends sister passed away forwarding to yesterday with good news- reaching my goal of being 2 sizes smaller for trying on dresses and then finding my dress!!! And then Today with my Nephews b-day party at our house.
    With a couple of the great feelings this weekend: 1. Finding my dress 2. being 2 sizes smaller 3. seeing my dad for the 1st time since lossing weight and opening the door to him and him calling me "skinny!!!" Never Have I ever been called skinny and right now far from it but my Dad noticed and it felt good!
    I ordered my dress a size smaller (18) then what I am so that when I lose more weight I can get it altered down to a 14 buy 2-3 weeks before the wedding! So thats my main goal by April is to be size 14! I think I can do it!

    Hope everyone is dealing with the stress through this crazy time of the year! I am so far from being done with shopping for christmas it isn't funny, I've only got Kevin partly done and no one else. YIKES!! only 2 more weeks! Got to get busy!!

    Challenge Started Weight: 289.4 lbs
    Week 1 Weigh in: 289.2 lbs
    Week 2 Weigh in: 287 lbs
    Week 3 Weigh in: 287 lbs
    Week 4 Weigh in: 285 lbs
    Week 5 Weigh in: 284 lbs
    Mini goal: 300 workout mins this week- Met!
    Week 6 Weigh in: 284 lbs
    Week 7 Weigh in: 283 lbs
    Challenge Goal: 275 lbs
  • SW: 185
    Week 1: 184.2
    Week 2: 182.2
    Week 3: 181.6
    Week 4: 181.8
    Week 5: 183.6
    Week 6: 182.2
    Week 7: 181.6

    Ugh. I'm so sick of seeing basically NO MOVEMENT on the freakin' scale.
    I've joined a gym though, so I think it's going to get better, either on the scale or in pants sizes.
  • LiSilvaroli
    LiSilvaroli Posts: 7 Member
    My weekly weigh in!

    Starting Weight: 148
    Week 1: 146.8
    Week 2: 144.2
    Week 3: Forgot to weigh in!
    Week 4: 141.8
    Week 5: 140.6
    Week 6: 138.4
    Week 7: 137.2
    Goal by Jan 1st: 133
  • Lisapokie27
    Lisapokie27 Posts: 34 Member
    Omg!!! I'm glad you guys are so on track!!! 15lbs is definately a challenge in the amount of weeks that we've been working!! I'm so glad so many of you are so close to your goal!!! I think I might shed a tear. :) You guys make me so proud!