5.2-5.3 ft girls on tying to lose 15-20 lbs, success stories

lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
I myself am about 5.2-5.3 and only want to lose 15- 20lbs, i was hoping i could get some success stories for motivation. As so many on here have told me that when trying to lose 20lbs or less it's SUPER hard... what worked for you and what didn't.... maybe i need to open up my horizon a bit since i am new to this losing weight bit and am just learning pretty much everything about loosing weight! thanks


  • MrsJohnston
    MrsJohnston Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in the same spot as you. It's very difficult to do esp since the heavier you are the faster you lose weight, so for those of use not looking to loose as much it's frustrating :(

    I too would love some motivational stories!
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    Rule #1 Cardio lol

    I'm similar in height and I don't want to lose much more if any really...mostly just working on toning. I used to weigh about 145 and am down to about 105-110 depending and when I lost my weight healthily I did lots of elliptical and walking.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Well I joined MFP only wanting lose about 23 pounds. It's been 2 months, and I've lost 14 so far, lost most of them the first month...
    It does get a bit "harder", but it's definitely do-able! I lost my first ten by simply eating better, and keeping withing my alloted calories.
    I walk my dog for 10 minute every morning, and will do some yoga about once a week. haha, I guess I could definitely step it up when it comes to exercise, but anyway, you will definitely lose the weight if you don't overeat :D
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    I'm 5'2 and I am 34. On Nov 1st I weighed 129 and today I weigh 120. I have lost about 9 lbs in six weeks and I went from a size 8 to a size 4. I did the 30 day shred and now I am on week 4 of ripped in 30. I eat about 1200 calories a day and one day a week I eat an extra 500-700 calories. I hope to get down to 115 by the end of January. I am happy to lose 1 lb per week.
  • chubiD
    chubiD Posts: 260
    Hi there!
    I'm 5ft 3in, 26 yo and I've lost 20 lbs... I have ~4lbs more to lose, but I'm not really hurried now - now the numbers I'm focusing on are distance and pace! Soo much more enjoyable, lol.

    It took me a bit longer than 3 months to do this, and I didn't suffer the process. You just need to figure out a plan that works for you and stick to it. Don't make up excuses, but don't be too hard on yourself either.

    Feel free to add me if you want.
  • Im 5ft2 and my pre pregnancy weight was 115lbs (8st3) im 126lbs (8st10) at the moment, started MFP last week and lost 4lbs which is great. I want to get down to 107-110lbs (7st8-7st11) as weight really shows on me, I don't hold it in the best places e.g stomach and thighs! Would love to be more slimline and toned so starting 30DS tomorrow and see how that goes...been looking at the P90x too but starting with gillian michaels and I'm looking forward to losing the rest and getting toned. Need some friends to help along the way so friend me :)
  • smithfive
    smithfive Posts: 42 Member
    I am in the same boat as the rest of you. I am 5'2" wanting to lose 15 lbs-20 lbs. I have had success w/Weight Watchers in past, but not lately and the longer I waited, the more weight I was gaining (I'm 47, and it IS getting harder to lose). Starting to follow via MFP and knowing 1,200 calories is my goal per day if I don't exercise has been really helpful. Somedays I am over, usually not too much under. Since mid-November I have lost 4 lbs so far and am excited to see how this goes. For me, stopping/slowing alcohol intake seems to be making the biggest difference :(
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    thanks everyone, good to hear from all of you! I think it helps a lot when you have people that are in the same height category as you plus age is always a bonus too... I am 35 and i was 128-130 pre pregnancy ( 5 year ago now :( ) and then late summer the weight just creeped up on me FAST! I got up to 140 ( 142 at that time of the month) and it was my last dr appt a day before my "time" i was 142 i knew i HAD to do something. I wasn't feeling good at all about the way i looked and i had no energy ( thyroid is well under control with meds and i get regular B12 shots every 3 weeks)..... so i knew it had to do with my not being " healthy". I did my BMI and i was at my max bmi and weight for my height and age :( that was motivation alone.... So my goal is to get back to 130 and i'll be happy, if i can get to my "happy" weight of 125 i will be stoked but i won't drive myself crazy to get there.... I Started to get healthy on Oct 22 and i have only lost 2-3 lbs since, so i don't know if i 'm doing something wrong or if it will just take a long time for me?> I was doing 5 days of cardio a week 20-25 min on the elliptical and 20-25 on the treadmill or just 45 min on one of the piece s of equipment.... then on dec 4th i started 30ds, i am on day 7 today. I did lose .5 inch off my hips and .5 off my waist, so i hope this is the beginning for me and i will hit my sweet spot by the end of the year? :) It just seems to be so slow moving....
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm 34 and 5' tall. I don't think it's super hard, but in my experience you have to expect a slower loss. For me, a loss of about 1/2 lb per week is achievable and as long as I'm exercising, I don't have to restrict calories too terribly much. Sometimes my losses don't "show" on the scale for long periods of time...but that seems typical for most any height/weight person.

    I try to net about 1400 calories a day for weight loss. So, usually I get to eat about 1600-1700, with the occasional higher cal day! I strength train at least twice a week and have at least two cardio days. I try to get extra activity in wherever I can!
  • I am 5'4" and 150 lbs, I was 167 in highschool which was my highest and lost a lot of weight, and at one point was at 140. I did gain 10 pounds back when my father was very sick and in the hospital for a couple of months and eating hospital food did not help. I workout 3-5 days a week, (bodyrock.com) best workouts ever, and eat pretty well. I do Visalus shakes, 2 a day and have not lost anything. I feel like I am at a plateau and only want to get down to 135 or so, about 15-20 lb loss..but it is just not happening. :( I am a college student so stress is very high for me and sometimes food/drinking get in the way but I in no way binge drink crazy or anything like that. Help! :)
  • Hey there! I'm 25 years old and 5'3". I lost 15 lbs last spring getting ready for my wedding. I didn't really change what I was eating I just changed how much of it I was eating! I had one meal, one time a week that I could splurge and eat whatever I wanted and that was usually Nachos and Beer! I quit drinking on Week Days and only drank in moderation on weekends. I didn't follow any workout program...I just did what worked for me and that was 30 minutes of cardio and then some strength training and that was every day out of the week except Sunday. The best motivation I had was a workout buddy and we did challenges in 6 week increments! We did do challenges for weight loss...we did them for effort. If we didn't miss a workout session in 6 weeks we rewarded ourselves. Unforunately...after the wedding in April I fell off the band wagon and went back to my old drinking habits and almost gained all the weight back...but I'm back on board now! Good luck!
  • What is the 30 day shred program
  • It is a Jillian Michael's workout.
  • mandag9008
    mandag9008 Posts: 182 Member
    im 5'3 in a half. what works best for me is
    1. pre planning my meals. cooking my lunch the night befor!
    2. writing every little bitty thing i eat down, it helps me make better choices
    3. walking on the treadmill everyday for an hr. i use incline of about 9 to 15. it burns alllllotttttttt of calories.
    4. after 9 pm if im hungry i will eat a healthy snack as in yogurt, fruit, or a 100 calorie snack pack
    5. i am going to start the 30ds soon, i want to loose more befor that.

    all this has worked when i started on MFP i was 188. i am now 176. i messed up my weight thing. so it says i lost less. but i lost 12lbs in a month.
    also try zig zaging your calories so that you dont plateau.
  • stephevers1227
    stephevers1227 Posts: 175 Member

    I'm 5' 2", 42 years old, hypothyroid...basically, the deck is stacked against me with weight haha. Using this MFP site has really helped me learn what/how to eat and motivates me to get my exercise every day. If I can lose 17 lbs...anyone can. Us "littles" can do it...it may be more difficult, but we can do it. ;)

  • wreath7
    wreath7 Posts: 104 Member
    Same for me! I'm 5'3" and I seem to only stay within a maintenance weight all the time. I lost quite a bit of weight in the spring when I was able to exercise a lot, but I was too busy to eat much and so it wasn't healthy. I was 106 lbs. Unfortunately, I was put on a medication that made me gain like 30 lbs. in a month.
  • stephevers1227
    stephevers1227 Posts: 175 Member
    im 5'3 in a half. what works best for me is
    1. pre planning my meals. cooking my lunch the night befor!
    2. writing every little bitty thing i eat down, it helps me make better choices
    3. walking on the treadmill everyday for an hr. i use incline of about 9 to 15. it burns alllllotttttttt of calories.

    Ditto on these! I'm only doing incline of 7 or 8 (my treadmill only goes to 10) and I'm burning some really good calories. To keep myself on the treadmill, I rent ER on DVD and watch an episode every day while I walk.
  • mandag9008
    mandag9008 Posts: 182 Member
    im 5'3 in a half. what works best for me is
    1. pre planning my meals. cooking my lunch the night befor!
    2. writing every little bitty thing i eat down, it helps me make better choices
    3. walking on the treadmill everyday for an hr. i use incline of about 9 to 15. it burns alllllotttttttt of calories.

    Ditto on these! I'm only doing incline of 7 or 8 (my treadmill only goes to 10) and I'm burning some really good calories. To keep myself on the treadmill, I rent ER on DVD and watch an episode every day while I walk.

    i loved that show. i like nip tuck
  • stephevers1227
    stephevers1227 Posts: 175 Member
    I tried nip/tuck and couldn't get into it. I'm only on season 5 of ER so I will be good with that for a while...then I'll be looking for something new
  • Hi everyone! I am 5'4 and currently weigh 119, I have been up and down since I started on MFP due to school taking priority and slacking on everything. The highest that my weight has got to is about 140, so losing 20 is very doable. In fact when I began this journey I believed the most that my body should lose was 20 to 25lbs. I know see that it even possible for me to lose another 10, and probably ideal for me to do so.

    My success has mainly been from cardio, however, I have been switching things up lately. One day I will do a long run and the next I will do 30 day shred and Tae Bo or intervals on the treadmill. I have read that changing your workout routine not only keeps you from being bored but also confuses your body so you better results. A little tip on the 30 day shred, I don't follow the level one for X amount of days and then move on. I switch that up too so that I am not hurting my muscles by over working the same tired muscles everyday. I hope this helps and good luck to you. For starting out just find what you are comfortable enough with to stick with it.

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