The most surprising thing I found in my home....



  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    a scary doll's head buried in my front garden! actually, there was no garden there, I was digging up the lawn to put it in. I found it nearly 12" deep!

    Sold it on ebay for $12.50 and won the "ugly item contest" in 2008...
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    oh! Bat in the car once. Had the windows down at a softball game and it flew in. A bunch of us girls loaded in and hit the highway and it started flying through the car. Ive never heard such screaming! Pulled over on the shoulder, doors flung open and we all started running these comical laps around the car screaming our faces off. lol. It flew out on its own accord thank goodness!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I live in Charleston, SC, so we get a LOT of lizards who sometimes sneak in the house. They eat the palmetto bugs, so I'm ok with them, plus they're cute. We've also had a few tree frogs sneak in the house, but they are also cute and eat bad stuff :) The lizards and the frogs I do my best to catch and let out, since the dogs will try to hunt them down!

    Outside we get all sorts of fun stuff. Most recently my husband actually STEPPED ON a snake while wearing flip-flops. Thankfully it didn't bite him but moved slightly to the left, so to speak. He came inside and told me about it, so we went outside to check it out then shooed it into the wetlands. It turned out to be a red-bellied water snake, which are not poisonous and are quite tolerant of people (hence why he didn't get bitten). It was a lesson to be really careful, though, since here in SC we literally have all the poisonous snakes indigenous to the US, and they are far from uncommon in our neighborhood. (In fact, I think we are the only state that has all those species.)

    Here's the link to the snake, and the one we had looked just like the bottom picture. Very cool looking:
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    There is a suprising amount of wildlife around our home. We kind of live in an area kind of between urban and rural. Our development has some large open fields, and there are some wooded areas and water within a mile away. While across the street there are large apartment and condo complexes with no open space. We have had bunnies born under our deck, baby praying mantises running all over our deck, possums, squirrels, and racoons on the deck. We have had deer jump our fence, skunks around our fence and under our shed, baby robins born in our trees, and a pair of doves canoodling outside our glass door. I have opened the front storm door and had frogs hop into the house, and before we fixed the seal under the front door and put up the storm door we would occasionally get earth worms and slugs oozing into the house. Of course there are always bugs and spiders.
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    I had a family of cats come into our backyard then I let my dogs outside and chased them away :laugh: . However the most the random thing I saw which happened at my relative's house was 2-3 white rabbits going around their backyard. At first I was like "whaatt?" Then they told me it was the neighbor's rabbit and it comes in daytime and comes back "home" a night

  • keiracarbonara
    a cat gave birth to 5 kittens in my closet. had to wash all my clothes 4 times. :laugh:
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    We have rats in the walls in this house. But the oddest was the huge pile of porn we found when we moved into our first house. The one we had bought from a sweet little old lady!:noway:
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    A whole beehive was in my basement when I first moved in. My husband and I "claimed" our space that night. It was a massacre.