


  • bshedwick
    bshedwick Posts: 659 Member
    I drink around 2 cups a day. Always Splenda. And I alternate between skim milk and sugar free Coffeemate. I love my Keurig machine. So glad I have one at home and one at work.

    As far as weight loss, as long as you aren't regularly drink the sugar bombs that certain places serve, I think you are good.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    yes, coffee is fine, it's what you put in it that is not. I drink mine straight. I also use a french press and grind my own coffee. This makes it so I don't need cream or sugar.

    Exactly what I do. I even have a baby single-serving French press at work. :)
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I also use a French press. I love it. I've finally gotten where I can make it consistently good and it's so much richer than a regular coffee maker. Lately I've been using 8 o'clock hazelnut and I grind it fresh every morning. Just takes seconds and it's so worth it to me. I add about 1 Tbsp of half & half to an 8 oz cup.
  • stephevers1227
    stephevers1227 Posts: 175 Member
    I have 2-3 cups of coffee with splenda and non-fat skim milk. My students say they don't want to have a day where I don't have coffee. (not sure how they'd know this since they've NEVER seen me without coffee) I get the french vanilla flavored beans.
  • Magician07
    Coffee? Is that really even a question that's allowed? Shouldn't that be against the TOS or something?

    Gotta have my coffee...
  • russeljames
    russeljames Posts: 103 Member
    Yes..... Watch the cream and it's a diuretic soooo drink plenty of water but it's essential to my day and workouts
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    I have two in the morning (usually instant with a bit of skim milk) then switch to decaf instant.

    I find hot drinks help bulk out snacks, make me feel more satisfied and often work instead of dessert after dinner.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Since I'm drinking a mugful as I type (one handed), I'm going to say yes. Or maybe even YAY for coffee! (But that will have to wait until it hits my bloodstream I think.)
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    No, too much caffeine, and I don't like being addicted to some drug.
    I am on green tea and like that better. Weaning off is a process.
  • vizamy
    vizamy Posts: 60 Member
    Love my coffee. I don't have lots. I do roast and grind my own beans and make my own espresso. I usually make it as something like a piccolo latte with semi skim, about 50 cals a cup. Max two a day.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I'm not a fan of coffee but I sure suck down a lot of tea throughout the day. so kind of the same. I never would've thought sitting at a desk all day could make me so tired. Can't wait to get out on a job, I never have energy problems when I'm out in the field.
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    Coffee is an appetite suppressant - I have found it helps me eat less
    How many calories will just depend on what you add to it.. there aren't any calories in a shot of espresso, but add full cream milk and you're looking at over 100 calories. Add skim milk and maybe slightly less than 100. These days coffees get all sorts of things added, caramel/chocolate/cream etc can add more and more calories. Some coffees are now over 300 calories!
    How much milk are you adding to get that many calories??

    There are 83 calories per cup of skim milk, 146 per cup of whole milk. So they're adding a lot or drinking ten cups of coffee with two tablespoons skim milk per cup to get to 100.

    That said...anything other than regular coffee or straight espresso at a Caribou or Starbucks is lethal. A small hot chocolate at Caribou, skim no whip, is 270 calories (the "lite" version is 170).

    If you drink espresso based coffee (not drip filter / brewed / French press) then the majority of the drink is milk and the caloric values given by the above poster are roughly accurate per cup.
  • KariePerez
    The coffee is ok it actually will help give you more energy to burn more calories. But NO SUGAR. I use Truvia and love it to me there is no difference as far as taste is concerned. I do still use creamer but I try to get the sugar free one. I heard on the biggest loser that by cutting out the sugar and creamer you put in you coffee you would lose 10lbs. in a year just from cutting that out.
  • Nos150
    Nos150 Posts: 150
    I have home made coffee at 4 calories and ~ 1 tbs of fat free international delights creamer at 80 calories.

    If I am tired or have slow in the head day then I will not make the right food choices. 84 cals a cup is a lot better then stuffing my face because I am tired.
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    Coffee is one of my biggest addictions! Mostly because I am addicted to Coffemate Sweet Italian Cream creamer... Hey at least I don't still add sugar on top of that.... but I suspect I am adding more creamer to offset that! :tongue: I once calculated that if I gave up my coffee, I would save $50 a month and 3500 calories a week - that is one pound right there I would probably lose! It kills me right now when I log my food to start my day with that ginormous calorie jolt from the creamer. I think major coffee cutback will be in order for 1/1... I know Bob Harper says YES to coffee, for the caffeine/energy boost, but I am quite sure he is not loading it with sugar and creamer!!
  • camillehardeman
    I love coffee! I always put a splash of fat free hazlenut coffeemate and sometimes half a packet of nestle fat free hot coco (20 calories for the whole thing) when I want something chocolate-y. I'm not too big on mochas or lattes and I am totally disgusted by the blended drinks I have to serve people on a daily basis (I'm a barista at Starbucks). THAT'S NOT EVEN COFFEE IT'S ALL SUGAR AND FAT AHHH WHY EVEN.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Coffee is an appetite suppressant - I have found it helps me eat less
    How many calories will just depend on what you add to it.. there aren't any calories in a shot of espresso, but add full cream milk and you're looking at over 100 calories. Add skim milk and maybe slightly less than 100. These days coffees get all sorts of things added, caramel/chocolate/cream etc can add more and more calories. Some coffees are now over 300 calories!
    How much milk are you adding to get that many calories??

    Usually a small/regular coffee from Starbucks/Gloria Jeans or the local cafe will have 1 - 1.5 cups of milk in it. I think the best way to calculate how many calories are in coffees like that is to work out how much milk and then look up the calorie content of the milk. I once had the barrista at my local cafe measure out exactly how much milk he was putting in his coffees (by pouring it into a cup and pouring it back into the coffee) so that I could work out how many calories they were :P
  • petkova
    Coffee is a good diuretic. It actually cleans toxins in your body if you drink just coffee, no sugar or cream or milk. You can try espresso, it has more flavor to it... i love love love it :love:
  • butterflimom
    Oh I am a coffee addict, lol. It was hard to get used to not using sugars and creamers, but over the past year I have. I use truvia and unsweetened almond milk instead and drink about 6 cups a day :)
  • swatts7622
    swatts7622 Posts: 85 Member
    I have cut back to 2 cups, i put a table spoon of Baily's (non alcoholic) creamer in there. i tried giving it up a few days and my husband insisted I have my coffee haha! So i just do a morning work out to work it off, Id rather burn the calories off vs. cutting them out.