Need serious help please.



  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    I ONLY lost 4 lbs last month, BUT, more important than that is....I LOST 4 1/2 inches, 2 off my waist, 1 off my chest, 1 off my hips and 1/2 off my left thigh. To me that's MORE immprtant than the weight loss.

  • You need to eat more.
  • Janetlvb
    Janetlvb Posts: 9 Member
    Keep going. The only things that can defeat you are your self defeating thoughts-if you let them. If you take in fewer calories than you burn it is inevitable that the weight will come off. Focus on the process and the results will follow. You may want to try increasing your activity if that's an option and like others have said be sure to eat enough calories. Oh and congratulations on your success to date.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Give MFP a chance. Follow the guidelines for calories, and allow yourself to eat different things that fall within the calorie and carb/fat/protein goals that they suggest. I guarantee that you will be happier, more satiated, with more energy and you will be able to stick to it.

    Forget this mentality...
    I have been on a serious diet for about four weeks.
    If you want to get past "dieting" and make a long-lasting change, use the guidelines that MFP provides. Make a lifestyle change, fostering healthy habits including eating enough calories each day.
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    add 4theking.

    read his thread comments. follow his instructions.

    in for the win.
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    Many of the responses here:


    Doubtful that you will be gaining muscle with a crazy deficit like that
    And fat does not convert into muscle :P

    You need to eat more

  • MJHdG
    MJHdG Posts: 23 Member
    Hey You Are Doing The Right Thing!!! don't let the scale full you! there are skinny people who have no muscle and are not healthy.
    I started MFP because I was not loosing even though I was working out hard, turns out I was eating too little.
    MFP gives you a number that is right for you and then tracks your net calories.(food - excercise). if your net falls below 1000cal there is no way you are going to have enough energy for basic healthy things like growing shinny hair and breathing.
    Your body will go into starvation mode and will release hormons and cortisol designed to protect your life. The side effect is a low metabolism, so slow that every calorie goes for minimal survival or storage.

    If you eat enough your body stops over protecting your food source and you will have a faster metabolism that will burn through food like a hot engine= healthy=high energy=easier time reaching a healthy natural body weight = happy you!!!!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I have been on a serious diet for about four weeks. 1500 calories or less tracked right here on I am six feet and weigh about 303. I was at 315, went down to 303 and have been hovering there ever since. I am working out, lifting weights (only upper body as I am in a wheelchair). I have cut out all diet sodas, sugars, most carbs but I cannot seem to lose any more.

    Thing is, my clothes are lose and people say they can see a definite loss in my face, stomach and elsewhere. Why then is the scale not budging?

    I have been religiously dedicated to this diet. I east two poached eggs, protein bread, tuna fish, chicken breast and vegetables ONLY. I can't believe I am not dropping more.

    Can anyone PLEASE help???

    I'm 5'3" and I get 1350 calories/day plus my exercise calories...I think you're almost certainly undereating. Would you be willing to share your food diary here? i'm curious how often "or under" happens....

    ALSO...even at the beginning of a program, you can have a plateau, especially if you drop a bunch of weight right away. I don't think you should be so concerned at encouraged. You're making a positive change and you cannot control the scale every day, or even every week or every month. Keep going and you will get your results!
  • bgp6
    bgp6 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree, I think people put too much emphasis on numbers! Your clothes don't lie. You can tell the difference in the way they fit for sure! :)
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    It's only been four weeks lol. Give it some time!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Look at other people's diary's for ideas of foods to eat.

    This has helped me to improve and expand my diary selections. Good Luck and don't give up!!! Slow weight loss will help maintain the loss, rather than gain it back. Learn to eat healthy fun good food that you enjoy! This is your life.. Enjoy it!
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    :angry: MUSCLE DOES NOT WEIGH MORE THAN FAT:angry: A POUND IS A POUND:angry: It's true that a pound of muscle is smaller tha a pound of fat, but THEY WEIGH THE SAME!!!!
  • It sounds like you have converted fat to muscle and muscle weighs more.
    It is impossible to convert fat to muscle. And muscle doesn't weigh more - it is DENSER than fat.
  • :angry: MUSCLE DOES NOT WEIGH MORE THAN FAT:angry: A POUND IS A POUND:angry: It's true that a pound of muscle is smaller tha a pound of fat, but THEY WEIGH THE SAME!!!!

    We all know that a pound is a pound. That is kind of obvious :P
    What weighs more cotton swabs or my anatomy books? OMG EVERYTHING WEIGHS THE SAME RAGERAGERAGE
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    obviously not everyone knows some of the responses
  • I tried xD I was making the same face as Clint Eastwood ^^^ lmao

    ETA: by the way im just giving you a hard time xD haha
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    you're doing great! keep at it and don't stress so much on your expectation on the scale (i know, much easier said than done) others have said results will show up in different ways and you're already seeing that in a leaner body and more muscle....keep up the weight lifting and if anything, along the way when you are more comfortable maybe add in some spike days (days with more calories) or up everyday calories a little to continue fueling the metabolism sound right on target!! So great!
  • It sounds like you have converted fat to muscle and muscle weighs more.

    Don't think muscle weighs more then fat, but it sounds very much like you have lost fat and gained msucle, thus the scales haven't budged as much as you would like them to. But don't worry about that...don't go by your scale...go by how you look and feel. And make sure you are eating the calorie recommendation given to you by MFP.

    You'll get there! And a slow weight loss is more likley to stay with you in the long term. :-)
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    It sounds like you have converted fat to muscle and muscle weighs more.

    My opinion exactly.

  • I came up with 1500 on my own.