1200 or 1650...I'm a little confused.

I've seen people post on the message board about eating 1200 calories a day, making it their maximum. I understand how easily that makes weight come off, and I'm considering trying it. However, I am a very big girl. I just started back on MyFitnessPal on November 26th of this year (when I was medically cleared to exercise after my pregnancy). Since then, I've lost 9 lbs, as of yesterday weighing in at 286. That's down from 295. To save calculation that's 9 lbs in 11 days shy of a month, and I'll have one more weigh in (weigh in on Mondays, and I started on a Saturday) before the month is up.

I hear people being excited for losing 7-8 lbs a month, 10 if they're lucky. And I'm watching those numbers slide past my scale with ease. Should I leave well enough alone and just stick with my 1650 calorie max or could I drop it down to 1200 and get even better results? I'm afraid that I won't be able to fill up on 1200 calories as well as I can 1650. Plus, I've read some of the MFP blogs and have noticed that when calories were lessened, some people lost less weight than with more calories.

Bottom line: Would dropping my calorie intake to 1200 hurt or help?


  • hockeymom95
    hockeymom95 Posts: 157 Member
    Your calories will drop as your weight drops. I would continue the way you are going. It sounds like it is working for you. Sometimes you need more calories. With my weight, 1200 calories is my goal base on MFP. But for me that doesn't work, I increased mine to 1350 and my body likes this much better.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You are doing great just were you are. You are right to stick with the higher calorie because you have a lot to lose. You will probably get to a point where you stop losing, then you can drop your calories at that time.
  • willidewbaby
    willidewbaby Posts: 26 Member
    I am pretty sure 1200 calories would not be enough for you right now. You need to figure in if you are exercising, and if you are breastfeeding. If you go to low in calories your body goes into starvation mode and you will have a harder time loosing weight. I am a nurse and this is the info we give all of our new moms.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If the 1650 is working, stick with it.

    Too many people go right to the absolute minimum recommended amount of 1200 because they think eating less will work better. For some, it is the right amount. For many, eating a little bit more would be ideal, but they're too afraid to try it.

    I'm personally of the opinion that it's better to eat as much as you can to get results rather than the least amount you can eat without causing damage. When you reach your goal and go on maintenance, you want to be able to have a healthy relationship with food and eat normal portions, not be forced to eat as if dieting for the rest of your life just to maintain your weight. Eating a little bit more preserves your metabolism and your lean body mass.

    See this thread for more info: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/395881-people-who-lost-weight-eating-more
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    1,200 calories is the bare minimum that your body needs to get through the day....and that's if you're sitting still all day doing nothing. Any less and you're in danger of falling into starvation mode.
    I did what you're considering a few months ago, before I knew better. I stalled and stopped losing weight.
    As soon as I upped my calories to 1,400 I started losing weight again. It's only about a pound a week, but at least it's going in the right direction.
    If MFP has advised you to consume 1,650 calories, I'd stick with that, See how it goes for a while.
    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    It's recommended to lose weight in a healthy way, you should not lose more than 2lbs a week - (most months that would be 8lbs - though if your larger, this can be more even with a higher caloric intake), I'd say keep where your at. You're doing fine!

    I always completely fail at 1200, I get entirely too hungry. I'm at 1460 right now, and am doing quite well with it.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I would leave well enough alone, it sounds like you are doing very well! You don't want to not eat enough and put your body into starvation mode! I think as far as how much each person loses a month varies due to a lot of different reasons (starting weight, calories consumed, exercise, etc). Good luck on your journey!
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Sometimes people drop their calories too LOW; 1200 is bordering on that. Eating 1200 a day, yes, you will drop weight initially, but you eventually hit a plateau. Many people break the plateau by UPPING their calories. I'm losing better eating 1600 than I was eating 1200. At too low a calorie intake, your body starts storing fat instead of letting it go (some call this starvation mode, which is really a misnomer). If you are working out and being active, you have to fuel your body.

    Keep in mind, too, that doctors and MFP all suggest losing 1-2 pounds a week (it will be less and less the closer you get to goal), so an 8-10 pound per month loss is perfect. Faster loss means you are more likely to gain it back later. Focus on eating healthy foods and working out, and the weight will gradually come off.

    Good luck!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I've seen people post on the message board about eating 1200 calories a day, making it their maximum. I understand how easily that makes weight come off, and I'm considering trying it. However, I am a very big girl. I just started back on MyFitnessPal on November 26th of this year (when I was medically cleared to exercise after my pregnancy). Since then, I've lost 9 lbs, as of yesterday weighing in at 286. That's down from 295. To save calculation that's 9 lbs in 11 days shy of a month, and I'll have one more weigh in (weigh in on Mondays, and I started on a Saturday) before the month is up.

    I hear people being excited for losing 7-8 lbs a month, 10 if they're lucky. And I'm watching those numbers slide past my scale with ease. Should I leave well enough alone and just stick with my 1650 calorie max or could I drop it down to 1200 and get even better results? I'm afraid that I won't be able to fill up on 1200 calories as well as I can 1650. Plus, I've read some of the MFP blogs and have noticed that when calories were lessened, some people lost less weight than with more calories.

    Bottom line: Would dropping my calorie intake to 1200 hurt or help?

    step it down and 1200 is way too low for the majority of people on here.
    Id say start with 1600 for 2 weeks and eat 1g of protein per lean body mass and .45-.60g of Fat per lean body mass. Carbs will make up the rest of your calories. If you suddenly drop to 1200 you could bring on other health issues.
    Chances are you arent just sitting around on the couch all day so 1600 should fall well below TDEE.
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    I would stay at the 1650 for the time being if that's what MFP set you at. You should still aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week because it makes it easier to keep the weight off when you lose slowly and consistently rather than in big chunks. That being said, you lose more in the beginning and you lose it quicker. And because you have a bit to lose, you may lose faster than 1-2 pounds per week with the 1650 because it's a pretty big deficiency.
  • BrowneJen
    BrowneJen Posts: 42 Member
    If its not broke...don't fix it!! It's awful being hungry and I think you would be on only 1200 calories. Plus your metabolism will slow down and you might stop losing all together! Slow and steady is the winner! Jen:happy:
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    If it's not broke don't fix it. Also where did 1650 come from, did you set it to 2lbs a week and MFP pop out 1650? If it did you DO NOT need to lower it. I am a lot smaller than you and I am set on 1500 a day and I still lose 1lb a week. Since you a bigger you eating a comperable amount should lead to higher weight loss, perhaps 2lbs a week. It sounds like you are doing great. I don't see why if you are making good progress you would risk lowering your calories.

    *on a personal note, I also found that when I set my calories lower than they are now, I would get super hungry and binge. I decided I would rather have a calorie count I could handle, and make me feel like I am able to live my life.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i agree about 1200 being too low for you. this is more for people who dont' have much to lose or are extremely tiny (like 5 feet tall 110 lb)... you probably need the 1650 if that is what mfp recommends. larger people actually do have higher metabolisms despite what you may have been told. you adjust it down as you lose weight. you can do it! if you don't feed your body you will stall out and hit a plateau. a lot of us have tried 1200 and that is what happens to us. the weight will come off quick with 1200 at first and then you stall out for months.
  • kraz4fun
    kraz4fun Posts: 31 Member
    I'd definitely stick with the 1650 as long as it's working. Once you reach your plateau if MFP hasn't adjusted your calories for your weight loss, start by dropping 50-75 calories a day for a week and work down until you start getting results again. You said you just got released for exercise from your pregnancy so I wonder if you are breast feeding? If you are, you might want to ask your doctor how to adjust your calories. I think they typically recommend 400 extra calories a day if you are also supporting a baby otherwise stick with what works right now. It will make long term change much easier and more likely you will stick with it :)
  • jenslife82
    i learned the hard way about starvation mode. i was 282, lightly-moderately active eating between 800-1000 calories a day. (confirmed by my doctor) so i was tired all the time and mental clarity was extremely difficult. we increased calories and made my diet more consistant and i have lost close to 15lbs in a month or so. i knew from past diets that eating all day in small/reasonable portions that is the only way my body will drop the pounds. now its becoming a life change and im listening to my body. i feel amazing and the hype of losing weight isnt wearing off. im so excited to be losing weight and feel like im eating more :) if your body needs 1600+calories a day (which it sounds like it does since your losing) keep doing what your doing! make smart choices and pay attention to when your hungry and which foods satisfy u better than others :) keep up the good work! btw, great prof pic!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Once you reach your plateau if MFP hasn't adjusted your calories for your weight loss, start by dropping 50-75 calories a day for a week and work down until you start getting results again.

    Dropping calories tends to put the metabolism in a slower state.
    Studies show that eating more and eating healthier foods will boost metabolism thus breaking a plateau.
    And after you have a boosted metabolism you could effectively eat more to lose more weight to an extent.
    Then we get into body recomposition where true dieting starts to get fun!
    Thats where you effectively trade fat for muscle.
    But we can talk about that when you hit the 18%-25% body fat.
    Add me for support.
  • kamhap2003
    You make a good point here! Listen to your body!
  • imkevin
    imkevin Posts: 7 Member
    MFP has me at 1296 calories per day to lose 2 lbs a week, however I eat about 1500 per day on the days I exercise. My rest days, which are only one per week I try to only consume about 1200 calories. So far I've lost about 8 pounds in two weeks. Some days I feel real hungry, but most days I have to remind myself to eat. I think its the extreme exercises I've been doing.

    On my exercise days I burn anywhere from 400 - 500 per day doing the Supreme 90 Day DVDs. I love these DVDs, cheap and they keep my interest up. I hate doing boring exercises everyday.
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    If its not broke...don't fix it!! It's awful being hungry and I think you would be on only 1200 calories. Plus your metabolism will slow down and you might stop losing all together! Slow and steady is the winner! Jen:happy:

    What she said !
  • withoutaname
    withoutaname Posts: 64 Member
    I started off with a higher calorie goal because I weighed more (It would have been roughly 1400+). The loss was happening when I was still eating that much and exercising.
    Since then, I had lost roughly 8 kilos (18 pounds) and have been changing my goals every time I lost about a kilo or so, and my calorie goal would decrease.
    Bit by bit I made my goal smaller, and now I'm very comfortable with having a 1200 daily goal.

    So yes, do stick to 1650 for now, and once your weight starts going down, remember to change your calorie goal. It will only go down by a little bit so it will be easy to manage like before.
    I personally think jumping straight to 1200 is very difficult! Do it gradually.