I have my good days, then there's the bad....

I have consistently logged all my food every day for almost 60 days. I typically allow myself one day a week to eat what I want. I try very hard to eat just small potions of those foods (Pizza, pasta, ect) But it seems once I have taken a bite of that pizza/pasta...I have ruined my whole day and I crave the things I have gone a week without. I think, "I have already ruined my day...why not buy that Kit-Kat and Rootbeer!" It usually happens on the weekends, when I am out and about. Pasta eating out with friends, fruity alcoholic beverage to go with, or just grocery shopping and grab a candy bar at the check. I have gotten very good at not buying bulk junk foods, (I have a tendency to binge if I have them...) but I will allow myself to grab one candy bar every once in awhile. I need someone at the check out to smack me, or I end up in a downward spiral for a day or two before I kick myself back into gear.

Ugh. If I cave, and allow myself a "Cheat" day, I end up going wayyy overboard! Does anyone else have this problem? Any advice to keep from doing this?


  • bballmom20
    I have the EXACT problem. I hear I shouldn't deprive myself but I've found once I start with a treat for the day I go way overboard. Looking forward to response here.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Don't think of that 1 day a week to go crazy, but rather think of it as a 'calorie relaxed' day. Try to stick close to what you normally consume, but allow a special treat. The key there is A special treat, not 24 hours of special treats. One drink or one dessert or one candy bar.

    And make sure you sit down and savor it. If you rush thru it or eat it on the run, it won't mean as much.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I dont deny myself treats on any day if I really want them. I have cut down a LOT, but if I fancy a bit of chocolate, or pasta with pesto for dinner, I'll just plan a way to work it in there.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Don't think of that 1 day a week to go crazy, but rather think of it as a 'calorie relaxed' day. Try to stick close to what you normally consume, but allow a special treat. The key there is A special treat, not 24 hours of special treats. One drink or one dessert or one candy bar.

    And make sure you sit down and savor it. If you rush thru it or eat it on the run, it won't mean as much.

    This. I try to plan out a treat meal, still within my calorie goals, but maybe I'll allow myself to have pasta or cheese, something that I try not to eat during the week.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    sooo many of us struggle with this!! i try and give myself a NON food reward. i get consumed with food food food food even if its just going shopping or ice skating with the kids its better then "rewarding" myself with food i think..
  • GirlAnachronismE
    GirlAnachronismE Posts: 97 Member
    I eat what I want, I just give myslf less of it! I say, if you want pizza have a slice, don't just leave it to one day a week, or you're giving yourself permission to go wild. If you eat pizza for lunch, you have less for dinner and vice versa.
    I also find it helps to plan and log my food for they day, that way I don't go over. You could do that for a cheat day?
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Yes I have that problem sometimes. But the key for me is to take responsibility for what I eat, log it, and I think that really helps me eat less than I would if I did not log. I was stuck around 162-164 for a long time because I would log most days, but have a crazy day when I ate who knows how many calories, and I was just really maintaining because I ate all my deficit from the week in one day! So holding myself accountable for EVERYTHING I eat has really helped, no matter how bad it is. I've been doing that for a couple months and I now weigh 157! Doesn't seem like much by my goal weight is 155. Remember, it's OK to splurge, I often have a candybar, as long as I put it in and don't go over, I don't feel guilty about it :)
  • kristina815
    I have that problem too. It helps to try to think of food as fuel rather than something you really want but are deprived of.... I always try to refocus myself when I want to cave by saying "one won't kill me, but anymore than that is unnecessary." You wouldn't overfill the gas tank of your car, would you? And if you had a really nice expensive car, i'm sure you would fill it with the gas that makes it run its best. That's how you have to look at your body!
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I allow myself the typical weekly "free day", but once every month....:devil:

    I BINGE!
    All Day -- LOVE IT!

    And when it's complete, I am so sick of food that I'm good for another month.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    If you are allowing yourself the free day, why are you getting upset? You haven't "ruined" anything. It's free.

    Enjoy your free day. One day is not going to reverse your progress.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I dont deny myself treats on any day if I really want them. I have cut down a LOT, but if I fancy a bit of chocolate, or pasta with pesto for dinner, I'll just plan a way to work it in there.

    this is how I do it as well. If I want it I generally go ahead and eat it but sometimes if I log in what the calorie portion would be that generally stops me dead in my tracks.
  • ChristopherFiss
    ChristopherFiss Posts: 16 Member
    The hard part is dealing with the blood sugar spike. Here's a handy little write up on why a chocolate bar will kick your butt. :)


    Over the last year or so I've tried very strict dieting with 1 day 'crazy', and it is nothing but pain and frustration. It's far better to have small 'cheats' that help satisfy the urge but don't necessarily destroy the blood sugar level balance you have during a normal eating schedule. It's going to be better for you and easier to recover from a little treat or two a day than one day of anything-goes, especially since you can experiment with what times of day are best, what snacks or treats make less of an impact, and so on without the effects of each food item drown out by a binge.
  • fragilestrength
    What I found works for me is to allow myself little treats throughout the week. That way one 'cheat' meal won't be the catalyst to a 'cheat' day...because the little treats are the norm!

    I have a small piece of chocolate almost daily. Bite-size piece, at the end of the day. 50-90 cals. It's become it's own little luxury, and keeps me in check :)
  • bmjohnso9192
    Ok, thanks all! This gives me some good ideas! I think I will try this....
    -Instead of buying a whole pizza, maybe I can get the by the slice stuff at the grocery store.
    -Buy treats in small packages, and allow myself only one if my calorie budget allows.
    -Shake it off when I screw up. One "Cheat" Meal does not have to equal a cheat day! There is no sense in making it worse!